The girl's appearance deeply hurt Igarashi's self-esteem. Is this considered being underestimated by a primary school student?

Yuuki Mikan is just an ordinary girl. Igarashi has not shown any extraordinary power for the time being. He just completed various housework at a terrifying speed. Then he looked at Yuuki Mikan with a show-off look to show you what it means to be strong. .

Lan, are you tired from doing so many things at once?

Seeing Yuki Mikan taking out a handkerchief to wipe her forehead, which had no sweat at all, and seeing the girl's concerned look on her face, Igarashi had a deeper understanding of her gentleness.

Making an excuse to go back to his room, Igarashi lay weakly on the bed. Damn it, he had just developed feelings for the elementary school student.

After searching everywhere with his mental power, Igarashi finally found some information about himself.

The adopted son of the Yuuki family is a student at Ainan High School. His adoptive parents have not been home for a long time due to work reasons. During this period, he has been taken care of by his adoptive parents' daughter Yuuki Mikan.

Well, I'm under the care of Mikan Yuki.

This will become history. Igarashi doesn't care what kind of impact his sudden change will have. He can't be a guy who is taken care of by elementary school students. With his own combat power, he should be able to cope with all emergencies, right?

Well, it seems that there is a guy who is also very powerful.

Igarashi's memory of the world of the Princess is not comprehensive, but he still remembers that the ruler of a certain galaxy seemed to have terrifying combat power that could destroy planets.


Electricity suddenly appeared in the air in Igarashi's bedroom. Before Igarashi could make a move, a figure with long pink hair fell straight down and hit Igarashi directly.

Escape successful!

The pink-haired girl's eyes curved into crescent moons and she spoke happily.

Um, do you know you're not wearing any clothes?

Having said that, Igarashi did not deliberately avert his gaze, but still withdrew the hand that the girl had hit with her precious spot.

This is a benefit that comes to your doorstep, but Igarashi, who has experienced hundreds of battles, will not be shy so easily.

Well, what's wrong?

Looking at Igarashi's retracted hand, the pink-haired girl Lala's eyes stayed on Igarashi for a moment, and finally smiled softly and asked.

As a girl, the first thing you need to understand is that you cannot give out benefits casually.

Igarashi already knew who the girl in front of him was. Although Lara was very attractive in both body and appearance, Igarashi planned to teach her some common sense that normal people should have.

Chapter 288 Man in Black

Ah, I'm sorry to borrow your clothes.

Lala seemed to have listened to Igarashi's words. She picked up the coat lying next to her and put it on. However, although Igarashi's figure was not very thin, it was still slightly slim compared to Lala who had strong capital on her chest. No, after many attempts, Lala couldn't zip up the chest zipper.

While the girl was working hard, Igarashi was feasting his eyes. Compared to before, Lala's half-covered look now added a lot of temptation.

I'm Lala, from the planet Debiruke. Thank you for your coat.

Lala finally got dressed. Not only did the men's coat not look weird on her body, but it was also strangely harmonious. She looked at Igarashi with a smile.

Debbie Luke...

Well, Debbie Luke.

Igarashi looked at the beautiful girl in front of him with some contemplation. Although she seemed to lack common sense and always sent benefits to herself, Igarashi could feel the energy in her body that should not be underestimated. If converted into physical fitness , should have forty attributes.

So if Lara is really serious, it will not be difficult to destroy the city.

Oh oh oh yo, don't you believe it?

Seeing Igarashi's silent look, Lara approached with her hands on her waist and made a cute cry of unknown meaning.

Then look here, there shouldn't be any earthlings, right?

Lala turned around, and the black tail on her back kept swaying. The end of the tail was in the shape of a heart, making the originally devilish tail look cute.

Ah, it doesn't mean that it transforms when the full moon comes because it has a tail.

Lala's last addition made Igarashi suddenly filled with the desire to complain. How did she know about Man Yue's transformation? Igarashi shook her head and said.

I believe it. I am Igarashi. Why did you suddenly appear?

Even if the attributes reach 40 points, there should not be a way to teleport. This is something Igarashi could not do even if his attributes were over 100 before he mastered magic. Magic... I don’t know if magic can still be used in this world. .

Ah, you said this.

Lala raised her wrist in a showy manner, which was a metal bracelet with a pendant-like object.

The jumping teleportation device I made myself can't specify a location, but it's very useful for short-distance movement of living beings.

Although Lala said it was very powerful, Igarashi knew that this jumping teleportation device had a shortcoming that could not be ignored.

So, that's why you weren't wearing any clothes before?

Yeah, but if I didn't use it, I'd be caught.

At the end of the story, Lara, who was originally smiling, showed a somewhat sad expression. The way she looked when she was originally smiling made Igarashi want to comfort her.

However, although Igarashi did not have an exhaustive understanding of the world of outsourcing princesses, he also knew that Lala’s so-called capture was just being escorted back home by Debi Luke’s people. She is Debi Luke’s princess. She's not some pretty girl being chased by bad guys.

Don't worry, stay here, I will fight off those who want you to go home.

This sentence is no different from abduction. Igarashi cannot say it if he has ulterior motives.

Lady Lala! Where did you go?

A small doll with black wings flew in and hugged Lala with its small hands.

Peikai also escaped safely, which is great!

Yes, fortunately the spacecraft did not leave the atmosphere.

After the doll finished speaking, it looked at Igarashi with its mosquito-repellent eyes that looked like they were drawn directly with pen and ink, and pointed.

Lady Lala, what's going on with that lewd Earthling?

Sexy... Igarashi gritted his teeth secretly. If he was really lustful, Lala wouldn't be standing there so comfortably now.

The resident of this house is called Igarashi.

Lala didn't even refute Peikai's words, and raised the doll in her hand towards Igarashi.

This is Peikai, a universal cross-dressing robot made by me.

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