A powerful magic caster? Your Majesty the King, you may have made a mistake. Isn't this a little guy who relies on the favor of his parents to wander around?

Standing behind the old man, one of the several nobles who seemed more imposing than the king spoke unscrupulously, without refuting the king's self-consciousness at all. He was even vaguely proud and looked at Igarashi with contempt. As for Qiyarenina behind him was simply ignored.

Chapter 247 The great nobles have different ideas

The anger in Gazef's heart was burning. He was stupid. Not only did he allow the empire to invade the territory in order to embarrass His Majesty the King, but now he saw the man who saved the village and had terrible power, and he was ignorantly mocking him.

However, Gazef didn't know what to do. The nobles who were mocking him had one thing in common. They all belonged to the six noble factions. Thirty percent of the kingdom's territory was controlled by the king, and the big nobles controlled 30%, leaving the remaining 40%. controlled by other nobles.

Ah, and why don't you kneel down when you see His Majesty the King and us?

Compared to facing Gazef, the great nobles had less scruples towards Igarashi and began to provoke him wildly.

Bang bang bang.

This was the sound of a straight collision between flesh and the hard ground. The nobles who had been in high spirits before were now oppressed by Igarashi's mental power and knelt down.

Big, bold!

The guys who were the leaders of the six noble factions fell silent at this time, and the ones who clamored again were ordinary nobles from the six noble factions who came to fill the scene.

The nobles in his kingdom were suppressed by force by a young man who had just arrived. Not only did the old King not show any anger, his somewhat dim eyes actually shone with interest.

Gadeff, you saved the village, annihilated the invading Theocracy troops and one of the Six Color Codex, the Sunshine Codex. At the same time, you protected our country's strongest warrior captain and prevented our country from suffering huge losses. What reward do you think we should get? Woolen cloth?

Igarashi's reaction to the old king was a bit unexpected. Faced with his disrespectful performance, did Igarashi seriously think about the reward? Glancing at the six nobles who were obviously being oppressed by mental power, but strangely not furious, Igarashi had some understanding of their character. As expected of a noble, he was the guy who controlled the king. Seeing that he was helpless Wouldn't a powerful opponent be brave enough to fight fiercely?

The title of great noble should be granted.

Gazef's words suddenly caused an uproar, and the nobles who had been suppressed by Igarashi but remained silent suddenly raised their heads.

Your Majesty, I think...

I agree.

Those who want to oppose it are the people from the six nobles. They have a long history and cannot bear the idea of ​​a little guy suddenly climbing to a place that is on par with them or even higher than them. The ones who are in favor are also one of the six nobles.

Gazef stared at Marquis Raven, who spoke in agreement. This man had his blond hair tied back, a pair of slender blue eyes, unhealthy white skin, and a slender figure that looked like a poisonous tongue.

After he spoke, no noble continued to speak. He was the most powerful among the six nobles.

Then, I will confer the title of Marquis and fiefdom to His Excellency Igarashi...

Although the royal family only controls 30% of the kingdom's land, the king still intends to grant Igarashi a generous piece of land that matches his title.

Give me Kaz Plains and I'll guarantee its safety.

Originally, Igarashi came to the capital of the kingdom with the intention of directly making the country's ruler surrender. However, looking at the dying old man and the arrogant nobles, Igarashi couldn't bear to threaten the old king. Well, anyway I feel unhappy with the nobles. Seventy percent of the country's land is also controlled by the nobles. Let's start with the nobles first.

In the Kaz Plain, the nobles who wanted to strongly oppose it even though Lord Raven agreed with it, at this time each of them fell silent with their own thoughts. The Kaz Plain is the border of the kingdom, except for the city of Elandir, which was reluctant to go there. , the rest are dilapidated villages and boundless plains, and there are also hidden dangers of enemy attacks. It is completely a piece of smelly meat that no one wants to touch. It would be best to let this guy with high strength pass. The nobles still want to Continue to enjoy a comfortable life.

I understand.

The old king looked at Igarashi seriously, then smiled and nodded.

Although they were not relatives, Igarashi inexplicably felt the old king's kindness to him. Oh no, how can I do anything in the future if you ask me like this? Igarashi, who had a headache, knocked on his head and was overwhelmed by the development in front of him. Stunned and at a loss, Chiareinina left this palace with divided factions.

Okay, I'm tired, you all should step aside.

After staring at the direction Igarashi left for a long time, the king waved away the nobles who were finally able to stand up again because of Igarashi's departure. This is the royal palace, and the king's power cannot be doubted, even if the strength of the nobles is already comparable to that of the royal family, now They didn't do anything extraordinary and resigned one by one.

Containing the empire's aggression also requires the power of the nobles. If they are punished face to face, the country will divide itself without waiting for the empire to invade.

The old king walked down the corridor at a slow speed and came to the royal room. He seemed to be talking to himself, but as his voice fell and the blond figure slipped out, the third princess of the kingdom proved that the king was not talking to himself. language.

The king smiled. It was more real than the smile he showed when he looked at Igarashi. He loved the little princess more than other children.

Inheriting her mother's beauty, the girl known as the Golden Princess has smooth and smooth blond hair flowing down her neck and hanging behind her back. Her smiling lips are as pink as cherry blossoms, and her deep blue eyes are as soft as sapphires.


The king smiled at the third princess of the kingdom, Lana, who ran over and looked like an innocent girl. As a father, he deeply understood his daughter's wisdom. After looking at his beautiful daughter, after pondering, the old king spoke.

What do you think of Igarashi?

The smile on Lana's face faded slightly as she recalled what happened in the hall just now, as well as the information Gazef reported about Igarashi.

He is at least above the hero level and very strong. The girl who followed him should have had no contact with them before. He has a heart of justice and a demeanor that matches his strength. He is a little disgusted with nobles, but not very much. He attaches great importance to the status gap. It seems that everyone is the same in his eyes. Well, based on his performance in Karn Village and what happened at the city gate, it seems that he gives preferential treatment to beautiful women.

That's not all. As a woman, what do you think of him?

The princess's analysis was very comprehensive and she understood almost everything Igarashi didn't deliberately hide. However, the old king was not satisfied.

He should be the best destination for a woman.

His strength is terrifying, his appearance and temperament are unique, and he doesn't have all the bad habits of ordinary nobles. It would be great if he could be made her servant. Unknown thoughts flashed through Lana's heart.

Chapter 248 My heart hurts so much

Are you going to stay in the Royal Capital or come back to Kaz Plains with me?

Igarashi looked at Chiarenina. Although he saved her, the girl seemed a little afraid of him. Forcing her to follow him might not be a good thing for her.

Please, please let me continue to follow you!

Chiarainina lowered her head in panic. She didn't know what the etiquette of a maid or attendant should be, but compared to staying in this seemingly prosperous royal capital, which was actually full of arbitrary high-level officials, following Igarashi, It's the best choice for her.

Uh, by the way, what's your name?

Even though he knew Chiarainina's name, Igarashi still had to pretend.

Tiyare...my name is Tiyare.

Facing this man who, despite being young, could kill with an expressionless face, and who could oppress the nobles in front of His Majesty the King without any scruples, Chiarainina was somewhat afraid, and finally chose to give out her nickname.

I'm Igarashi, please give me some advice later.

Walking out of the royal capital with Kiare, Igarashi opened the portal without any scruples and disappeared instantly with Kiare.

Karn City, yes, it’s not just about the location. The former Karn Village is now surrounded by tall walls, and the appearance inside has also changed dramatically. It was originally where Enri lived, but now there is a luxurious-looking , a house like a villa.

Well, it has a similar style to the servants' room on the ninth floor of Nazarick. It was probably the work of Aura and the others.

Igarashi and Kiare came to this house, and as expected they saw Enri being trained by Narberal, who had a stern look on her face. Although the so-called training was just for physical exercise.

Lord Igarashi.

When Narberal saw Igarashi approaching, she bowed respectfully, and Enri followed suit. It seemed that although her strength had not increased much in a short period of time, she knew how to behave.

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