Oh, Suo Liuxiang.

Soluka Epsilon is one of the battle maids of the Pleiades. Her race is amorphous slime. To put it simply, she can be considered a slime. However, after being changed by herself, her body is extremely soft and free. Apart from controlling all parts, he is just like a human being. However, compared to Narberal, Soluka is more bloodthirsty, but this personality will change according to Igarashi's orders.

Originally, Igarashi planned to leave Clementine to Albedo for training, but now it seems that Soruka, who is a maid by profession, may be a better choice.

Chapter 242 You know too much

This is Clementine, my new maid, Suo Liuxiang, teach her what a maid should do.

Igarashi pointed at Clementine, whose panic had not disappeared since she entered Nazarick. It was probably because everyone she saw was a strong person she had never seen before, which made her already The broken common sense has been distorted and reshaped again.

Yes, if Lord Igarashi is interested, you can come to my room at any time to check the progress.

Maintaining a slightly bent posture, Soliuxiang's voice seemed to have a little charm, and Narberal, who was also standing next to Igarashi and witnessed all the things in front of her, her eyes were full of coldness at this time, facing Ya'er Narberal could not resist a guardian like Bede who was above her, but facing the battle maid Soliuxiang who was the same as herself, Narberal did not intend to give in.

Is this considered tempting yourself? Unlike Narberal, Soliuxiang should be more aggressive. Faced with this faint hint, Igarashi nodded seriously.

I see.

Tsk, Igarashi's answer made Narberal clenched her hands instantly. She had some understanding of the Supreme Being's unyielding character, and she could almost guess what would happen to Soliuxiang and Igarashi in the future. She didn't intend to stop it, but Narberal hoped that she could do it before Su Liuxiang could do it.

In Nazarick, apart from the guardians and managers, the highest status is the maid group that directly belongs to Igarashi. This is not a setting, but they can directly serve Igarashi. The future is almost already It is destined that he will naturally gain the respect of those who are loyal to Igarashi.

Next, should we go to the royal capital or the theocracy?

Nazarick and the village of Karn where Enri is located are both within the borders of the kingdom. Igarashi's self-talking Paiaura to transform the village of Karn, as well as the remuneration owed by the previous warrior captain of the kingdom, all require Igarashi. A trip to the kingdom's capital, and the wise man's crown that he had crushed, gave Igarashi the desire to go to the Theocracy.

In her room were Albedo and Shalltear, who were each on their own. They seemed to have regarded this place as their long-term living place and scope of activities in the future. The moment she saw them, Narberal silently resigned. Shilan has already guessed what will happen at night, but there is still a long time.

He had annihilated the Theocracy's Sunshine Codex. It would be ridiculous if the other party did nothing. But when he thought that Shalltear might be controlled by the world-class item called Qingguoqingcheng owned by the Theocracy, Igarashi did not hesitate. He gave Shalltear a world-class item in the warehouse that was specialized in immunity to mental attacks.

Thank you, Lord Igarashi, for your gift.

After receiving Igarashi's gift, Shalltear's face flushed a little. Speaking of which, she looked like this from time to time in her lolita appearance, which was quite cute.

As expected, Albedo had a slightly unnatural look on her face, but it disappeared after Igarashi gave her a world-class item with the same effect. What they were interested in was not the world-class item itself. But the person who gave away the props.

In fact, they have become Igarashi's dependents. If they encounter danger, Igarashi will immediately feel it and reach them in time. However, this is just a gift for now.

That's it, so the Theocracy should launch an attack on us next. In addition, be prepared to go to the Theocracy with me.

Following up on the destruction of the Theocracy's Sunshine Codex in Karn Village, Igarashi asked Albedo and Shalltear to prepare for the battle. After that, they would also inform the other guardians.

So, where is Igarashi-sama, the human named Enri, now?

To Igarashi's surprise, Albedo caught the name he had just accidentally revealed. At this time, she had an elegant and soft smile on her face and her voice was extremely beautiful.

Albedo doesn't know how to kill herself. As a member of Nazarick, while offering absolute loyalty, she also despises everything outside Nazarick. Although Albedo won't do anything to Igarashi. , but if she were to see Enri, nothing good would happen.

Enri and her sister Nimu are the people I value.

Perhaps it would be more accurate to replace it with appearance. Although he only liked Enri, Igarashi had to add the name of her little sister just in case, otherwise Albedo, who seized the opportunity, would also Don't know what will be done.

Lord Igarashi, why don't you let them come to my place, I will definitely take good care of them.

From the conversation between Albedo and Igarashi, Shalltear guessed something with a smile on her face. She didn't want to harm Enri and the others against Igarashi's wishes, she just wanted to include them in her camp. Become an aid to her and Albedo in their fight for the master of the harem.

No, Lord Igarashi, let me take care of them. As the guardian general, I have the ability to take good care of them.

Intentionally or unintentionally, Albedo glanced at Shalltear with disdain, she was just a loli who would never grow up and still wanted to compete with her.

This was something he didn't expect. Looking at Albedo and Shalltear competing for the Enri sisters, Igarashi thought to himself. In this case, letting them come to Nazarick might not be such a bad thing. Bede and Shalltear would not be hostile, and compared to them, Cocytus and the others, who remained simple and loyal, would not be dissatisfied.

No, let's forget it. After all, most of the creatures in Nazarick don't like humans and are too serious. It's really inappropriate to let Enri, who is still a girl, come here.

Okay, they are in Karn Village now, and they should be there in the future. I have asked Aura to transform Karn Village. From now on, it will be a stronghold of Nazarick.


Another piece of information Igarashi accidentally revealed made Albedo and Shalltear narrow their eyes again. They only focused on competing with each other and forgot about the dark elf sisters. They were also loved by Lord Igarashi. (Change settings) exists.

Tsk, they all say that falling in love makes people stupid, but it feels like the two people in front of them have become a lot smarter. Igarashi, who has been caught in the flaws in his words one after another, is a little tired.

Chapter 243 Angel

Karn Village has lost the appearance of a village. It is now a fortress surrounded by cliffs with ferocious beasts on three sides. Although the so-called ferocious beasts were only summoned by Aura, each of them can easily tear apart a hero. , Aura obeyed Igarashi's order, but did not consider the feelings of the villagers at all. She sent a group of skeleton soldiers and demons to build the town. The sudden appearance of cliffs, terrifying skeletons, and huge demons that she had never seen before, The villagers who have lived a flat life and have never seen the big world are now about to collapse.

Only after that terrifying figure left with the mighty army of monsters did the villagers poke their heads out of their homes in fear.

How about we move?

Yes, yes, there were cavalry ravaging the village a few days ago, and now there are a lot of monsters coming out. It's really too dangerous here. It's better to move into the country.

The villagers' discussion was naturally overheard by sister Anli, and Nimu raised her head to look at her sister in confusion.

Sister, what should we do?

Enri, who had already been informed by Igarashi and understood that Aura was his subordinate, was not too panicked. Although the skeleton soldiers did not look like something that a righteous man should command, in Enri's view, Aura was Igarashi conquered the evil warlock, and Igarashi who changed the evil warlock was undoubtedly righteous.

Master Igarashi asked us to wait for him here. Before that, we will not leave.


Karn Village, no, Karn Fortress, which has lost most of its population, welcomes a group of vigilant uninvited guests.

There are twelve people with different equipment, but each piece of equipment is filled with an extraordinary aura. This is probably the hero level. Although the villagers passing by do not understand the specific classification of strong people, they also know that the strongest warrior in the kingdom is The leader is a hero, and the group of people in front of him may be at the hero level. They seem to be stronger than the warrior leader, which is impossible.

Because the cliff is too steep and there is no normal way to climb it, neither the villagers nor the twelve-person team knew that there was a beast on the cliff.

Hello, has a man named Igarashi been here? Can you tell me about him?

A member of the twelve-person team stopped a villager and spoke in a gentle voice, with a wave of magic. The stopped villager's eyes were a little dull, but after a while they returned to normal, but his mouth began to speak uncontrollably.

The great noble saved the village, rescued the warrior leader, and took Enri from the village as his follower.

After letting the villagers leave and eliminating useless information, the twelve-person team looked at each other, and after the gun-wielding man who was suspected to be the team leader nodded, they headed towards the house where Enri was.

Dong dong dong

There was a gentle knock on the door, and Enri opened the door without warning. She thought it was a villager who wanted to see her for something, but she saw a group of uninvited guests wearing weapons and equipment.

You are?

You are Enri, right? Can you tell us about Igarashi? Well, forget it, let's go back to the Islamic State with us first.

There is no figure of that person in Kahn Village. Although she is determined to fight a fierce battle and even die to complete this task, there is no one who can make the Lord Angel of Light surrender with just one word. It would be better, since this girl has a relationship with that person. With connections, he can be brought back to the Theocracy, and he can also be used as a hostage if he obtains information. He is truly protected by the six gods.

The enemy held her sister Nim's hand and kept retreating. Enri felt a little panicked in her heart. She felt sad for her own weakness and resented her misfortune. Ever since she knew that it was actually the Theocracy's troops who massacred the village last time, Enri had a vague feeling in her heart. Feeling hatred, Enri clenched her fists as she looked at the Theocratic people in front of her who decided to belong to them in just a few words.

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