Still want to resist?

A member of the twelve-man team, a strong man above the hero level, looked at the girl in front of him who had no fighting ability but showed a look of hatred. He sneered disdainfully and walked towards Enri.

do not come!

Enri exclaimed, and the necklace called Angel's Tears around her neck glowed. After a light shield was generated to cover Enri and Nim, a creature appeared in the light.


The captain, who was only slightly wary at first, finally raised the poor spear in his hand cautiously and stared at the holy creature in front of him with a wary expression. Others who heard his order used their defensive magic or used The weapon protected himself, and then he looked at the creature in front of him slightly dully.


Enri, who had shrunk to the corner and hugged her sister tremblingly, finally opened her eyes again. In front of her was the angel revered by the Theocracy, the existence summoned by Igarashi as a gift to herself.

Different from the so-called Mighty Lord Angel, the highest-level angel known to the Theocracy, the creature that looked like an angel in front of him only had a pair of extremely huge wings, made of flames or light. It seemed to be wearing armor, but the armor seemed to be the same as many other angels. , headless and footless.

The people of the Theocracy who believe in the six gods and regard angels as messengers of gods should have offered their devout faith when they saw the divine existence in front of them. However, the twelve-man team and everyone in the Black Holy Canon could deeply feel that there was nothing in front of them. The question is the power of angelic creatures, the return of the six gods is nothing more than this.


The man made a sound like a cold lake, and the team panicked, but they immediately started to take action. A very old woman, with a wrinkled face, was wearing a silver-white cheongsam embroidered with a five-clawed flying dragon. Such an old woman The clothes are so unusual and give people an extremely incongruous feeling. However, these clothes are not decoration.


Sensing the aggressive behavior of the group in front of him, Angel, the being in the game who has the name of the Supreme Seraph, flapped his wings, whether it was flame or light, turned into a torrent of energy and attacked the twelve people in front of him. .

There was no explosion or other noise. There was no stalemate between the Seraph's light and the opponent's defensive magic, and they directly crushed the opponent. The only one standing at this time was the captain. However, before the old woman died, her name was The energy emitted by the gorgeous cheongsam that captivated the country also hit Seraph.

After a moment of silence, the necklace around Enri's neck flickered, symbolizing Seraph's ownership, and dimmed. The Supreme Seraph turned around and regarded everyone present as enemies. The captain of the Black Scripture took this opportunity, Picking up the Qingguo Qingcheng that was not destroyed, he planned to withdraw to the Theocracy as soon as possible.

Do you think you can leave with just such a small price?

Because of Seraph's attack, not only the house Enri was in, but also the surrounding area had turned into an open space. This was also the result of Seraph concentrating the attack on a very small area. A voice came from the air. As the voice fell, Enri was also seen. As the enemy, the Supreme Seraph, who tried to launch a large-scale attack, collapsed.

Chapter 244 The Theocracy

Ordinary world-class props contain a small amount of mystery, and their strength is above level 100, but not more than 150.

This is the conclusion that Igarashi, who had already arrived and observed for a long time, just came to. He thought that the absolutely loyal Supreme Seraph could solve this problem for Enri. However, he was ultimately defeated by world-class items. Although he had the laws Igarashi could help Seraph break the control, but in the end, Igarashi destroyed it, out of disappointment and anger at the Theocracy's repeated provocations.

Despair, if the captain of the Black Codex had the confidence to escape from the ultra-high-level angel who lost control and fell into chaos before, seeing the target appearing next to Enri from the air instantly, with a hint of anger, one sentence would turn that terrifying The captain of Igarashi, who was destroyed by the angel, is already waiting for death. The other party can transmit magic and has long-distance attack methods. He has no other choice.

Submit to me, and then go and destroy the Theocracy.


The law of supremacy of strength was operating at full strength, and the eyes of the man in front of him instantly lost their sparkle. After making a confused promise, Igarashi used teleportation magic to teleport directly to the capital of the Theocracy.

No one or thing can make a man return to normal. This is the conclusion drawn by Igarashi, who has already understood the power of world-class items. He has advanced laws and his combat power is far beyond level 150. World-class items are just used. The level of low-level mysteriously blessed things, even if they are twenty of the strongest, will not be much higher.

However, Igarashi does not think that one man is enough to destroy the Theocracy. Even the captain of the Black Scripture is actually just a person ordered by a higher level. So, the Theocracy should rely on more than these. However, the heavy losses The loss is certain.

Ding, the host gets 1,000 experience points.

Enri, are you okay?

Seeing that Enri still had her head lowered, Igarashi glanced at the Angel's Tears, which had lost its summons, but its other functions were still functioning normally, and felt a little confused.

Lord Igarashi... I want to become stronger.

Enri raised her head, with tears in her eyes, unwilling to accept her own strength, and the complexity of joy and sorrow at being saved by Igarashi again.

Become stronger? Looking at Enri with a determined look on his face, Igarashi sighed helplessly. He thought that the artifact-level necklace that could summon Seraph would be able to protect Enri even if it required a huge price in advance to realize the summoning function. I didn't expect that when I first appeared on the stage, I would be controlled by a world-class item, even though I had killed the controller properly before being controlled.

The limit that humans in this world can reach under normal circumstances is more than 20 levels, releasing third-level magic. Those who can surpass this level are geniuses and heroic levels. However, the captain of the Black Scripture who was just controlled by his own words, But it is the so-called godman, the descendant of the six gods, who broke the shackles of ordinary humans and reached level 60. This may be a level that Enri will not be able to reach in her lifetime. However, for Igarashi and even Nazarick, it is Can't get on the table.

Well, okay, I'll let someone train you.

Even so, Igarashi still smiled and agreed to Enri's request, and temporarily let Narberal bring props that can enhance human status to teach Enri. Although Narberal hates human beings, if she has her own orders, she will Igarashi will also restrain herself, and Igarashi also hopes that Enri can influence Narberal's attitude towards humans.

Nimue was quiet and did not say naughtily, I also want to learn such words. Her sister's obvious sadness and determination were something that a little girl had never seen before, which also made Nimue a little stunned.

Seraph's blow just now destroyed the Black Holy Book and also killed many unprotected villagers. Although Igarashi mastered resurrection magic, he failed to resurrect them in the end and was a burden with no connection.

Enri's parents, Igarashi, were resurrected well, but they did not tell Enri that in this world, the lowest level of resurrection magic is the fourth level, which consumes a lot of vitality of the resurrected person, and generally makes the middle-aged After a person is resurrected, he will die of old age. The high-level resurrection technique used by Igarashi only needs to keep the body intact, and there is no such cost. But this is the most terrifying part. If the news spreads, it will cause unnecessary trouble. Igarashi arranged to be sealed by magic. Part of the memory of Enri's parents living a carefree life in another village temporarily maintained the status quo.

When he truly rules the world, he will give Enri this surprise.

The last and strongest guardian of mankind, the Black Holy Book was almost completely destroyed because of himself, but Igarashi does not feel much guilt. A theocracy that can slaughter humans in other countries at will, a country that can let colleagues who have lost their value return without hesitation. What is so pitiful about the dark holy book beside God?

He is undoubtedly a devil. As his eyes left Enri, Igarashi's originally gentle face returned to calm. He looked at the purified open space around him. There were as many as twelve people in the past, but now only The position of world-class props that captivates the country. Besides being human beings, what other connections do I have with the people in this world?

Truth, goodness and beauty will undoubtedly move Igarashi. However, so far, except for the kingdom's warrior captain Gazef and Enri, Igarashi has not encountered anything outside Nazarick that could move him. What makes him feel bad is actually Quite a few, apart from having a little good impression of the kingdom, there is nothing more.

After that, let's take Enri and everyone in Nazarick to the Theocracy. But before that, we should go to the capital of the kingdom. As his strength increases, although Igarashi is far from omniscient and omnipotent, he is also a god. And Mingzhi, there is something that needs to happen by oneself. The world has been affected by oneself, but if left unchecked, this influence will not last long.

When he went to the royal capital, Igarashi planned to let Narberal teach Enri and Mareaura to guard Karn Village. The other guardians were on guard in Nazarick. There was no doubt that they were with the Theocracy now. I'm so embarrassed. Although I know the weakness of the Theocracy, it's still a bit dangerous if a world-class item like the Alluring Kingdom appears. As a last resort, let everyone stay in Nazarick, which is full of mechanisms. .

Chapter 245 Nobles

Chiareni Naberon left her hometown and traveled in the wilderness for a long time in order to avoid the nobles who tried to rob civilian girls. Fortunately, she was not caught by the nobles these days. Unfortunately, she could no longer hold on. , if she does not go to the town to find food and clean shelter, Qiyarenina will not be far from death.

The name of King Riestige is the name of the country - Riestige. Looking at the royal capital in the distance, Qiarenina carries hopes and dreams and is hunted down by the terrifying nobles, but the royal capital should be It is the safest place in the kingdom. It has the supreme king Rambossa III and the strongest warrior captain Gazef. It is also the most prosperous place in the entire country. Even if it is just a small commoner, Chiareni Na also knew their names.


The gates of the royal capital were guarded by guards. When they saw a figure approaching with unsteady steps and wearing shabby clothes, the guards made vigilant sounds and surrounded him with weapons.

Qiyarenina was very frightened, but she really didn’t have any ill intentions. Shouldn’t the royal capital be the holy place of the entire kingdom?

Oh? Isn't this the alternate maid that my earl friend has been telling me about?

The nobleman in the carriage was about to enter the city, but he noticed the commotion at the city gate. He stuck his head out and took a closer look. A proud smile appeared on his fleshy face, and he twisted his fat body and stepped out of the carriage. Carefully look at Ciarenena, who is still beautiful even though she is dusty.

So, wouldn't it be better to obey my old friend? What's the use of running away for so long? Hey, forget it, what I see is mine.

As the noble's words fell, the servants who had been following the noble and dressed in sophisticated equipment approached Qiyarenina. After the soldiers guarding the city gate were silent for a while, they turned their backs and turned a blind eye. The nobles of the kingdom could almost They are openly opposed to the royal family, and the earl is not a small title. They are unable to save an unknown girl.

Why, shouldn’t the capital be the most beautiful place in the entire country? Why did such a thing happen as soon as he arrived in the royal capital?

Witnessing the changes in others and the unabashed lustful smiles on the nobles' faces, Chiarene found in despair that her retreat had been blocked by them. Seeing their sophisticated weapons, Chiarene Reina knew that she would never be their match, and fear made her almost unable to move.

The royal capital is worse than the wilderness where I have lived for several days...

Snap, snap, snap.

Because the others turned away and couldn't bear to look at the scene in front of them, there was silence outside the city. There was applause. Following the sound, everyone found that it was a man who looked more luxurious than this misbehaving noble. The clothes, but the appearance is more like that of a noble young man.

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