Lightning flashed across the night sky in the distance, and two ferocious and huge skeletons stood up. They were bone dragons.

The bone dragon is the nemesis of the magic caster. Aren't you worried about your beauty?

Clementine looked at the bone dragon in the distance. It was a terror that could destroy a city. It was immune to magic below the sixth level and had extremely high physical defense.

do not worry.

The water speeds up!

Seizing the opportunity for Igarashi to speak, Clementine used another martial arts skill, her speed increased suddenly, and she instantly avoided the sword blade around her neck, appeared behind Igarashi, and grabbed the sword in her hand with extremely fast movements. Two short awls stabbed Igarashi's head. I felt a little regretful in my heart. This good skin was about to be destroyed by me. You forced me to do it!

Obviously in Clementine's eyes, Igarashi's movements from turning around to reaching out were all imprinted in his eyes. It didn't seem to be fast. However, he reached out to his short cone first. ? Is this a way to die?


The short awl was crushed by the palm of the hand. The short awl, which used stabbing as its main attack method and concentrated its power on one point, was blocked by the palm of one hand and then shattered.

Igarashi could have cut off Clementine's head when she used martial arts, but Igarashi, who insisted on the principle of not killing beautiful girls, could not do it, even if the Clementine in front of him was undoubtedly evil. However, aren’t the many beautiful girls in Nazarick all evil to humans?

A handful of short cones were crushed into pieces. Clementine used her fists somewhat crazily, not caring that they might be crushed like short cones. The result was that although her hand was not broken, it was still shaken by the shock. Continuously, almost lost the ability to move.

Although he did not intend to kill Clementine, Igarashi would not let her go. After letting her know the desperate gap in physical fitness between the two, Igarashi used his mental power to press Clementine to the ground and move No, the figure that was perfect due to fighting and training now formed a beautiful arc, coupled with the face that although a little ferocious, still looked strangely beautiful, was enough to arouse people's desire.

How about surrendering to me?

Although she was immobilized by an inexplicable force, Clementine was still able to speak. Seeing Igarashi defeating her like a joke in front of her, Clementine's originally crazy face gradually returned to calm.

Surrender? What do you want me to do?

Well, let me think about it, how about being my maid?

Igarashi looked like he was thinking seriously, and what he said next completely angered Clementine, causing her to roar.

Maid?! Are you going to make me, a hero, a maid?!

Igarashi did not use the power of the law, otherwise Clementine, whose strength was as different as heaven and earth, would have become a prisoner of the law and would have given her absolute loyalty.

To be honest, even if you become a maid, your combat effectiveness is very low among combat maids.

He directly removed the many adventurer name tags on Clementine's body that were used as decorations, and stood in the air holding the clothes around her waist.

Take a look, Narberal is my maid, appreciate the difference.

Although flying is a rare thing, Clementine was not surprised when she realized the difference in strength between herself and Igarashi. However, seeing the scene in front of her, she thought she had been crushed by the Bone Dragon. The cold beauty Narberal, Clementine finally opened her eyes wide.

Chapter 241 Suo Liuxiang

The body of the bone dragon is as huge as a castle. Even if it loses its body, its ferocious skeleton still declares its transcendent power. However, its powerful and heavy claw attack was blocked by Narberal. , neither releasing force nor using martial arts, simply relying on physical fitness to block it.

Who the hell are you?!

One man was against two bone dragons that he had strengthened with magic. Kaji, who had exhausted the power of the Death Orb, looked at the scene in front of him in disbelief, and also asked what Igarashi was still holding on to like a pet. , Clementine’s voice.

It's an honor for me, a mere human being, to fight against the absolute ruler of Nazarick, Narberal Gama, one of the battle maids of the Supreme Lord Igarashi, the Pleiades.

Noticing that Igarashi had resolved the battle, and looking at herself, Narberal no longer hesitated and directly used all her strength. She was originally given artifact equipment by Igarashi and should be wearing a robe. However, the human in front of her was nothing more than an ant. Nabeira Lal was wearing an armor-like combat maid outfit.

Maid? Hey, bone dragon!

Kaji didn't quite understand that long list of nouns, but he knew that the person who had mastered the Orb of Death, reached an unprecedented peak, and once suppressed the Bone Dragon was the so-called maid. ? Kaji seemed to be insulted at this time and ordered the bone dragon to attack with all its strength.

Narberal's figure disappeared in an instant, and then reappeared in an instant, with a small dagger in her hand, inserted into the shoulder of Kaji, who was completely unable to react, and then returned to the original position, confronting the bone dragon in the air.

Do you just want to kill me with teleportation magic?

Because of Narberal's sudden disappearance, Kaji, who was looking around, saw Igarashi carrying Clementine on the other side. Knowing Clementine's strength, despair gradually spread in his heart.

I'm just proving that I can kill you easily.

Igarashi was watching the battle. Narberal wanted to prove herself. As a magic caster, she looked at the two bone dragons in front of her, the so-called nemesis of magic casters.

You seem to think that magic is ineffective against bone dragons, so let me open your eyes to these bugs.

The dagger and staff disappeared in her hands. Narberal gave up the bonus of the equipment and released magic with her bare hands. The so-called you are naturally Kaji and Clementine. That proved her strength.

With a gentle clap of her hands, a strong electric light emerged from Narberal's hand. Even from a distance, it was enough to know how powerful it was.

The bone dragon is immune to magic of the sixth level and below, but what Narberal used at this time was the eighth level magic, chain dragon thunder.

The dragon-shaped lightning instantly wiped out the two huge bone dragons, and rushed towards the very small Kaji with unabated momentum, turning the ground into nothingness.

Lord Igarashi.

Narberal, who was no different from the goddess of war before, was now humbly saluting Igarashi. Seeing everything in front of her, Clementine's confidence in her own strength was completely shattered.

Ding, get 500 experience points.

How about being my maid?

After shaking Clementine in her hand, who had clearly regained her ability to move, but was still motionless as if she had lost all hope, Igarashi proposed again with a wicked sense of humor.



Why do you, being so strong, still need me to be your maid?

The consequences of not agreeing may be the same as Kaji. Clementine knew that she could not escape. In a low voice, she asked this question that she was somewhat concerned about.

Because you are a beautiful girl.

Igarashi answered without hesitation, making Clementine almost sneer, beautiful girl? How long have you been stained with blood and feared by countless people? No, have you ever heard someone call you such a name?


Looking at Clementine who was put down by him and made a surrender gesture, Igarashi knew that although she seemed to have surrendered, if she had the chance, she would still run away. She would probably escape from the kingdom and go as far away as possible. Good place, so there are still some small means.

Don't even think about escaping. If you run away to the end of the world, I will find you. The consequences will be serious.

The law that had been suppressed began to operate at this time. Igarashi's threatening words made Clementine shrink back in fear. The little thought that had just arisen was noticed, and fear spread in her heart. However, by some strange coincidence, Clementine raised her body. Looking at Igarashi at this time, Clementine suddenly felt that this is not bad. He is strong, absolutely strong, and he is perfect in all aspects. It would not be bad to be a maid for such a person. , but, what should the maid do?

Let's go back to Nazarick.

Unlike the Enri sisters, Igarashi took Clementine directly to the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick, which is full of strong men who hate humanity. Even though she has been loyal to him, she still has some personality problems, being murderous and despising human life. , and at the same time it is not absolute obedience, it still needs to be trained well.

Lord Igarashi!

The woman in front of her was wearing a maid outfit similar to Narberal's. She had long golden curly hair and was so beautiful that even describing her as pretty was not enough. As she bent down to say hello, she stood in front of her. Igarashi can even see the fullness of the woman's chest. Regardless of her figure, appearance, or her melodious yet elegant voice, she is very attractive.

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