However, even without considering the disadvantages of belief in becoming a god, Igarashi does not know the specific method at all. The system may know, but the system did not even inform Igarashi of the existence of the power of faith, let alone other details. , Moreover, the power of faith does not seem to be as powerful as the power of all things. Igarashi, who understands this, temporarily gave up the idea of ​​using the power of faith.

Well, you did a good job, but just in case, don't spread my information out in case other countries unite against Nazarick.

The Theocratic Nation has world-class props, so other countries, even if they are not as powerful as The Theocratic Nation, are very likely to possess them. Although Igarashi is not afraid, Nazarick is not, so he should not make any noise for the time being until an irresistible trend is formed.

Understood, only a few people know of your existence now. There are not many of them. They are all confined to the capital of the Theocracy. If Igarashi-sama wishes, I can deal with them all.

There was blood in Demiurge's plain words. He was truly a demon and didn't care about the lives of others.

No, they are barely peripheral members of Nazarick, and there is no need to deliberately restrict their freedom. Demiurge, I believe you can handle emergencies.

Although Demiurge disregarded life, he was absolutely loyal to Nazarick and valued every person in Nazarick until that person made an act of betrayal.

It's not like Igarashi can impose any restrictions on the guardians. The guardians outside Nazarick now all have props and equipment that are sufficient to deal with mind control, weakness curses, and even various other possible situations. This is also thanks to Igarashi was frantically collecting valuable props in the World Tree game before he could cover everything. If he had kept a low profile, he wouldn't have been able to reach where he is now.

Although Nazarick was besieged by several guilds and mercenary teams because of Igarashi's overpowering, Nazarick won in the end, and the various equipment seized improved the quality of Nazarick's warehouses by leaps and bounds. promote.

Yes, thank you to the Supreme Being for your trust.

Originally, Demiurge wanted to briefly report to Igarashi about Cocytus's conquest of foreign races, but he thought that Igarashi seemed to want the guardians to make their own judgments. There was no clear restriction other than conquering the world. , then it stopped.

The Holy Theocracy originally could not tolerate the appearance of any alien race in the capital, let alone an existence suspected of being a demon. Even if the top leaders of the Theocracy surrendered to Igarashi, they did not surrender to Demiurge, and their thoughts Without any change, this would have been a conflict that was difficult to end. However, Demiurge's loyalty to Igarashi made those in the Theocracy who knew the inside story regard him as a demon subdued by the gods. From hostility to pride.

Taking the devil as a servant is an event that has never been recorded. This just proves the power of the new god of the Theocracy - Igarashi. These are also the few high-level officials who are not directly affected by Igarashi's law. Reasons for conversion.

The collection of the Theocracy, as well as some of the equipment left by the six gods, were previously kept in the Holy Domain and have been guarded by Jue Die Jue. The most important thing among them is not in the Sanctuary now, and that is Jue Die Jue. Carry it with you wherever you die.

Igarashi did not specifically ask for possible artifacts or world-class props from Zetsu. Since Zetsu is not an enemy, let her take them with her. She won’t use world-class props to deal with them anyway. Let's go to Nazarick.

Igarashi, who was thinking like this, found that a wave of waves enveloped the room he was in. It was not an attack method, but more like a defensive method. It was like isolating space. Igarashi understood the classification and differences between equipment. Arashi immediately came to the conclusion that someone had used world-class props.

He frowned, because in the comfortable city of Karn, Igarashi did not release his mental power at all times. Instead, an enemy sneaked in. However, there had been no battle fluctuations before, and everyone else should be safe.

The vast mental power could easily break through the range of this world's props, but before that, Igarashi stopped because he found a familiar figure within the range of this world's props, that was Zetsu Desperate.

Chapter 270 Unexpected

What do you want to do? Igarashi gave up the idea of ​​pre-emptive strike with some pondering, and quietly watched Zetsu Jueming approaching him step by step. If the other party wanted to play a trick of catching the thief first, after knowing Igarashi's strength, this was obvious. It is not advisable, and at the same time, Jue Die Jueming does not appear to be holding any weapons.

One step, two steps, three steps, Jue De Jue Ming did not conceal his movements and directly opened the door of Igarashi's room.

Tsk, this completely defeated Igarashi's previous attempt to wait and see what happened. Let alone him, even an ordinary person with no fighting ability would not be able to notice that the door to the room was opened.

You used world-class props, what do you want to do?

After saying these words, Igarashi suddenly had the illusion that he was a weakling who was about to be bullied. He shook his head and put aside the unrealistic thoughts, looking at the expressionless Zetsu.

You said before that you let me be myself.

He did not answer Igarashi's question, but spoke in a calm voice, with some deep meaning hidden in his words.


I have indeed said this. Although Jueji Juemei looks plain, Igarashi feels that this is the calm before the storm. This guy doesn't want to fight with me. Forget it, he has been doing it recently. If she didn't do anything good, just let her go a little bit. For this girl who gave up the responsibility of guardianship, resolutely followed him from the Theocracy to the Kaz Plains, and was left alone for a period of time, Igarashi has some ability. Some guilt.

That's good.

After taking a look at the world-class props that were still working, Zetsu approached Igarashi, then stretched out his arms and hugged him.

Hey, it turns out that you are not looking for a fight with me, but you are here to throw yourself into my arms. Then there is no need to be so grand. Tell me carefully, and I will definitely not object.

Helplessly maintaining the previous posture, Igarashi did not hug the girl with his backhand. To be honest, he was a little confused now. Zetsujuemei was a little strange today. He didn't know if he would hug the girl with his backhand. Suddenly he became dissatisfied.

Quietly resting his head on Igarashi's chest, listening to the other person's heartbeat, feeling the strange peace he felt at this time, and his body temperature and heartbeat that were gradually becoming abnormal, Juese Juemei raised his head slightly, his face But he still didn't have much expression, but he looked at Igarashi seriously.

I think I really like you.

As if to prove the authenticity of his words, Jue Se Jue Ming took Igarashi's hand and climbed up step by step, skipping various parts of the body, until he reached Jue Se Jue Ming's ears hidden by his hair.

Pointed ears are a symbol of elves.

When Igarashi's fingers touched Zetsu's elf pointed ears, Zetsu's body visibly stiffened. This was the biggest change in her expression she had ever shown, but she returned to calm soon after.

Before, I would kill anyone who saw my ears. Now I let you touch my ears. Can you prove my heart?

The elves in this world should not have any taboos about ears. There is no record of this in Igarashi’s photographic memory, but looking at Jue De Jue De’s serious eyes, he also believed the other person’s words. The truth, Jue De Jue Ming deliberately concealed this point, must be related to the elves, Igarashi did not specifically ask at this moment.

I see.

As Igarashi's words fell, his desperate movements seemed to have been planned after a brief pause. The hands that were originally around Igarashi's waist used a little force to bring Igarashi, who was not deliberately on guard. bedside.

Well, Igarashi was a little lucky that Zesei Zemei didn't do such a thing like a princess hug, but it also gave him a headache. What's going on? Is the relationship between active and passive reversed? Why do I feel so weak now? This is not okay.


It seemed that in order to prevent Igarashi from saying rejection, Zetsu Juemei took a preemptive strike and sat on Igarashi. He simply sat on him and made no next move.

Although his masculinity was being violated, but looking at the sudden stop of death, Igarashi had a guess. This man who talks about be my man all day long will not survive. It’s not like a young girl doesn’t know everything. She’s really amazing.

In this way, you will be my man.

Sure enough, Jue Die Jueming seemed to have accomplished something important, and said such a sentence. The plain and pretty face now showed a slightly proud look, looking very satisfied.

You are right to say that, but now that we have reached this point, I will teach you the next step.

In the confused eyes of Zetsu, there was a two-level reversal. The positions of Igarashi and Zetsu were reversed. Looking at the tender face close at hand, Igarashi kissed Zetsu gently. On the desperate lips.


Although kissing has never been practiced personally, Juesei Juemei also learned from some books that this is an action that only close lovers can perform. With the mood of completing the ceremony, he clumsily welcomed Igarashi's invasion, but I found that I was in an abnormal state as if I had been cursed with weakness. Different from the pain of being cursed, I was actually a little bit reluctant to let my state disappear. This was because I was mentally controlled. Yet.

The eyes that had always been clear gradually became hazy. Juedi Jueming did not use purification magic to change her state. In fact, even if she really used magic, there would be no change. The Theocracy had hidden the The mythical figure is now just an ignorant girl.

Although before this, Igarashi had never responded positively to Zetsu, in fact, he would not refuse anyone who came, and he was very possessive. He never intended to just pass by the cute half-elf girl. However, now that you have achieved this step, let’s continue.

Chapter 271 Lana

Lana is the third princess of the kingdom. She has a smart mind and beautiful appearance. The new policies she promulgated are at the forefront of the times. Her almost perfect appearance attracts the nobles who originally opposed the royal family. However, she has shortcomings, among which One, her combat effectiveness is infinitely close to zero.

However, even when the battle was approaching zero, Lana could still see from time to time those beautiful girls who were gradually becoming familiar with her, going to Igarashi's room without any pretense, and then staying there all night.

Now, Princess Lana could feel a terrifying wave shrouding Igarashi's room. She was a little panicked at first. She didn't know the reason for the panic, but she did warn Narberal and the others. Then he was told by the other party with a strange look that there was no need to pay attention.

Well, never mind.

Lana stood in front of the mirror, holding her face with both hands and rubbing it up and down. She had more or less guessed what was happening in Igarashi's room at this time. She created such a huge formation just to do that kind of thing. Lana was not concerned with that for the time being. She had already found out that Karn City seemed to be Igarashi's Crystal Palace. Before, she was wondering why there were only a few people in the huge Karn City, and the demon she saw before was also gone. Now that she thought about it, everything It's all very clear.

If he continues to stay, he may also join Igarashi's Crystal Palace.

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