Robot, Igarashi carefully looked at Pekai, whose words and actions showed a lot of wisdom, and was surprised by Lala's methods. Compared with her combat power, her creative ability attracted Igarashi's attention more.

Peikai, change your clothes.

After taking off the coat that made her breathless, Lala gave instructions to Peikai. After a sudden burst of holy light, Lala was already standing in front of Igarashi wearing a special style.

How's it going, Igarashi?

Although the clothes fit her perfectly, Lala looked like she was wearing a cosplay outfit. If she walked outside, her cute appearance would attract a lot of attention.

As a breeze blew by, two strong men wearing sunglasses and black suits suddenly appeared.

Looking at the two intruders, Igarashi nodded secretly. They are really aliens who follow the local customs. I don't know where they got the suit. Could it be that Debbie Luke's nemesis also has this kind of clothing.

Lord Lala, it seems that before leaving the earth, your freedom must be restricted.

Chasing all the way from the Debbie Star to the Earth, the men in black were filled with helplessness. Facing the First Princess, they did not dare to use weapons with huge destructive power. But if they let La La go, King Chido would be blamed. Oops.

Peikai, I told you, be careful not to be followed.

Lala showed an angry look, which made Pekai, whose mastermind turned into a hat, tremble in fear.


You stupid robot, all your previous efforts have been wasted!

Lala danced and vented her anger, while the two men in black next to her looked at each other and each moved forward to surround Lala 5.6. Seeing that something was wrong, Pekai was a little anxious.

Lady Lala, can you use the bracelet again?

It's useless. After using the bracelet once, it takes a day to replenish its energy.

The people in front of them seemed to ignore their own existence. In their eyes, the people on Earth were probably not worth mentioning.

Igarashi looked at the situation in front of him in silence. Although he knew that the man in black was just here to let Lala go home, looking at their situation, there seemed to be some conflict next. Lala's attributes were 40 points, and these two The attribute of the man in black reached 50 points. Although it was not strong against Igarashi, if a fight really broke out, the house would be reduced to ruins. Yuki Mikan was still sleeping.

Well, can I ask you to go out?

Chapter 289 Alien Visitors

Huh? Earthlings, do you know who you are talking to?

When the man in black heard Igarashi's words, he turned his head with disdain. They were soldiers from the planet Debi Luke. They had conquered the entire galaxy and knew all the planets in the galaxy very well. The weakness of the people on earth was unknown in the entire universe. They are all famous, this is a planet that no one wants to visit.

I honestly don't know.

Although Igarashi knew Lala's identity, he didn't know the roles of the two men in black wearing sunglasses. Igarashi expressed his ignorance to the men in black honestly.

Leave the point of knowledge immediately, otherwise you will be responsible for the consequences.

After the man in black glanced at Igarashi, he turned all his attention to Lala. The man in black did not pay attention to the earthlings around him. This is a planet that even the King of Cheetos in the galaxy disdains to conquer. , and the people on this planet are not worth mentioning13.


The two men in black suddenly found themselves being lifted up. Their good qualities as soldiers made them react quickly. Although they saw that it was the earthling who mentioned them, the men in black did not stop because of surprise. Without moving, weight has nothing to do with combat power. This earthling's strength is barely considered. With the terrifying power accumulated in his body, the man in black punched the guy who was trying to stop them from bringing back the princess.


The fist of the man in black did not fall on the Earthlings as expected. They clearly saw that the other party grabbed his own collar with one hand while holding up another companion with a movement that did not seem too fast. With his free hand, he stretched out a finger and flicked his fist.

Do not overestimate your own capabilities.

This idea just appeared in his mind. The numbness on his arms made it almost impossible for the man in black to continue to control his body. The scenery in front of him changed rapidly. By the time the man in black reacted, he had already arrived at a place after several ups and downs. space.

Woof woof woof!

Ma Long, what's wrong?...Is that Igarashi?

On the street at night, a silly-looking Boston dog barked a few times in the distance. The girl with short blue hair holding the rope was a little strange. When she looked around, she found a familiar figure holding two dogs with one hand. A tall man in black, moving with incredible swiftness.

It seems that special circumstances have arisen.

A serious male voice came from the air, and a round spaceship appeared in the crystal light.

Tsk, these aliens are quite impressive.

Letting go of the two men in black who were unable to move due to muscle tremors, Igarashi raised his head and looked at the alien spacecraft. It was full of novelty. Do you want to grab one to play with? Well, forget it, these are the people of Debiruke after all, and I have no conflict with them. Moreover, I don’t know what the fighting strength of Qi Duo, the king of Debiruk, is.

The spaceship projected a beam of light, and a man wearing armor and a cloak landed in front of Igarashi with his hands on his shoulders. At this time, Lara, who was a little stunned because of the unexpected development, also stood in front of Igarashi. Looking at the two men in black who were still trembling, they looked relieved.

Leave from there, Earthlings, outsiders, don't get too involved. Do you want the Earth to be destroyed?

Although Igarashi was a little afraid of King Chido, the man in front of him who seemed to have a good background was not Chido.

I don't think you can destroy the earth. Moreover, even if these two guys openly invaded my home, I didn't really hurt them.

An attribute of no more than 100 points cannot destroy the earth, but there may be weapons on the spacecraft that can destroy the earth. If they really want to do this, then just destroy the spaceship. Igarashi glanced at it vaguely. Although I don’t know how to gain experience points from the giant beast in the sky, it is definitely related to the earth, right?


Lala clearly recognized the person in front of her. Although it was beyond her expectation that Igarashi could subdue two Debi Lukes just now, it should be just that. Facing Debi Luke's strongest swordsman, Igarashi Lan can't resist it, no, we can't let him get hurt.

After a while of groping, Lala finally found her invention, which was something that could get rid of the current situation.

Lady Lala! Please respect yourself and stop fooling around and running away from home!

Sastin, who had a serious face, said something very unserious. Igarashi, who had some understanding of the actual situation, was able to control himself at this time and did not show too much expression.

No! I'm tired of it. I don't care about heirs or anything like that. We have blind dates every day.

Lala shook her head firmly.

But, Lady Lala, this is also what your father meant.

This is the meaning of King Debiluke, Chidor Lucion Debiluke, the strongest being in the universe and the Lord of the Galaxy. No one can disobey his orders, even Sastin wants to respect Lala deep in his heart. opinion, but there is nothing we can do about it.

I don't care! Teleport, GOGO Vacuum-kun!

Taking out the remote control she had prepared, Lala operated it for a while, and a huge mechanical octopus appeared out of thin air. The octopus's hollow mouth faced Sustain and the man in black behind him, and began to generate huge suction.

Oops! It's Lady Lala's invention.

The man in black struggled to stand firm and resist the terrifying suction. Although Lady Lara's invention had various flaws, it was undeniable that it was powerful. The man in black, who had a physical constitution of 50, was a little unsteady on his feet.

Sastin looked at Lala, and then took a closer look at Igarashi. Compared with Lala's blind date partners, Igarashi did have overwhelming charm. He sighed slightly in his heart. He would not have been attracted by this attraction in the first place. Affected, Sastin secretly pushed his subordinates and sent them into the mouth of the mechanical octopus, and he also flew in.

However, the mechanical octopus that had achieved its purpose did not stop functioning. The terrifying suction force continued to increase, and the big trees and buildings in the distance began to shake.

How to close this thing?

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