Surrounded by steep cliffs without any vegetation, the black stones look a bit scary under the moonlight at night. The surface of Nazarick is shrouded in cliffs like some ancient ruins.

On both sides of the dim stone door where the situation inside is invisible, there are two tall stone statues. These are not just decorations. They are called demon golems. Heroes can only defeat them with one blow, and even golems can be defeated by them. The strongest one is the fourth level guardian of Nazarick.

The golems themselves were not sane, they were just executing orders, so even if Igarashi, the ruler of Nazarick, was standing in front of them, the golems were still as motionless as stone statues.

Now Nazarick is telling almost everyone who comes here in an upright manner that this is the base where evil gathers, the base camp of the Demon King. As a human, Igarashi feels a little embarrassed at this time, I'm sorry, Everyone in Nazarick, I have embarrassed you. My race is not evil enough.

Igarashi no longer paused for the scene in front of him and began to move forward faster, passing the gray-white temple. Unsurprisingly, someone was already waiting underground. It was not Igarashi who ordered Nazarick to greet him in advance, but Albedo. He and Shalltear came here on their own initiative, and Igarashi did not dissuade him.

Behind them are the battle maids who stayed in Nazarick, and behind them are the eighty-level servants.

Lord Igarashi, welcome home.

Following the gentle female voice, many greetings welcoming Igarashi home began to sound.

Albedo was still wearing her pure white dress, which reminded Igarashi of impure memories from time to time.

What's the matter? Are you here to greet me?

Nazarick is Lord Igarashi's true home, and I must make you feel the warmth of home.

Albedo stopped talking here, but Igarashi had already guessed her purpose. She was probably unhappy with the existence of Karn City, and wanted to prove that the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick was stronger than Karn City. The presence.

In fact, if all the guardians who have gone out are allowed to come back, Nazarick will undoubtedly be stronger than Karn City. The only people in Karn City who have little to do with Nazarick are Enri, Nimue, and Qi. Just Yale, Evileye and Clementine.

Albedo's proof is actually unnecessary. Regardless of the completeness of the equipment, the area of ​​activity, the power of guardianship, or the population, Karn City is far inferior to Nazarick. But on the other hand, Albedo is You know, in Igarashi's heart, the status of Karn City is not low.

Send Nazarick's servants who are good at hiding to collect valuable information further away. I need a blueprint for the entire world.

Using teleportation magic, he went directly to the ninth floor of Nazarick, and then walked all the way to the throne room on the tenth floor. Igarashi looked at the people with the highest status in Nazarick who were staying in front of him. He did not forget his plan. , the thousand experience points gained previously proved that the intimidation behavior of his subordinates was still effective.


The forces in this world are not only kingdoms, empires and theocracy. In addition to many alien races, there are other countries. And from Jue Jue Ming's mouth, Igarashi learned that there seems to be the existence of the Dragon King. Although the Dragon King's strength It's not as good as death, and it's not enough for Nazarick to treat it with caution.

I know that so far, except for the lizard people, Igarashi has not seen many alien races that exist in this world, such as cat-eared girls, cat-eared girls, and cat-eared girls. They are the only lizard people who gather in the form of a tribe. , is still a race that is completely inconsistent with human aesthetics. It is no wonder that the Church advocates human supremacy.

Since gaining the loyalty of the higher-ups of Theocratic State, Igarashi also discovered some secrets hidden in Theocratic State, some information about other countries, and the relationship between the Kingdom and Theocratic State. The Theocratic State upholds the supremacy of human beings, so it and its colleagues It is ridiculous to fight within a human country. Originally, Igarashi thought that the Theocracy was just a high-sounding existence.

Unexpectedly, after looking through the files, it was discovered that the kingdom had been secretly helped by the Theocratic State to occupy the richest land. However, the internal fighting between the royal family and the nobles made the Theocratic State completely disappointed with the kingdom. At this time, the Empire was rising, and the Theocratic State was The country changed from supporting the kingdom at the beginning to suppressing it, while supporting the empire with more potential.

Looking at it this way, the Theocracy is not a very vicious existence. At the same time, the old guys in the Theocracy have captured Igarashi's preferences very accurately. They seem to plan to build Karn City into a holy city and send pious and pure people. The saint comes.

Well, although Igarashi was very approving of those people's proposal, after thinking about it, he temporarily abandoned this tempting plan and will talk about it later.

Lord Igarashi, I think...

After Igarashi ended the short meeting, two figures followed Igarashi. One of them, Shalltear, said with a red face. As a guardian, it would be rude to make a request to the Supreme Being. , but now she speaks in another identity.

This guy wants to suck my blood.

Glancing at Shalltear helplessly, Igarashi squeezed out a drop of blood from his finger with extremely skillful movements, and sent it to Shalltear's mouth with his mental power. Although he was the most advanced vampire, he had no influence on Shalltear. To put it bluntly, a drop of blood can be remembered for a long time.


Shalltear showed an expression of enjoyment. Now she is slightly stronger than level 100. At around level 101, taking Igarashi's blood again actually has no substantial effect. This is just Shalltear's hobby. In her Besides Igarashi, my biggest hobby is.

Tsk, damn it, how dare you let Lord Igarashi get hurt.

Although there were no marks on Igarashi's hand, Albedo, who was also following him all the way, still held Igarashi's hand with a distressed look on his face, as if he were holding a fragile work of art, and was soon filled with anger. He looked at Shalltear. If Igarashi hadn't taken the initiative to complete a series of actions, Shalltear would have ignored the friendship of his companions and fought with Shalltear fully armed to the end.

Okay, didn't I tell you about this before? I also want to see what effect my blood has.

Igarashi tapped Albedo's palm with his backhand, indicating that she didn't need to pay attention.

Chapter 274 Dispute

In a hidden room in the royal capital, except for Evileye, everyone in the adamantine-level adventurer team gathered here. Everyone was holding a big bag in their hands. They placed it on the ground and made a metal collision sound. It is their equipment and weapons that are installed, because entering fully armed is too eye-catching and can easily alert others.

After putting down their heavy luggage, the group moved their bodies slightly. Except for a certain woman who was too rugged, all of them showed beautiful curves. Lana looked at everyone in the room with a gentle expression, but the leader Laisi He didn't seem to appreciate it very much.

We have destroyed many strongholds in the Eight Fingers during this period. So, where is Evileye who is escorting you?

She completed Lana's commission well and continued to provoke the largest underground force in the entire kingdom. Lana returned home after going out, but she did not see the figure of her happy enemy Evileye, the guy who was stronger than herself. What happened? Although she tried her best not to think about it, if something happened that Laxus least wanted to see, although she would not lose her mind and attack Lana, there was no doubt that she would There would be a crack in the friendship with Lana. Taking a deep breath, Lax looked at Lana seriously.

At least tell me where she died and I might be able to resurrect her.

Laxi masters the fifth level of resurrection magic. Although this level of resurrection magic will inevitably cause some damage to the resurrected person, this is the most perfect result compared to death.

The other members of the Blue Rose were silent. Although Evileye always wore a mask to hide his appearance and did not speak much, they were always willing to trust this partner. Apart from resurrecting Evileye who might have died, Cang Qiangwei is also ready for revenge.

She is not dead or injured. She is in Karn City now, but she cannot come here for the time being.

The princess gently stroked the silver bracelet, but her heart was not as gentle as she showed. For these guys who didn't understand the situation in front of her, the smile on Lana's face did not change, but became stronger, not to mention Evileye. It doesn't count as being in danger. Even if she really dies, Karn City is not a place that Blue Rose can break into.

According to Igarashi, Lana should have directly said that Evileye was dead and would have cut off contact with Blue Rose. However, based on Lana's judgment, if she had said so, Blue Rose would have headed to the Kaz Plains regardless of the cost. Revenge, that is not the ending Lana wants to see, the destruction of Blue Rose or something like that.

Why can't you come here? Has she been threatened? Why can you be so calm when your friend is being held hostage?!

Laisi finally showed her anger with some excitement. She felt like she had re-recognized her best friend in front of her. She didn't care about her companions and could still show such a perfect smile. Is this still the Lana she knew? Is this still the golden princess loved by the people?

I can guarantee with my life that Evileye did it voluntarily. She is very happy in Karn City. This is also the destination a woman deserves.

Although the entire Blue Rose team was glaring at her, Lana remained calm and maintained a dignified sitting posture. Her behavior also made Lax, who had been unable to control her anger, finally loosen her clenched fists. Come down.

Is that so? Well, I believe you. If that's the case, I should bless her. However, I will still go to Kaz Plains to see it later.

Although it was hard to believe that Evileye could fall in love with someone else, Lax finally chose to believe her best friend's words. She took a sip of the coffee on the table and glanced at Lana with half-closed eyes.

I was already prepared to raise my heroic sword to defeat the Demon King. Speaking of which, who does Evileye like? Is it the newly promoted Marquis Igarashi?


In this regard, Lana did not hide it and simply nodded.

I don't know what kind of person he is. It is said that he rescued strange commoner girls and was polite to the nobles in the palace. He is also a strong and handsome man. He is the dream lover of many girls. Such Do people really exist? It’s really an exaggeration, right?”

Exaggeration? In fact, he underestimated it. He directly killed a nobleman and made six noblemen kneel down in the palace. If his father had not explicitly ordered that this matter should not be spread, the noble faction would have kept silent due to face and spread the news. The story is not just this level. As for being strong and handsome, Lana has a deep understanding of it.

If you are so curious, you can go and see for yourself.

Lana did not tell Laisi more information, but instead instigated the other party to see it on her own, with ulterior motives.

Well, I will go later. This time, you didn't come to us just to reminisce about the past, right? My magic eyes have seen through your inner thoughts, Eight Fingers, what I said is right.

Laxus didn't have any magical eyes that could see into people's hearts. She was just suffering from the second disease, and everyone here was used to it.

We have destroyed eight strongholds, but we have not come into contact with the Six Arms who are responsible for fighting among them. Our strength of Blue Rose alone is not enough to face the Six Arms at the same time.

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