Originally, Lenas wanted to say please accept my allegiance, but deep down in her heart, she did not want her relationship with Igarashi to stop at being a subordinate and superior. However, Lenas was unable to say anything else. After a pause, he only said these somewhat strange words.

Igarashi is not a pure boy. Now Lenas's performance made him understand something. After falling into despair, did he have a good impression of the person who gave him hope?

Didn't I say before that you can live in Karn City.

Seeing Lenas's half-lowered head and silence, Igarashi sighed and continued.

You act like I've bullied you, forget it, do as you like.

Lenas suddenly showed a look of surprise at Igarashi's words, and followed him step by step.

Sebas, lead the servants of Nazarick to blockade the imperial capital. I will go there soon.


Cocytus, speed up your pace. It takes so long to conquer a Quagoa. It's too slow.

Yes, when I discovered the Quagoa, I also found the Dwarf Kingdom. I will speed up.

Demiurge, tell the Theocracy to prepare to declare war on the Elf Kingdom and say this is my order.

Understood, Lord Igarashi, where is the kingdom...?

I will take care of the kingdom myself.

In a house in Karn City, she stared blankly at Igarashi speaking out instructions through magic in front of her without any concealment. Lenas was a little horrified. What kind of power did he have? This is Do you want to conquer the world? She shook her head to eliminate unnecessary thoughts. Even if Igarashi was the devil, Lenas would not regret it.

After he was cursed, after he was abandoned by his closest family members, wasn't it already decided?

Chapter 285 Queen Lana

Lana, do you have to do this?

The same palace, the same throne, but Rambosa III, who was sitting on it, had lost his previous calmness and looked at Princess Lana who was standing not far away with a hint of pleading.

Father, I am the third princess of the kingdom. With the first prince and the second prince, it is impossible for me to take the throne. Even with your order, the common people will have objections. This must be done. Tell me Let me know where they are, don’t worry, I won’t hurt them.”

Standing behind Princess Lana were the nobles and generals who had surrendered to her. This included almost everyone who had not yet participated in the rebellion. Beside the old king, there was only Gazef, and the four secret treasures on him were gone. .

Yes, Your Majesty, with the leadership of Princess Lana, the policies she promulgated, even the empire is copying them, and with the favor of strong men like Igarashi, our kingdom will definitely be able to revive. Recent trends in the empire and theocracy This is strange, the situation is critical, and I ask Your Majesty to abdicate.”

Your Majesty, please abdicate!

Countless nobles and generals knelt on one knee respectfully, but what they said was treacherous. They were forcing the palace.

Presumptuous! How dare you...

Alright Gazef.

Gazef, who was standing behind Rambossa III, looked at the scene in front of him and spoke with anger. He had never expected such a thing to happen. A few days ago, the nobles rebelled and the royal city was short of manpower. Lana offered to help defend. Gazef was originally very happy to be appointed to an important position by His Majesty and to repel attacks from nobles outside the city time and time again.

However, only now did Gazef and the old king realize that Lana, who had gained enough power and troops, was not only defending the royal city. She also used various means to threaten officials, and those who disobeyed were framed. Jeff's immediate guards, including them, were either dead or fell to the other side.

I can treat these things as if they didn't happen and announce that the throne will be passed to you. However, stop looking for your two brothers. They will not compete with you for the throne.

The old king finally knew what Lana had done. An hour ago, he sent the few remaining loyalists to escort the two princes out. Now Rambosa III, whose time is running out, has nothing left. He had scruples, but if the throne was passed to Lana, who was so capable, even if she was a woman, she would be enough to become the queen of the kingdom. She would definitely do better than himself. Deep in his heart, Rambossa III did not have much objection to passing the throne to Lana. , I just hope she can stop doing things so cruelly and cold-bloodedly.

I said, I won't hurt them. Oh, father, do you really think they are safe outside? Even if they are safe, they will want to come back and fight. When the time comes, I will not show mercy. , okay, I promise not to do anything before they attack me.

Now Lana's face no longer had the gentle and friendly smile before, and her expressionless face gave people a depressing feeling.

I will pass the throne to you. Did Igarashi ask you to do these things?

After receiving his daughter's promise, Rambossa III relaxed and asked Lana such a question intentionally or unintentionally.

Him? If he really meant it, why would he bother so much? These are all my choices.

Subconsciously looking at the bracelet that she had always worn and never taken off, Lana had a gentle smile on her face.

I won't advise you. I hope you won't regret it in the future.

Regret? Never.

Because part of her mental power is still on Lana's bracelet, Igarashi was not surprised when the news came that Lana became the queen of the kingdom. Although she did not deliberately control her mental power, she completely controlled all of Lana's actions. , but just what she showed was enough to make Igarashi admire her.

A girl with no fighting ability and far inferior strength to other royal families was able to cut off the hostile forces step by step, and finally ascended the throne. Although the bracelet he gave her made several assassinations against Lana fail, but the other , but she did it all by herself.

Now Igarashi is a little tangled. Even if he can't see what Lana is thinking, Lana is interested in him. Igarashi knows that, in fact, Igarashi also likes this person. He can be cute at any time and be cold to the enemy. Heartless girl.

Otherwise, skip the kingdom first and occupy other countries. Anyway, there is an upper limit to the power of all things that each world can obtain. The Kaz Plain is completely under your control, so there is no need to worry about the remaining kingdom territory.

There are now two cities in the Khaz Plains, Elandir and the holy city of Karn.

Elandir has been expanded several times. Under Lana's deliberate guidance, Elandir is as prosperous as the royal city. A large number of adventurers, traders and civilians have gathered here. At the same time, they have mastered the The existence of Fluder, a seventh-level magician, the legendary magician of the original empire, and now the guardian of E-Rantel, also makes magic casters regard E-Rantel as a holy place in their hearts.

Originally, it would take Fluder a lot of time to master seventh-level magic, but Igarashi gave him a drop of blood, allowing him to break his own constraints and move forward on the road to magic.

Compared to Elandir, the holy city of Karn is even worse. Igarashi is a god. With the acquiescence of Igarashi himself, this news was spread from the Theocracy. At the same time, the Theocracy also sent many devout people. The saint became a resident of Karn City. Karn is no longer as deserted as before. There are many figures on the streets, but they are all women.

The city of Karn prohibits outsiders from entering. Some people tried, but before they saw the outline of Karn City, they were devoured by the beasts in the dense forest around them. The adventurers who were unwilling to give up came one after another until it was reported that there were multiple adamantine-level people. After the adventurers also died inside, the Holy City of Karn also became a forbidden area in people's hearts.

You have helped me so much, why don't you come to see me? Do you hate me? Hate my scheming. If so, I am willing to give up everything in the kingdom to come to you and play the role of an innocent girl.

Princess Lana, no, Queen Lana is in her bedroom, gently touching a string of silver bracelets. For such a long time, she has known that Igarashi can observe everything in the capital through the bracelets, and she uses various methods to Did the means to ascend the throne make him hate himself?

Feeling the stinging pain in her heart, Lana's eyes became crystal clear. She had no fighting ability. When she saw what was going on in Kahn City, she decided to use her power to prove her worth so that Igarashi could care about her. However, everything They all went according to their own plans, but the most fundamental plan failed. Becoming the queen did not make Igarashi value herself and improve her status in his heart, but instead aroused his resentment.

Good boy, stop crying, Lana, who made you angry?

Looking at the familiar figure emerging from a ball of energy, Lana's pear-shaped face showed a smile, which was breathtakingly beautiful.

It's you, come and comfort me, Igarashi.

Chapter 286 Leaving

Ding, the experience gained by the host has reached the upper limit.

When the voice of the system rang in his mind, Igarashi looked at the more than 15,000 experience points he had and smacked his lips with unsatisfied thoughts.

Theocracy, kingdom, empire, elven country, lizardman tribe, dwarf country, Quagoa country, so many countries have been conquered, and the benefits should be more than this, but the upper limit has been reached after all. Igarashi can't do it.

System, now you should talk about the use of faith, right?

Now the power of faith surrounding Igarashi has reached a very obvious level. The most intuitive feeling for others is that they can't help but feel a sense of awe when they see Igarashi and get along with Igarashi. The most beautiful girls are beautiful girls. It is not what Igarashi wants to make them feel unnecessary awe.

...The system does not recommend the host to believe in becoming a god. Is the host willing to use the power of faith to strengthen the laws again?

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