He had used some means to get Igarashi to come. Mikado Ryoko knew this clearly. However, now that Igarashi looked cooperative, Mikado Ryoko was startled. Is this guy so easy to talk to? I didn't see the alien being so kind when I faced him just now.


After several needles failed to penetrate Igarashi's skin and all of them broke, Ryoko Mikado took a deep breath and showed a somewhat broken smile.

Igarashi, please relax.

I'm very relaxed.

Igarashi argued innocently, as if to prove that he was indeed relaxed, he simply lay down next to the hospital bed and stretched out his hand lazily, signaling Mikado Ryoko to continue working hard. He looked a little complacent before. The proud Royal Sister now looks depressed, which is really a great pleasure.

Is it comfortable?

Igarashi, who had half-closed his eyes, heard Mikado Ryoko's tone suddenly become very gentle. He opened his eyes strangely, but he saw Mikado Ryoko standing very close to him. She was not wearing her clothes now. Instead of wearing a white coat, she wore a pink top with white lace. Compared to her previous seriousness, Ryoko Mikado now showed the charm of a woman. Igarashi could even smell the faint scent of her body. Fresh fragrance.

After seeing that the blood draw was unsuccessful, do you want to tempt yourself to have a nosebleed now? Innocent, I am not a child.

Igarashi curled his lips. Mikado Ryoko doesn't have much interaction with him now, so he won't really give him any benefits. Igarashi doesn't plan to continue to waste time. He was called out by his class teacher on the grounds of physical health. Let Lala and Haruna in the classroom worry.

My blood has no special effects, so don't think about it.

In fact, it is effective. It makes people who have strong hostility towards Igarashi die suddenly, and allows people who have strong goodwill towards Igarashi to break through their shackles. However, it only strengthens their response to the beings in between. The effects of Igarashi's goodwill, and besides, these effects also come from the laws. Igarashi does not think that Ryoko Mikado can understand the mysteries of the laws.

Just a little, I helped you. If you have anything to do in the future, you can directly tell the teacher that you want to come to the health room. There are many people who want to pursue Lala and become the heir to the throne of Debi Luke. Do you think that after that? Can you still attend class so peacefully?”

Mikado Ryoko, who originally had a charming smile, discovered that Igarashi not only did not have a nosebleed, but was extremely calm, she also knew that he was not so easily tempted, and Mikado Ryoko, who did not intend to do more, began to play the emotional card.

Igarashi felt that what Mikado Ryoko said made sense. After pondering for a while, Igarashi skillfully forced out a few drops of blood and put them in the test tube.

Research whatever you want.

It seems that you have many tricks up your sleeve, the future King of Debbie Luke.

Squeezing out blood out of thin air without using any equipment, Mikado Ryoko looked at the strange test tube suspended in the air and the blood exuding an extraordinary aura. After her wish came true, she slightly praised Igarashi.

Putting on gloves and a mask, Mikado Ryoko couldn't wait to operate a sophisticated instrument in front of Igarashi.

Looking at the various indicators displayed on the instrument, Igarashi was a little curious. He also wanted to see what Ryoko Mikado was doing. However, he seemed to be unable to understand it. Igarashi discovered his blind spot. Alien technology was really surprising. I have a headache, forget it, go back to the classroom.

The surging vitality and terrifying cell strength seemed to have some special power. Mikado Ryoko looked at the various items on the instrument, and her heart was ups and downs. Now, she finally had an understanding of Igarashi's physical strength. Thinking of When she tried to pierce Igarashi's skin with an ordinary syringe, Ryoko Mikado felt a little helpless. That guy must have been waiting to see his joke.

With such terrifying blood, Igarashi's own combat power should have reached an incredible level.

Ryoko Mikado looked at the various values ​​​​that had already exceeded the limit that the instrument could display. She was somewhat thankful that her reckless behavior just now did not anger Igarashi. Even if the health room was modified by herself, it could not withstand Igarashi's attack. .

With her perfect appearance, transcendent temperament, and combat power that few rivals have in the entire universe, Lala has a good eye. However, she is a little unwilling to give up to Lala like this. It seems that she still has There is Haruna Seirianji, hehe, he is obviously from Earth, but he still practices polygamy according to Debbie Luke.

Chapter 306 Memorusi Planet

Doctor Yumon, please make me a real man!

Looking at the white-haired boy in front of her, Mikado Ryoko didn't think wrong about what he meant.

People from Memorusi? Why are you so anxious when you obviously can naturally separate into male and female individuals after adulthood? You must know that using drugs to promote hair growth is not a good thing.

Please promise me!

The white-haired boy bowed deeply, but did not let Mikado Ryoko agree so easily. Although the other party did not say it, Mikado Ryoko also guessed that this might be another guy pursuing Lala, that is to say, Igarashi's Competitor?

Have a drink.

Looking at the light red liquid Mikado Ryoko put in front of him, the white-haired boy regarded it as Mikado Ryoko's condition and drank it without hesitation.

Originally, Ryoko Mikado should not give things with unknown effects to patients seeking help. However, after knowing that this was Igarashi's opponent, Ryoko Mikado subconsciously felt disgusted and handed over water mixed with Igarashi's blood. On the one hand, it was an experiment, and on the other hand, even if something happened, Ryoko Mikado could still regard it as Igarashi defeating 24 competitors and it had nothing to do with her.


The girl with long blue-green hair and two stupid hairs slowly opened her eyes and looked around hazily. When she found the white-haired boy lying on another hospital bed, she opened her mouth in surprise.

As for the white-haired boy, even Elsie Julia woke up at this time, looked at the surrounding environment, and showed a proud smile.

Hmph, now I am a real man, Lala, here I come!

He didn't care about the others at all and ran out quickly. Now he just wanted to get to Lala's side quickly and defeat Igarashi. Hey, why suddenly, he didn't want to stand on the opposite side of Igarashi.

You are recovering well and there are no ill effects.

Ryoko Mikado glanced at Lian who was leaving, and then stopped at the girl Lun, carefully observing her complexion.

How's it going? Is there anything uncomfortable?

Ah, no, thank you Dr. Mikado.

Ren obeyed and felt his physical condition according to Mikado Ryoko's words. After a moment, he shook his head. Then, after the girl bit her lower lip slightly, her golden eyes flickered, and a trace of blush appeared on her pretty face.

Well, Dr. Mikado seems to be the health room teacher at Ainan High School. He must know Igarashi. Can you tell me about him?

Um? If Ryoko Mikado guessed correctly, this girl should have never been in contact with Igarashi. Why does she look like a girl in love now? Is it because of that drop of blood? Anyway, it's not a bad thing. The reason why these two Memorusi people split into two individuals in advance after taking the medicine without any sequelae was because of the drop of blood. In this case, I don't have to worry about it.

Him? Ha, he is an interesting person.

Lala was sleeping in, and even acted coquettishly to Igarashi in order to go to school later. Anyway, the majestic Princess Debbie Luke did not have to strictly play the role of a student, so Igarashi naturally let her sleep a little longer, leaving some After the mental power, I headed to school alone.

Because it was past the peak time for school, there were not many pedestrians on the road, which made the long-haired girl standing next to the lamppost particularly conspicuous.

When he walked past the girl, the girl actually showed a shy smile, which made Igarashi stop hesitantly and carefully looked at the girl's appearance. If I remember correctly, this should be the person who can have this before he is underage. Are two Memorusi aliens with souls and bodies of different genders now female-dominated? No, why don't you feel that she has other souls?


Lun looked at the person in front of her with inexplicable excitement. She couldn't understand her current mood. She had never seen Igarashi before, so why was she so happy now? Unlike Lala, who was so frank with Igarashi that she almost forgot about the difference between men and women, Lun, who was wearing the uniform of Cainan High School, took a few steps forward with a hint of shyness.

Well, my name is Ren Elsie Julia. Can I go to school with you? I don't know the way very well.

Ah good.

Igarashi was almost certain that this was the Memorusi planet in the plot, and why she had the aura of law that should only be possessed by him. He carefully recalled what had happened in the past few days and looked at the alien in front of him. People, all kinds of clues were connected together, and a thought flashed in Igarashi's mind. Could it be that Ryoko Mikado fed her his blood? Tsk, was she doing an experiment?

If you want to transfer to Cainan High School, you must go through a formal process. It's not something you can do with just a few words.

The principal looked at the white-haired boy in front of him with a serious look on his face, and refused his request to transfer to the school without mercy.

Is it really not possible? With my physical fitness, I can represent the school in competitions and gain reputation!

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