He is actually so strong? No, this is probably a very valuable item of his. He actually gave it to you. If Evileye didn't follow you back, wouldn't he be betrayed by you? After all, Evileye and Igarashi are in love with each other. No, you and Igarashi are still in love!

Seeing that the turmoil had subsided and the energy had returned to calm, Laxus scratched her hair, and could not help but think of Lana with a sinister smile as she handed the unconscious Evileye to Igarashi, and at the same time obtained this bracelet. scene, she quickly shook her head to stop this terrible thought. Lax looked at the recovered team members, turned her head and stared at Lana and spoke.

The Six Arms have been annihilated, and the Eight Fingers don't have much resistance anymore. Although we didn't contribute much in this matter, the mission has been completed. Next, I will go find Evileye.

OK, all right.

Lana did not show a panicked expression as Lacus expected, which also made Lacus relax. It seemed that Evileye was not betrayed by her, and she was overthinking.

Chapter 280 What was that just now?

thank you.

Evileye looked at Igarashi gratefully. Although he didn’t know what the purpose of the bracelet Igarashi gave to Lana was, there was no doubt that it was Igarashi who saved Blue Rose. Evileye, who had told her many times that she no longer used honorifics, used honorifics. Only in this way could she express her gratitude.

Mere words are too simple.

With a malicious smile on his face, Igarashi looked at the panicked Evileye girl and tapped the side of his face. His intention was obvious.


Keeping tapping her fingers, Evileye's inner emotions were no less than the panic she felt when she saw her companions in danger before. However, she did not hesitate for long. After a moment, Evileye made up her mind, stood on tiptoes, and subconsciously She grabbed Igarashi's clothes to keep her balance, and kissed Igarashi's face gently with her cute little mouth. Then she fell into extreme shyness and turned around to escape without looking back.

What was that just now?

After Evileye escaped, Jue Die's figure appeared from the corner like a ghost. It seemed that her stealth skills had improved astonishingly through constant practice.

That one just now? That was a shy girl's kiss.

Igarashi had already noticed Zetsu's existence and was not surprised by her appearance. He half-closed his eyes and looked like he was reminiscing.

You know what I'm asking.

Juesei Jueming slightly clenched his fists and looked at Igarashi with a hint of displeasure. He was obviously a god, why was he so casual? God, in the eyes of Juesei Jueming, Igarashi was a god, because as the two of them followed Establishing the closest relationship, Jue Mori gets to know Igarashi better. The more he understands, the more he can appreciate the gap between the two sides.

The bracelet itself has no effect. It only attaches part of my mental power. Most of it has been consumed just now.

Yes, most of it was consumed. Igarashi didn't just use it to annihilate the Eight Fingers, but also annihilated the nobles who had a close relationship with the Eight Fingers in the entire royal capital, dividing them into two, and then into three, until Divided into thousands, that part of the mental power was transformed into thousands of threads under the control of Igarashi. Using the soldiers who appeared and the intelligence of Nazarick as clues, all the nobles who deserved to be killed were annihilated. As for the king's future, Igarashi doesn't care about the turmoil. In the final analysis, the kingdom is in ruins, which is more conducive to his future actions.

He hugged Juese Jueming, who was standing next to her with an expressionless face, around her waist, held her in his arms, nodded Juese Jueming's nose, and Igarashi spoke with a smile.

What, you want me to teach you mental power again? I have cast so many magics for you before, but you haven't learned them all. Mental power is harder to improve than magic.

Juedie desperately hopes to become stronger, so she and Igarashi signed a series of unequal treaties regarding the two of them sleeping in the same bed. She also saw Igarashi displaying terrifying powers that she had never seen before. of magic.

But, there are too many, really too many. The excitement at the beginning turned to numbness. Such a gorgeous and powerful magic became a plaything in the hands of Igarashi, which almost made the heart of Zeus The yearning and interest in magic dissipated.

No matter how you move forward, no matter how you chase the opponent's pace, you can only see an endless road, and you can't even see the opponent's back. This is enough to make people lose their fighting spirit.

Although Zeusi Zemei has not lost her fighting spirit, her desire to become stronger is no longer that strong. She allowed Igarashi to make intimate gestures towards her, and Zeusi Zemei focused her eyes on Igarashi.

Why are you so strong?

Questions were murmuring, trying to find out more.

Because I have experienced more than one world. Compared with ordinary life, I only spent a few years walking a road that others would never finish in a lifetime.

From the beginning, it was just a competition between students, to now it is a competition with a world full of swords and magic. Igarashi's combat power has improved horribly. The power of all things is a good thing, but Igarashi discovered that, So far, it seems that only I can use it. Even if I use the power of everything to attack others, it will be through my own hands. As for strengthening other people's combat power, at least Igarashi cannot do it now, and the system remains silent on this.

More than one world...

Zeusei Zemei looked at Igarashi in front of her in confusion. She believed in the existence of another world, because it was rumored that the six gods and the eight kings of desire appeared suddenly. They were most likely from another world. Seeing Igarashi At that time, there was some speculation about Zeusei Juemei, but now it seems that Igarashi is not just from another world.

Tell me about other worlds, I want to hear them.

At this time, Zeusi forgot to continue asking. Instead, she was attracted by Igarashi's words. She seemed to have discovered something more interesting than the Rubik's Cube.

Tsk, is this asking for trouble? It is not easy to describe modern times to a person who lives in this age similar to the age of knights. Igarashi knocked his head with a headache, and Juesei Juemei Being too harmonious with each other made him relax his vigilance. Looking at Jue De Jue's expectant eyes, Igarashi feebly began to talk.

It turns out that the Rubik's Cube is just a small toy in that world.

Igarashi talked for a long time, but she was only interested in the entertainment methods. She believed in strength first. After discovering that people from other worlds rely more on so-called technological products than relying on their own strength. , has lost curiosity.

Huh, it's solved. Igarashi breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. He deliberately didn't ask about the black core and the artifact user in the previous world because he was afraid of getting to the bottom of it.

Whether it's the Six Great Gods, the Eight Desire Kings or you, they all come to our world. Sure enough, our world is better.

Jue Die Jueming came to a strange conclusion. As a native of this world, she also had self-respect.

In this regard, Igarashi kept silent. He knew that it was just the half-elf girl's rebuttal. If he said more, it would only cause trouble.

Chapter 281 Noble Rebellion

A large number of nobles suddenly died suddenly, and their death conditions were the same as eight fingers. Princess Lana, do you know what the consequences of this will be?!

Marquis Rebuen's face was no longer as calm as it had always been. Standing in the palace, he didn't pay much attention to the king sitting on the throne. The balance between the nobility and the royal family was broken, but this was not what he expected at all. That way.

Although I just learned about this, this may be an opportunity for the kingdom to be reborn.

Lana didn't expect the effect of the bracelet to be so terrifying. She thought that annihilating the Eight Fingers in an instant was terrifying enough, but she didn't expect that it would also eliminate so many nobles. This was good, and it would be beneficial to her next plan.

Reborn? Haha, the Empire and the Theocratic State are watching with eager eyes. The nobles have suffered such heavy losses, how can they resist their invasion?

The smile on Marquis Rebuen's face was a little broken, and he had even begun to think about an escape plan in his mind. Maybe going to Igarashi's territory would be a good choice, although there is a high chance that Igarashi would not care about the kingdom being invaded by an enemy. Invasion, but he should ensure the safety of the territory.

Your Majesty, if the kingdom is in danger, I am willing to take the lead and protect the safety of the kingdom.

Although Gazef's words were addressed to the old king, they were actually in response to Marquis Rebun. Although he did not expect that a large number of nobles would die tragically at once, and even speculated that Igarashi planned to take this opportunity to attack the kingdom. But after discovering that the king was safe and sound, and that the dead nobles had countless crimes, and hearing Princess Lana's words, Gazef also felt that this was an opportunity for the kingdom.

These are extraordinary times. Gazef allows you to wear the kingdom's secret treasure for a long time to protect the safety of the royal capital. You can make your own judgment in case of emergency.

Various thoughts flashed through Rambossa III's mind, and he finally buried them deeply. The noble died tragically, and his death was the same as the eight fingers that perished under the bracelet worn by Lana. Then the conflict between the nobles and the royal family had intensified. What we want to think about now is not how to appease the nobles, but to prevent them from rebelling.


Gazef accepted the order with great enthusiasm. Feeling the determination in the king's tone, the blood of the warrior captain of the kingdom was already boiling.

Marquis Rebuen, what are you going to do next?

The king's tone was calm, and his old eyes that seemed a little turbid were calmly staring at the blond middle-aged man in front of him, but under his gaze, Marquis Rebuen felt a terrifying crisis. The twilight lion was now revealed to him. Fangs.

I will do whatever your Majesty orders.

In the end, Marquis Rebuen chose to side with the royal family, at least for now. If he gave another answer, the strongest warrior in the kingdom who was blocking his retreat would probably take action. Among the nobles, it was almost destined. In the case of rebellion, greatly weakening the power of the nobles is the right choice.

Lana, if you have any ideas next, it doesn't matter. If it makes sense, I will adopt it.

Rambossa III looked at his daughter. He originally thought she was a talented and intelligent child. However, now that the nobles died because of her and the kingdom was about to fall into crisis, the old king failed to learn from the child he thought he knew very well. I saw even a little panic and guilt on her body. Is she born like this, or has she surrendered to Igarashi? The old king didn't know, but if all this was Igarashi's plan, then he succeeded.

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