Lana was not afraid of that kind of future, but she was a little unwilling deep down in her heart. Her expression kept changing in front of the mirror. She was just a human being. Rubbing her face would not make her face deform like a slime, but she was similar to self-suggestion. the behavior of.

Letting go of her hand, Lana smiled, very standard, reserved and elegant, but lacked the vitality that a young girl should have.

No, this is the smile you use when meeting people as a princess.

Lana shook her head and sneered a little. In this world of jungle, the country will be overthrown by the strong and irresistible. In the city of Karn, almost everyone has this power, whether it is for themselves or for this place with no sense of belonging. Even in a high country, Lana cannot be proud of her status as a princess.

This is the best.

At this moment, Lana's pretty face showed a gentle smile that matched her approachable appearance and soft voice.

Originally, the smile was a kind of disguise, and Lana, who had been disguising herself for a long time, was actually very disgusted with all the people she had to face in disguise. However, now, Lana didn't feel much reluctance in her heart.

He really has magic power, but I still don't want to stop there.

Even if she is thinking about her future, Lana still thinks that she needs to leave Karn City, return to the royal capital, and gradually absorb the power of this country. There is no racial advantage, no divine blood, and the power of ordinary people has its upper limit. Even a genius is only a hero, but the hero class is not worth mentioning here. Although she is a royal family of a country, Lana, who has no special bloodline, chooses to increase her power and status in order to increase her own value.

Although she did not go to the so-called Nazarick to find out what was going on, what she saw and heard in Karn City was enough for Lana. Lana had already seen how powerful Karn City was. It was not what she had thought before. Yes, one person can withstand the power of hundreds or even thousands of people, but one person is powerful enough to destroy a country and rule the entire world.

I have something to ask of you. Can you send me to Elandir?

What's wrong? You want to leave suddenly?

Hearing Lana's words, Evileye looked confused and subconsciously wanted to refuse, because escorting Lana away was equivalent to her leaving Karn City and leaving that person's side, but then Evileye remembered , he was a prisoner, how could he leave just like that? While he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, he was somewhat helpless.

I have to protect Karn City now, and I can't seem to leave casually...

My master only means that in times of crisis, you should appear in time. If you only move around in the Kaz Plains, it will be fine.

The one who spoke was Narberal. Enri was currently exercising not far away, improving herself at a slow speed. Narberal's words seemed to be persuading Evileye to escort Lana away, which was actually the case.

Lana is a girl who is extremely smart and good at hiding herself. Although Narberal is not a smart person, her good qualities as a maid and her strong intuition tell her that she has always been , Lana faced them as if she were wearing a mask, and even when she got along with Igarashi, she was disguised. Narberal did not reject the Supreme Being having a new concubine, but she extremely rejected it, and people with ulterior motives approached Igarashi. .

Princess Lana, are you planning to return to the capital?

Igarashi's figure appeared in front of several people talking. It was obvious that almost everyone could see his slow movements, but he seemed to shrink into an inch, flashing several times in a row before suddenly appearing.

Juesi Jueming was sleeping in the room. When Igarashi was free, he saw the extra 1,000 experience points he had. He was a little confused at first. He didn't seem to do anything to scare him during this period, but then he remembered those people who were there. The Guardians Outside Nazarick seems to be their masterpiece.

Igarashi, who was in a good mood, heard Lana's words, and she expressed her intention to leave. To this, Igarashi did not want to stop him. He had not resorted to any means to that point, although Lana and himself had not established anything. She has a close relationship, but she can be considered a beautiful girl, and her voice is very similar to someone Igarashi is familiar with in another world.

In that case...

If you are ready, I can use teleportation magic to send you directly to the Royal Palace. This can be considered a gift from me.

A bracelet appeared in Igarashi's hand. The small silver metals were grouped together in a ring shape. Although it was very beautiful, it did not show any magical atmosphere.


Lana did not refuse. The journey from the Kaz Plains to the Royal Capital was not short. It was very likely that she would encounter some dangers. Teleportation magic would be great. The bracelet in Igarashi's hand seemed to be just a simple decoration, which made Lana His eyes flashed, and the smile on his face changed slightly, but he still put it on his wrist carefully.

Although there are countless treasured equipments in the Nazarick warehouse, the bracelet Igarashi is sending now is not an artifact or legendary equipment. It is just a special equipment discovered by him. The effect is guaranteed to be placed on it. A small part of Igarashi's now extremely powerful mental power has not dissipated for a long time. This bracelet is both protection and surveillance.

Chapter 272 Gift

After walking through the magic called the portal opened by Igarashi, Lana was surprised to find that she was already standing in the bedroom of the palace. She subconsciously looked back at the energy that was gradually dissipating. Lana felt it again. The overwhelming strength gap between the opponent and the kingdom means that as long as Igarashi is willing, he can use magic to appear directly in the palace at any time and perform a good show of decapitating the enemy general among thousands of troops.

After pausing for a moment to calm down, a reserved and elegant smile appeared on Lana's face, which was the gesture she often showed in the palace.

Lady Lana, are you back?

A maid came to clean Lana's room. Princess Lana left the palace. This was something everyone in the palace knew, but most people didn't know her movements and purposes. Now that Princess Lana came back, the maid He bowed and did not ask Princess Lana what she had done. This is the basic quality of a servant.

Yes, I have to meet my father later, please help me prepare.

Lana smiled at the maid and watched the maid turn and leave. Her eyes couldn't help but stay on the silver bracelet on her wrist. For a woman, this bracelet was very aesthetically pleasing and could even be used as a token of love.

However, Lana knew that Igarashi was not lustful enough to give a token of love upon meeting him. This bracelet must have some function that she didn't know about. What function it was? At least, it shouldn't have any direct harm to her. .

Remembering Igarashi's attitude towards Evileye, Lana no longer dwelled on the effect of the bracelet and walked step by step deeper into the palace.


The king smiled at Lana, who was running over. He already knew that Princess Lana suddenly returned to the palace. She did not pass through the royal city, but appeared directly in the palace. This method was a bit shocking, but if it was related to Igarashi, how could the king I can understand a little bit.

The appearance of an uncontrollable strong man in his own country will make an ordinary king sleepless. Some kings will choose to show favor to the strong man and take him for their own use, and some kings will choose to annihilate him, but Rambosa III did not make it so obvious. He was 60 years old and looked older, but his mind was still comparable to that of a king. He had already seen that Igarashi had no sense of belonging to the kingdom. At the same time, he had no sense of belonging to the nobles. Even the royal family has no scruples.

If there is no sense of belonging, it is necessary to create a sense of belonging. The king will not make the stupid move of expending national power against a strong man when surrounded by enemy countries. Then, he may have to let his most beloved daughter fall into misfortune.

However, it may not be unfortunate.

After looking Princess Lana up and down, the king's hidden gaze finally stopped at the extra thing on his daughter's wrist.

You're back, how's it going? Did you gain anything?

Of course the king knew that Lana had left the royal capital, and he even wanted to send the kingdom's warrior captain to escort Lana there to ensure safety. What's going on in the Kaz Plains now? Who is Igarashi? Does he have any power? It was information that the king wanted to know but had not sent anyone to take any substantive action.

When Lana proposed to go to the Kaz Plains to look for Igarashi, although the king was worried about his daughter's safety, he was also worried about the future of the country. When Igarashi took action for a civilian girl at the gate of the royal capital, the king also understood So, perhaps Princess Lana's trip will not only encounter no danger but also have unexpected effects.

Powerful, just the tip of the iceberg I saw, is enough to defeat any national power known in this world. However, he is not a cruel and heartless person.

On the contrary, he was so passionate that it gave him a headache. He added this sentence silently in his heart, and Lana continued to speak.

In addition, Evileye of the Blue Rose, a team of adamantine-level adventurers, has now become one of the guardians of Karn City.

Igarashi is very powerful, and now I know that he seems to have very powerful power at the same time. This is not unbelievable. The old king pondered for a while, digesting the information brought back by Lana, his wrinkled face was full of vicissitudes On the top, he showed a smile that contained deep meaning.

Is what you have on your wrist a new decoration you bought?

Yes, even though as the leader of a country, the old king has seen countless high-end equipment, he still cannot see the role of this bracelet. He just treats it as an ordinary jewelry. In fact, even if he is proficient in it, The chanter of magical power can only see that the bracelet is extraordinary. Igarashi's spiritual power does not exist in any records in this world.

Igarashi gave this to me. It should be considered a parting gift.

His father discovered this bracelet just after they met. After that, the maid responsible for taking care of him and even others will also see this extra thing. Just in case, Lana should put away the bracelet. Get up, but she had no intention of doing so.

Oh I got it.

The king nodded clearly. Lana's answer did not surprise him. The old king looked at Lana as she was fiddling with the bracelet. In this case, he could feel at ease, and maybe he could follow the previous plan. Implement something.

Warrior Captain, what do you think?

After a while, watching Princess Lana leave, the king sat in his seat and spoke. Gazef's figure appeared behind a wide stone pillar. This was not because the king and Gazef had something to hide. It was Lana who wanted to resign, but Gazef, who originally wanted to resign, was kept by the king. Hidden there for the time being. I have something to discuss with you later. This is what the king said. Although this was not etiquette, Gazef Jeff finally obeyed the king's orders.

This subordinate agrees with His Majesty's decision.

Igarashi is the strongest and best person Gazef has ever seen. If he wants to marry this princess, it would be a good choice. Although this will definitely cause dissatisfaction among the noble faction, Ge Jie I believe that Lana will live a good life with Igarashi, and let me protect the safety of His Majesty the King.

Chapter 273 Go Home

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