Everything I see is mine? Come with me, I will see that my conquests are the same. Unfortunately, he is an ugly guy without self-awareness.

What did you say?

Even though the other party looks luxuriously dressed and very elegant, there is no entourage around him, and the fat nobleman who has many friends in the aristocratic circle knows that the person in front of him is not one of those guys who cannot be messed with, and may even be famous. unknown.

Hey, little guy, where did you come from? Did you cry for your father to buy these clothes and that nice-looking sword? Okay, go back and nurse, don't meddle in other people's business, this is My maid.

As the fat noble's words fell, the domestic servant who had stopped, concluded from the master's attitude that this nosy guy was not someone who could not be provoked, put a arrogant smile on his face again, and stretched out his hand to capture him. Live in Qiarenina.

However, the two pairs of hands trying to grab Qiyareinina one on the left and the other on the right suddenly ignited flames before they touched the target. Then, there was no burning smell, thick smoke, or tragic smell. Yelling, the purple-black flames suddenly appeared and disappeared suddenly. Only the two big men who suddenly disappeared proved that all this was real.


The civilians who witnessed this strange scene were running away. The flames were probably magic, but they did not use chants, staffs, or props. They had never heard of such a simple instant magic. They were more willing to believe that this was a natural disaster than magic. Even if he is really a magic caster, if he kills people blatantly in front of the gate of the royal capital, there will definitely be a big conflict next, so run away quickly.


There was a look of surprise on the face of the fat noble. Even if he wanted to seize the commoner Qiyarenina, he would find an excuse, saying that she was the maid of his friend, and he did not dare to be too presumptuous outside the city gate. However, this The unknown young man dared to kill someone even if they disagreed with each other. The person he killed was one of his own. The fat noble's eyes gradually narrowed. Although he himself had no fighting ability, his status as a noble was standing at the gate of the royal capital. The fact that the opponent did not continue the attack gave him courage.

Tell me the location of your friend, and I'll give you a treat.

Kiareninna, would have been a woman riddled with tragedy. Now, due to some influences, she has not fallen into the abyss. But if she hadn't set the portal right here, Kiareninna, who was standing on the edge of the cliff, would have finally died. Will fall into the abyss. Igarashi has already decided the fate of the nobles. As for the impact of openly killing the nobles, what will be the impact? Oh, Igarashi does not need to restrain himself because of the king of the kingdom or other people. On the contrary, these people should think carefully about how to bear the consequences of their wrongdoings.

Give me a pleasure? Hahaha.

From the moment he appeared, he either said some weird words or made ridiculous rants. The fat nobleman was squeezed to the point of tears in his small eyes because of his fatness.

What are you driving...ahhhhh!!!

The nobleman who had not yet finished speaking found that his right hand was burning strangely. Unlike the flames that instantly devoured his servant before, the flames in his hand burned extremely slowly. In contrast, the pain it caused was Unbearable, the pampered nobleman had never suffered such pain, and he couldn't help but burst into tears.

You, you, you! What are you looking at? Why don't you come to my rescue quickly and arrest the guy who hurt me?

While crying, the noble did not forget to give orders to the guards, and his thoughts seemed to be very clear.

Chapter 246 The old king is dying

Before you act, think about the consequences.

Igarashi's cold words made the guard hesitate to take action after hearing the fat noble's words. He secretly glanced at the location of the noble's two disappeared servants and what the fat noble had done. Because, just like they had ignored the fat nobles who robbed civilian women before, now they ignored the fat nobles' cries of ghosts and wolf howls.

When Chiarainina saw someone rescuing her, there was no doubt some joy in her heart, but at the same time, there was fear. Igarashi, who instantly killed two big men and tortured a fat noble, was inconsistent with the fantasy of a kind and innocent girl. , but suddenly remembered her own experience, and looking at the fat noble who was crying, Qiarenina felt a little relieved.

You're done! When I get back...ahhhh, it hurts, it hurts so much, stop, stop!

When the fat noble saw the guard's performance, his face that was distorted by pain became ferocious. However, the flame on his body, which was just a small spark, suddenly became stronger. As the flame became stronger, it brought a sharp increase in pain. Feeling, the fat noble who could speak a little bit now can't speak clearly.

Have you forgotten what I said before?

Although his mental power has been felt, it seems that a small group of people is approaching here from not far away. They should be aware of the commotion here, but Igarashi does not intend to stop. He was already a little angry because of the Theocracy, and now he encountered it again. When something like this happens, it's hard to get rid of the hatred in your heart unless you do something.

He, he is there, in the noble area!

As expected of a nobleman who had climbed to this position, he knew how to assess the situation. Seeing that Igarashi seemed to be a fool, and now helpless, the fat nobleman relented and tremblingly pointed in a direction.

There was more than one noble in that direction. After a brief pause, Igarashi divided his spiritual power into several strands and placed them on them. After confirming, he took action.

Who is this person? Why did he openly harm the nobles of the kingdom?!

The guards who arrived belatedly were different from the gatekeepers. The team of more than a dozen people who appeared were clearly superior to them in terms of equipment and aura.

The fat noble disappeared. After the soldiers who seemed to be street guards appeared, he was swallowed up by the sudden increase in flames in full view of everyone. Just like his two subordinates, they disappeared in an instant.


The street police, who were only a little vigilant at first, now directly drew their weapons against Igarashi, an unknown noble, and blatantly killed the nobles of the kingdom. This was a provocation and must be taken down.

Stand still, and then take a good look.

Without using mental power, Igarashi successfully ordered the elite guards simply by relying on the law, replaying the scene just now in the air, including the nobles who robbed civilian women, the guards who turned a blind eye, and the domestic servants who colluded with each other.

Is he guilty?

That nobleman is indeed guilty, but his guilt should not be determined by you, but should be handed over to the royal family for trial!

There was no hesitation in the other party's answer. It was not an expedient disguise, but something truly from the bottom of his heart.

Although it was a bit rigid, it was pretty good. He stretched out his hand and Igarashi planned to knock these guys out directly.

Lord Igarashi, please wait!

Some familiar shouts were made by Gazef, the warrior captain of the kingdom. As his figure appeared, the street guards who had tensed their bodies suddenly relaxed and saluted respectfully.

Fighter Captain.

This one is my benefactor. I'm sorry. If I have offended you in any way, I will make amends to you later.

As a man of high status, Gazef apologized to the little guard. This unbelievable scene seemed to have happened before. He was more respectful, but not much surprised. One of the guards tried to explain.

Ah, Lord Warrior, just now he...

Nothing, Lord Warrior, please get busy!

The Street Guard is a force that maintains law and order in various areas of the royal capital. The princess proposed it and the king adopted it and established it. However, the nobles who were accustomed to doing whatever they wanted kept obstructing them, so the number of the street guard was too small and could not cover the entire capital. To be precise, the street guard was too small. , the Street Guard is a force of the royal family.

The person Igarashi killed was a noble who had some bad rumors for a long time. The warrior captain of the kingdom spoke for him again. The captain of the street guard team cleverly concealed what had just happened. As for how long he could hide it, it was up to him. It's none of his business.

Sir Igarashi, I'm really sorry that I couldn't receive you in time when you came to the royal capital. Why don't you come with me to meet His Majesty the King? You will definitely get the reward you deserve for saving the village of Karn and annihilating the Theocracy's troops.

Gazef is not as rugged as he looks. Igarashi's strength is terrifying. If he is allowed to wander around the royal capital and encounters a noble with no eyesight, what if he goes on a killing spree in anger? No, as long as he is angry. Using large-scale magic would definitely be a disaster.

With himself as a warrior commander in the way, the nobles would not take the initiative to cause trouble. Intentionally or unintentionally, Gazef emphasized Igarashi's contribution. He hoped that this terrifying master could serve the kingdom like himself. At least, be a friend of the kingdom.

Qiarenina, are you willing to follow me temporarily?

I...please let me follow you.

Qiarenina did not hesitate for long. What happened at the gate of the Royal Capital also let her know that the Royal Capital was not as beautiful as she imagined. Igarashi was her benefactor no matter what, even if he really had other intentions. Pictures are still a good choice.

Let's go.

Igarashi guessed Gazef's thoughts to some extent. It was funny to see the nervous look on the strong warrior captain's cheerful face, and the smile he tried so hard to hide. He already knew that in the kingdom, the royal faction He was opposed to the noble faction, so he would not take his anger out on Gazef, who belonged to the royal faction, because of the nobles' affairs.

With his messy pale hair, thin and even weak body, and a very bad complexion, the king holding the scepter with a hand like a dead branch does not have the majesty of the head of a country. Instead, he looks like a dying old man, who should have abdicated at the age. However, Without suitable candidates, the two princes are far from being outstanding. If they succeed to the throne, they will inevitably become puppets of the great nobles.

“Is this the powerful magic caster—Igarashi?”

The old man's voice was as high as possible, but it still seemed weak. It should be that Gazef had told him before that he had some understanding of the existence named Igarashi.

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