His skinny hands clenched the handle of the throne. Rambossa III had no choice.

People in the capital were panicked, and the civilians didn't know much about what was going on. However, carriages kept leaving the capital at night. At the same time, the patrol force suddenly became stronger. From time to time, people in high positions were arrested, and from time to time, people in high positions were arrested. There is news that someone is assassinating the royal family, and the storm is coming, no, the strong wind is coming.

Lord Igarashi, some overestimating bugs have come to the Kaz Plains with their cavalry. They seem to want to attack Elandir. Do you want me to destroy them?

Narberal told Igarashi the information, her eyes were filled with coldness and overestimation of her abilities. She was disgusted, and she hated people who tried to attack Igarashi even more.

The insect girls Edoma and Soliuxiang also stood beside Narberal, looking ready to go. Any one of them has the power to destroy the invading enemy.


Igarashi exclaimed in surprise. He didn't expect that there would be nobles attacking him. Is his brain broken? Although many intelligence nobles didn't know it, they should know that they had destroyed the Sunshine Canon. , come here to seek death?

When Igarashi let go of his mental power to explore the distant place, he found that there were just a few small nobles he had never seen before and soldiers with uneven equipment. He smacked his lips speechlessly. These guys, even Elandir The garrison couldn't defeat it. Did they bring siege weapons?

Although this was just a group of stupid nobles who appeared out of nowhere, and maybe they were cannon fodder instigated by other nobles to test, Igarashi still managed to be a little serious. At least the cavalry they brought with them already numbered in the hundreds. A force that looks good.

Enri, I will give you an army of beasts and a mighty main angel to try to destroy the enemy. How about that?

There was a smile on Igarashi's face. A battle that should not be underestimated seemed like child's play to him, and in fact it was exactly the same.

Ah, me? No, I've never led a soldier.

After hearing Igarashi's words, Enri pointed at herself blankly. She did not expect that she would lead the army in combat. Although the slow improvement in strength and almost no maid work made her often doubt her own worth, Enri did not think that she You can prove yourself by commanding battles.

They are all summons. You can command them with confidence, or do you have mercy on those who want to trample on the Kaz Plains?

Some bad memories in Enri's mind were suddenly recollected. The scene of the massacre in Karn Village was still vivid in her mind. Knowing that even if she failed, everyone was capable of solving the crisis, Enri gathered her courage.

I understand, I will try my best!

Chapter 282 Many people came

Ahead is Elandir. Although this city is on the border, but because of this, the defense facilities are very complete. Sir, should we think about it again?

Consider? What else should I consider? I now have the support of the six nobles of the kingdom. They are competing for the most prosperous royal city in the entire country. What's wrong with me taking over a small border town? Is it possible that they will still compete with me?

Leading more than a hundred of his cavalry, he kept galloping on the Kaz Plains. His Excellency the Baron was in high spirits. Now was a period of fierce fighting between the royal family and the nobles. It was also his opportunity. Heroes emerged from troubled times and were spotted by the six nobles and supported them. With enough food and equipment, he will take advantage of this general trend.

No, I mean maybe we are not enough people...


Before the attendant could finish speaking, he was glared at by the Baron. He could only bury the rest of his words helplessly in his heart. The Baron was good at everything except that he didn't take drugs. He didn't know that no one would care about him after his death this time. I wonder if this young master can really achieve something.

There was a beast running towards here from the distant horizon. The baron looked at the more than a hundred knights following him, as well as several other noble companions who were marching with him not far away. He was a little excited. call.

Everyone, this will be our first battle. Although the ones coming are just wild beasts, they can barely be used as sacrificial blades. After destroying these beasts, we can capture Elandir. Then you can enjoy Elandir as you like. Everything in Tierne, after that we will be the ones to rule the entire Kaz Plain, let us use the Kaz Plain as a stepping stone to gain the highest glory!”

Oh oh oh!

The knights and nobles cheered excitedly and rushed forward with shouts.

If you're afraid, don't open your eyes.

Looking at Enri's trembling body, Igarashi sighed. If he had known this, he would not have given Enri a beast army, but instead a low-level angel army. Although the beasts with an average level of around level 10 could not handle these knights at all. It was enough, but their attack methods were too bloody. Looking at the knights in the distance who kept screaming under the bite of beasts, Igarashi felt that it was more humane to use powerful magic that could directly destroy people. a little.

...I have experienced this kind of thing myself, I know I should do it, I am not afraid!

Igarashi's words had the opposite effect. After a brief silence, Enri's eyes gradually became firmer. As if to prove herself, she stared at the one-sided massacre in the distance with her eyes wide open.

It's not that I want you to be of any value on the battlefield, but I see that you've been feeling a little down recently, and I wanted to use this battle to give you something to do. Now it seems I lacked consideration.

After all, Enri is a kind-hearted girl. Even though she looks strong, her slightly trembling body tells Igarashi that the girl's heart is not peaceful.


With Igarashi's thought, the summoned beast army disappeared instantly. Before the group of knights who had turned from invaders into prey showed a look of joy, the Mighty Light Archangel launched an extreme holy strike and wiped out all the creatures in that area. Eliminate it, cleanly, just like before.


Enri opened her mouth. She breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the bloody scene disappear. However, she suddenly became a little confused. She was still useless. Even if Igarashi gave her a powerful army, she couldn't continue. I can't even handle the bloody scenes.

Okay, don't think too much, you are my woman.

Gently stroking Enri's hair and tapping the girl's smooth forehead, Igarashi smiled. Enri is his woman, even if she does nothing and just plays this role well, for Igarashi Say, this is a value far higher than others.

Your woman, where's Evileye?

The captain of the Blue Rose team, Laxus, who came from afar, used her good hearing to hear Igarashi's voice. She already knew about Igarashi's appearance. In the capital, there were countless girls who were prince charming. The rumors were amazing, but when they met today, La Hagi had a bad impression of Igarashi, a sweet-talking playboy.

Captain of the Blue Rose Squadron, adamantite-level adventurer Laxus.

Igarashi pondered slightly, looking at the heroic figure in front of him. Although he had never seen it before, Igarashi already knew her very well through the spiritual power attached to Princess Lana's bracelet.

There was a hint of blush on Enri's pretty face, and half of her body was hidden behind Igarashi. She almost kissed him just now. Although she had done more intimate things, the sudden appearance of a stranger still made Enri suddenly become Become unnatural.

You know me? Okay, I also know you. Where is Lax? You didn't do anything to her, right? If you do something bad, I will definitely punish you!

As if to prove her firmness, Lachesi raised the black sword in her hand. Now she only wants to know the whereabouts of her companions.

She is in Karn City. I will take you there...wait.

What's wrong?

Igarashi suddenly stopped mid-sentence, making Laxus suddenly become nervous. She even began to suspect that Igarashi wanted to kill herself to cover up some shady things.

This must be Igarashi-dono, I am Fluder.

Having felt the aura that was suspected of being the ultimate holy strike of sixth level magic, the legendary magician Fluder rushed here regardless of Lenas and Alshe who were still leading the way for him before. He saw three people, Igarashi, Lacus and Enri stopped briefly on Lax, and after seeing that she could only use fifth-level magic, Fluder's eyes moved to Enri, and finally stopped on Igarashi.


Lachesi blinked in surprise. She was very familiar with this highly prestigious human being's most powerful magic caster. What was he doing here?

Yes, I am Igarashi. Can you suppress your magic eyes a little? You know, I have worked very hard to ensure that you are not hurt.

Feeling that Fludana was similar to Arshay, but had more powerful detection power, Igarashi was a little helpless. If he hadn't controlled the law, Fludana might not be so comfortable now. This was enough to make The law has reached the point of counterattack.

...If I can see a strong man who can cast magic stronger than me, I am willing to pay this price, Lord Igarashi!

Igarashi's words were a bit difficult for Fluder to understand, but the magic eye he saw through did not work on Igarashi. He took a deep breath to suppress the restlessness in his heart, and Fluder spoke solemnly.

Chapter 283 Don’t even think about leaving

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