Belief becomes a god. What is the so-called god?

Ascending to the throne of God through faith will erase the weaknesses of the previous race. At the same time, faith will be immortal and the gods will not die. From now on, faith is closely related to the fate of the gods.

It is quite tempting to believe that faith is immortal and gods are immortal, but Igarashi has understood the meaning of the system. On the contrary, if faith is gone, gods will also disappear. This is much more terrifying than his current weakness.

Now Igarashi's own weaknesses are nothing more than the fatal parts of being a human being. However, under his physique, even the weaknesses cannot be exploited by beings weaker than him. However, beliefs are different and people's hearts are fickle. , Igarashi cannot apply the law to everyone. If there are unscrupulous people who incite people's hearts, or there are villains who massacre, or even people who originally believed in Igarashi die, their next generation may appear. There is so much to consider when it comes to changing your beliefs.

Use the power of faith to strengthen the laws.

Ding, strengthening is complete.

Well, except for the fact that the power of faith lingering around him suddenly disappeared, Igarashi didn't feel any other changes at all. What about the promised strengthening law?

Unwilling to give up, Igarashi took a look at the system list and found that the rules were still incomplete. However, after careful consideration, he seemed to feel that the power of the rules had been slightly improved. This system would not steal mine. The power of faith, right?

After a moment, Igarashi shook his head in a funny way. The system sneered at the power of faith. Igarashi could detect it, not to mention that with the power of the system, he would not take a fancy to this power of faith. Is the law so difficult to improve? .

Now that the experience value has reached the upper limit, Igarashi is not in a hurry to continue letting his subordinates conquer other countries for the time being, and has stopped to repair.

Lord Igarashi, there are frequent conflicts between alien races and human races in the subject countries. How should we deal with them?

Cocytus's words came through magic. There was annoyance in his words. He preferred fighting and was not good at management at all. When he asked Demiurge, the answer he got was to seek the opinion of the Supreme Being. As a last resort, , Cocytus contacted Igarashi. Now, his evaluation in the heart of the Supreme Being must have dropped again.

Well, Cocytus, you reminded me. Yes, arenas should be established in various cities. If there are any conflicts, let them go to the arena to resolve them. No trouble should be caused in other areas. You should also tell Demiurge about this. , let him perfect it.”


It seemed that he had been praised by Igarashi. Cocytus, who was far away in the dwarf country, exhaled with excitement. Because these forces had become Nazarick, Cocytus could no longer fight at will. Originally, he thought He sneaked to the Dragon Cave not far away to look for an opponent worthy of drawing his sword. Now it seemed that there might be someone strong enough to excite him in the arena.

The White Dragon King of the Frost Dragon Clan, who was almost huddled in the dragon cave, kept arranging the environment. Damn it, how come there are so many gods in this world all of a sudden? What should I do? Sure enough, it would be safer to hide here.

The main purpose of Igarashi's construction of the arena is not to provide a channel for various races to resolve conflicts, but to allow them to constantly compete. A comfortable environment will make people corrupt. Only by fighting with each other can they become stronger.

Although no one, including level 100 NPCs, can be of help to Igarashi now, nor can they have a decisive effect when faced with beings of the same level as Igarashi, Igarashi still hopes The stronger your subordinates can be, the better.

The experience value has reached the upper limit. Although Igarashi continues to stay, time in this world can continue to flow and his subordinates can slowly become stronger. However, this is not the best choice for Igarashi. Compared with his subordinates, he has become stronger. Talent is more important.

System, go to the next world.

After being affectionate with the girls for a few days, Igarashi finally did not immerse himself in the gentle land like this. He came to a secluded place alone to prepare to travel, because time would stop after leaving, and there was no need to say hello.

Ding, it is recommended that the host consumes 300 experience points to replace the protagonist of the next world.

Okay, consume it.

Although I don’t know what the next world will be like or who the protagonist is, the system will not be blind. Igarashi, who is rich and wealthy, does not care about the consumption of experience points. He took a look at his remaining experience points and thought about it. After pondering, he began to manipulate.

Constitution: 250

Spirit: 200

Experience value: 5525

After strengthening his physique and spirit respectively, looking at the remaining five thousand experience points, Igarashi did not plan to use them for the time being. When he first came to the world of the King of the Immortal, Igarashi used up all the experience points impulsively, which later led to When looking for rich people, there are unnecessary restrictions, so naturally you have to learn lessons.

He himself doesn't know how strong Igarashi is with his current attributes. Even before strengthening, in this world full of swords and magic, Igarashi has never used his full strength once, and the conditions do not allow it. However, there will always be opportunities in the future.

〇⑤ The Queen of Outsourcing

Chapter 287 First Arrival

Modern cities are full of high-rise buildings.

Standing on the street, Igarashi felt like he was reunited after a long absence. Although the air and scenery were not as good as the previous world, the sense of intimacy was not bad either.

Continue to expand your spiritual power until it covers the entire city.

There were a large number of ordinary people with almost no combat power. However, Igarashi also discovered many strange things and some beings with not low combat power.

Modern cities hide the existence of suspected aliens. There are many worlds with these characteristics. Igarashi can't tell which one it is.

Tsk, it obviously replaced the existence, why is there no relevant memory?

After carefully searching his mind, Igarashi suspected that the system guy was cutting corners.

Ding, please host find a way to gain experience points in this world.

After the system finished speaking, it fell into silence. Igarashi was also silent. Could it be that the system discovered the complaints in his heart and is now taking revenge on himself?

After searching his whole body, Igarashi finally found his identity certificate. He followed the address above to a two-story residential building. After standing at the door and struggling for a while, Igarashi took out the key from his pocket and inserted it carefully. With a turn in Igarashi's hand, the door opened, making Igarashi secretly relieved.

Lan, welcome back.

In the living room was a brown-haired girl sitting on the sofa with her knees in her arms. She was wearing cool clothes at home, allowing Igarashi to easily see the girl's white and tender legs.

Uh, Mikan?

Looking at the girl's cute face, after thinking for a moment, Igarashi realized, Yuki Mikan, then this is the world of the naughty princess.

What's wrong, Lan?

Yuuki Mikan tilted her head, and then she quickly stood up as if she remembered something.

Are you hungry? I've already prepared dinner. Mom and dad still won't be home today because of work.

Tsk, I took a closer look at Yuuki Mikan, who looked like an elementary school student in front of me, but was actually an elementary school student. Igarashi suddenly felt a little distressed. Are those young shoulders now taking on responsibilities that they shouldn't have?


But even so, you still have to eat, and you can't shirk it when the other party has prepared the meal.

It's delicious, but I'll be the one doing it from now on.

Yuuki Mikan's cooking skills are very good, enough to be considered excellent. Without a lot of practice, she thinks it is impossible to achieve this level. Tsk, what was going on before she traveled through time.

What's wrong? If it doesn't suit your taste, I can change it next time.

Yuuki Mikan blinked innocently and looked at Igarashi with some worry. Was he feeling unwell?

Tsk, the more Yuuki Mikan behaves like this, the more uncomfortable Igarashi becomes. Cooking skills, understanding, hard work, and proficiency in housework are not skills that a primary school student can possess. Shouldn’t primary school students be all brats? Then Then slowly grow into an invincible ordinary high school student.

No, I was thinking, Mikan, you are just a primary school student. You shouldn't do so many things. As expected, you should leave it to me.

Although Igarashi has not done these trivial things in life for a while because of the existence of maids in the previous world, he does not reject it. In any case, it is not Yuuki Mikan's turn to do it. Isn't it like this? Are you like a useless person?

Well...if Lan can do it.

Looking at Igarashi suspiciously, Mikan Yuuki said with some uncertainty...

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