Blue Rose began to fight against the human organization Eight Fingers. Although they violated this unwritten rule, they were adamantium-level adventurers and could be said to be representative figures of the union. They could not really be expelled from the union, so they were tacitly approved. , but only they can be forgiven.

Princess, do you really want to follow me? Even if I wear the four secret treasures of the kingdom, I cannot guarantee your safety. Please return to the palace.

The vitality gauntlets that won't tire, the immortal amulet that can continuously heal, the guardian armor that can avoid fatal blows, and the razor blade that can cut through armor as easily as butter. Gazef is equipped with these four secret treasures. The true strongest warrior in the kingdom, he now faced the Sunshine Codex again and could win. However, Gazef could not guarantee that he could ensure the safety of the princess when he faced the Eight Fingers, the largest underground organization in the kingdom.

Isn't there everyone from Cang Qiangwei? I will be careful too.

Princess Lana would not put herself in danger, but the Eight Fingers that were entangled with the noble faction must be eliminated. Only by eliminating the Eight Fingers can she combine the power of Gazef and Blue Rose to eliminate the nobles and secretly control With greater power, Lana looked at the bracelet under her cuff, and gradually tightened her grip. She had to take a risk.

Huh, if we have the help of the fully armed warrior captain of the kingdom, we can take care of the princess.

Laisi deliberately emphasized the word fully armed, complaining in her heart about the nobles in the kingdom who always acted as a hindrance.

I will block the news and send soldiers to help.

Marquis Leiwen ignored Lachesi's words. He once had ambitions to usurp the throne, but all this disappeared after he saw his newborn child. Marquis Leiwen wanted stability, so he was in the aristocratic faction. The back-and-forth between the Royal Faction and the Royal Faction created a strange balance between the two sides. However, the appearance of Igarashi made Lord Rebuen know that this balance would be broken and the balance would tip to the Royal Faction, because the Noble Faction undoubtedly This aroused Igarashi's disgust, and this feeling deepened after seeing Princess Lana's various actions after returning from the Kaz Plains.

Then you should put your chips in a favorable position.

Marquis Rebuen, who had only been secretly suppressing Eight Fingers, finally stood on his opposite side.

The kingdom tried to destroy the Eight Fingers.

As the strongest Six Arms among the Eight Fingers, they realized this. If they escaped at this time, they would only be defeated by each one. They were unwilling to give up their glory and wealth, so six adamantine-level combatants gathered together.

Kingdom Warrior Captain Gazef, I have wanted to fight you for a long time.

In addition to Six Arms, some other combatants from Eight Fingers also gathered, about a hundred people. However, the real high-level combatants on Gazef's side were less than ten, and the others were just ordinary soldiers. Although hundreds of people surrounded the place, Surrounded, but all six arms had smiles on their faces, never thinking that they would lose.

Six-Arms seemed to want to continue speaking, but Gazef had already rushed forward, fighting quickly and changing later. He was wearing the four secret treasures of the kingdom, and behind him was the princess of the kingdom. For the sake of this country, Gazef must fight with all his strength. .

Laxus stood guard next to Princess Lana with a black sword in hand. Although she also had a steel-level combat power, she needed to ensure the safety of the princess. At the same time, she mastered the fifth-level resurrection magic. Compared with fighting, she was more Mana should be conserved in preparation for later resurrecting companions.

However, the number of people was not enough. Apart from captain Lax and Evileye who was far away in the Kaz Plains, the only remaining men in the Blue Rose Squad were the sisters Bogoglan and Tiatina. They each faced off against three of the six arms. The warrior leader of the kingdom suppressed two people by one person, but there were six people with six arms, and where was the other person?

Although I really want to kill the warrior captain of the kingdom and become the strongest in the kingdom, it is more important to capture the princess of the kingdom now.

A sudden sound came from the roof nearby, and a figure rose up and fell rapidly from the sky towards the place where Lana was.


The visitor collided with the black sword in Laxi's hand with his gloved fist, making a sound of metal collision.

I have long heard that the weapon in the hands of Captain Blue Rose is suspected to be the magic sword of the Thirteen Heroes. Now it seems that it is indeed the case. However, if you want to protect Lana, you are doomed to fail from the beginning, let go!

Looking at the cracks on his hard-forged gloves, the strongest among the six arms, Dougui Jieluo couldn't help but feel lucky that he didn't recklessly rely on his fists as hard as orichalcum to fight the opponent head-on. Following Jieluo's words After falling, more and more archers appeared around the square where the fierce battle was taking place. Their movements were uniform, not like ordinary mercenaries, but like an army.


The nobles who were bribed by Eight Fingers were so bold that they used soldiers from their own territories to besiege the warrior captain and princess of the kingdom. Damn it.

Even if Gazef didn't have the four secret treasures, he wouldn't be so easily injured by a bow and arrow. But the princess couldn't do it. He gave up on the two people in front of him who were unable to cope with his attack. Gazef jumped up and tried to rush to Lana to resist. Bow and arrow, if something happened to the princess, Gazef, who was loyal to his country, would not tolerate it at all.

Whoosh whoosh.

The sound of sharp arrows piercing the air continued to sound, and the indiscriminate shooting frightened those on the Eight Finger side who had prepared in advance. However, the Blue Rose team's injuries were more serious. The opponent had at least hundreds of archers. In addition, There were hundreds of heavily armed soldiers outside, too many. Soldiers from both sides were already fighting, but Princess Lana's side had already shown signs of decline.

If it continues, although Lana will not die, the Blue Rose team will be severely damaged, the elite soldiers brought will also be wiped out, and the operation to encircle and suppress the Eight Fingers will fail. After alerting the snake, the next time they want to It will be more difficult to eliminate the Eight Fingers, and even the royal family may be retaliated by the Eight Fingers.

Chapter 279 Take action

Damn it, ahhh!

The evil-doing Eight Fingers were protected by soldiers. The hatred in Gazef's heart towards the kingdom's nobles suddenly rose to its peak, turning from hostility to absolute murderous intent. If these nobles did not die, the kingdom was in danger. After retreating, even if he would be punished, We must also ask His Majesty to execute the nobles who assisted Eight Fingers.


Continuously activating the combat skill Flow Speed, Gazef seriously injured several members of the Six Arms, and prepared to lead Princess Lana and the Blue Rose team to break out. All the soldiers sent by Lord Rebun were wiped out, but the opponent seemed to have a steady stream of enemies. In support, Gazef even saw the six-armed member who had been seriously injured by him use a healing magic scroll.

Damn it, how many people did Eight Fingers bribe?

Although the Eight Fingers stronghold here is in a remote place in the capital, such a huge momentum should have attracted the Royal Capital Guards long ago. However, except for those who supported the Eight Fingers, no one else showed up.

Lord Igarashi, please use teleportation magic. I want to help my friends. You can punish me however you want.

In the city of Karn, Evileye looked at the magic surveillance mirror in front of her and looked pleading to Igarashi beside her. Her concern made her confused. In her heart, the entire Blue Rose was about to be destroyed.

Igarashi could see clearly that although there was a steady stream of support from the Eight Fingers, none of them were at the adamantium level and could not stop Gazef and Blue Rose who wanted to retreat. The final result should be between both sides. His vitality was severely damaged, and all existence below the fine steel level was destroyed.

Until now, Igarashi has not taken action, but Igarashi wants to see what support Lana has when she participates in the encirclement and suppression. Now it seems that Lana has guessed the secret of the bracelet. Her support is herself. .

But he had no choice but to save him, so Igarashi reluctantly began to call upon the spiritual power stored in the bracelet that was far away in the kingdom's capital.


The energy is running rampant. It is not that someone is using large-scale magic to mobilize the energy in the air, but that the birds and animals are fleeing in all directions like encountering an overlord. In this uncontrolled energy wave, the bows and arrows begin to lose their balance, and they are powerless from the air. Falling down, the people who were fighting felt a sickening chill, and the instinct of the knife tip to lick blood was constantly warning them to escape.

what happened!

Fighting Ghost Jieluo was recharging his energy, looking at Cang Qiangwei and the Kingdom Warrior Captain who were being dragged down by the other six-armed people from a distance. He did not intend to join the battle immediately. He would wait until the opponent's physical strength was almost exhausted. At that time If he goes over by himself, Gazef has the vitality gauntlet that will not tire him out, but this only means that his physical energy will not be exhausted. Zero doesn't believe that Gazef's spirit can always be tense. When he relaxes, This is the time to take action.

However, the center of the turmoil in front of him was Lana, who had been ignored by Zero before. Seeing her looking at a string of silver bracelets, Zero frantically searched for information about the bracelet in his mind. Is there a secret treasure hidden in the kingdom? Damn it, how could it be so powerful? From this point of view, ordinary soldiers have lost their effectiveness. Only steel-level combat power can fight in this energy storm.

Even Jieluo himself is suppressing the alarm in various parts of his body, dragging his limbs that have become sluggish, and intends to leave quickly. The situation has changed, so it is better to be careful.

The bracelet Igarashi gave her had special effects, which Lana expected. However, when things really developed as she expected, Lana couldn't help but feel a little happy. The feeling of trembling in her heart made Lana Na was a little intoxicated.

Take this opportunity, us?!

Gazef saw that bows and arrows had lost their effect and ordinary people were unconscious in the energy storm. Knowing that the opportunity had come, Lana actually brought magic equipment with her. Although this was beyond Gazef's expectation, he was a little lucky. In this way, eight He shouldn't be able to escape, but he found that he had underestimated the magic equipment.


From screams to wild howls, everyone with Six Arms, including Dougui Jiluo, and Eight Fingers, who was already unconscious, covered their heads and kept struggling. However, the struggle did not last long. After a moment, they lost signs of life.

The Eight Fingers were annihilated, including the suspicious soldiers who came to support, and the entire army was annihilated. However, the Kingdom Warrior Captain and the Blue Rose Team did not feel much joy. Instead, they felt panic about the unknown. When did the Kingdom possess such terrifying magic items? No, There is no doubt that this is a divine weapon, and it can kill multiple steel-level enemies instantly.

Lana, what is this?...

Lassie subconsciously took a step back and looked nervously at the silver bracelet exposed on Lana's raised wrist. She could feel that this was the center of the energy storm just now.

This is a gift from Igarashi to me.

She couldn't hide it. It would be too childish to continue to say that it was a decoration. Lana gently touched the bracelet, with a hint of blush on her pretty face. She didn't know whether it was from shyness or excitement.

I see.

Gazef nodded clearly. If it was related to Igarashi, it could be explained. Moreover, after knowing that this was a gift from Igarashi to Lana, Gazef felt a little happy in his heart. Does this mean that Igarashi is optimistic about the kingdom? At least he is interested in the princess of the kingdom.

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