What came out of the tactical terminal was ordinary electronic sound. Igarashi could not judge any characteristics of the opponent based on it, but combined with the opponent's reaction and this magical ability, it was nine out of ten that it was Shiratori.

That's right. If you want to come to my door, shouldn't you say hello to the owner? I'll wait for you in the old library.

After Shiratori left these words, he ended the call. The feeling that the central court's technical crystallized tactical terminal was easily cracked was depressing. There was nothing important in the tactical terminal, even if it was an artifact. The information only contains names and positions.

Igarashi is a person with a strong desire for control. Hiro has ulterior motives. Igarashi left his mental power to monitor him, and asked the Central Court to pay attention to his movements. And Shiratori, a being with great powers in the Internet world, Wu Igarashi is not going to let it go. If he cracks the missile systems of all countries in the world and aims at the central court together, Igarashi can only protect a few people. It is better to deal with such hidden dangers.

Old Town, Ring Library.

This is the largest and oldest library in Junction City. Everything surrounded by books is so quiet, but something seems different.

A familiar yet depressing and uncomfortable feeling...

Uh-huh... the feeling here is so depressing, hahaha... I'm sorry, I get a headache when I read the book.

Jia'er said in a daze, attributing this feeling to the fact that she was a scumbag. This time, Tesla did not continue to eat the delicious food. In front of Igarashi, the girl seemed to gradually care about her. When it comes to behaving, he behaves extremely well.

I feel the same way. Sure enough, I am also a scumbag...

No, there's something abnormal about the energy here.

The last artifact user traveling with Igarashi, the teacher of Jia Er and Tesla, Sybil's expression gradually became serious. She once tried to destroy the Black Gate alone, and she could feel the familiarity of this place even more, like - —The same thing as the Black Gate Center.

Igarashi had already used his mental power to explore this special library, and he already had the answer in his mind. Just as he was about to speak, a girl with long white hair and a red coat walked over. Although she was a girl, she didn't look like Jia'er. They are so full of youthful vitality, and their faces are obviously cute, but they lack expression and life.

I'm Vera. I'm mainly responsible for tracking Shiratori, and also responsible for managing this library. First time meeting, Commander Igarashi.

Vera is a magic weapon user and was once a soldier, so she is serious about words at this time. Although Igarashi is not used to a young girl keeping a straight face all day long, she will not force a change.

Hello, how much do you know about this library?

Facing this so-called library manager, Igarashi wanted to hear her opinion.

At the same time, the camera in the corner was quietly operating, recording the scene in front of him.

Vera did not expect that Igarashi would directly ask her about the library, but within the central court, this was not a very hidden secret. Igarashi was the commander, and there was no doubt that he was the person with the authority to know the situation here. .

The books in the library record all kinds of things in other worlds. This is the most important source of intelligence for fighting in other worlds.

Seeing that Igarashi didn't show much surprise, Vera hesitated for a moment and then continued.

This is also the location of the Black Core. All books, including this circular library, are derived from the Black Core.

Vera's words made Jia'er and the others' expressions change. It turned out that she was not a scumbag.

Ah, no, it turns out that this is where the Black Core is, no wonder it’s so depressing.

Then purify it quickly!

Knowing that this is the location of the Black Core and the necessary step to liberate the old city, Jia'er said excitedly that after confirming Igarashi's long life, she was not too opposed to purifying the Black Core.

No! As I just said, this place records everything about the other world. It is the only place where information can be obtained at present. It cannot be destroyed!

The purified black core is no longer a black core, but more like a pure energy collection, which will not have much impact on the outside world. If the black core is purified, the library is almost destined to be destroyed.

I see, so Shiratori is peeping here. In this way, Shiratori is still a good person.

Recalling the figure hiding deep underground in the library that he had previously detected with his mental power, Igarashi pondered for a while. He was new here and didn't understand many situations, so it was difficult to make arbitrary decisions.

Vera, the black core is destined to be purified, but it's just a matter of time.


Chapter 213 Little Rabbit

I'm just preparing you mentally in advance.

Seeing Vera's firm attitude, Igarashi knew that words alone could not move her. Vera also had good intentions, hoping that after mastering the intelligence of other worlds, she could fight against other world monsters in a more targeted manner and reduce casualties. However, after Igarashi appeared, the Central Court had not had a Sacred Gear user injured due to fighting monsters for a long time.

With a mindset of curiosity and preparation for the future, Sybil looked through the books produced by the Black Core under the guidance of Vera. Jia'er and Tesla were really not interested in the books, and they never left. Follow Igarashi.

Although this is the location of the Black Core, there are no monsters. Instead, the old city in the distance is ravaged by monsters from time to time. After knowing that the White Bird Organization is rooted in the old city, Igarashi has already guessed the location of the conflict.

The residents here have been enduring possible monster attacks, but Vera protects the black core that can create the library. Shiratori should know these things very clearly. As for how much Vera herself knows, Igarashi Although it cannot be confirmed, it is speculated that he does not know much.

Igarashi originally wanted to wait until Sybil finished reading the book before taking them to find the White Bird hidden underground here, but some situations that happened made him know that time was running out.

If necessary, let's go.

Ah, oh!

Jia'er made a sound of surprise and looked at Teacher Sybil who was reading seriously in the distance. Vera, the manager of the library, was here. She should be fine. She and Tesla hurriedly followed Igarashi.

After moving away the bookshelves, a hidden passage appeared in front of me.

...I was derelict in my duty.

Watching silently, a tunnel suddenly appeared after Igarashi's several actions. As the manager of the library, Vera's originally expressionless face showed a look of trying to do something, but was blocked. The sudden intruder can easily point out the complex expression of its fatal flaw, but such an expression only fleetingly disappears.

Seeing Vera summoning a sharp blade floating in a circle, Igarashi shook his hand.

You stay on guard here and take care of Sybil while we go down.

Vera knew Igarashi's power and was worried that this was a plan to lure the tiger away from the mountain, so she nodded to show her understanding.

In the darkness, there was only the dim light of the display screen and the indicator lights of various machines. A pair of nimble little hands were typing on the keyboard, peering into the library outside.

Well, the commander came down with his people? Hmm...

The figure looked at the scene captured by the camera he invaded, and made a clear and lovely voice. However, halfway through speaking, he felt a wave of energy coming towards his back.

He rolled on the spot like a rabbit, avoiding the vital points. White Bird was still hit in the back, bleeding out. He hurriedly pressed a few buttons, and there was a sound in the modified computer room. Several technological weapons began to attack before attacking him. Man wearing mask.

Hero's artifact user is really bad.

Shiratori knew that the person who came here was evil, and she was able to invade most systems. She knew a lot about what Hero was doing. Many victims had appeared in Hero's reanimation experiment, and then she began to force his subordinates to Using some artifacts as experimental subjects, Shiratori took advantage of the masked man being dragged by his own mechanism and ran in the direction of Igarashi.

The commotion in front was noticed by Igarashi. Dalvila actually appeared here. This guy Hiro is really lingering.

Igarashi's mental power left in him monitored that Hiro had been conducting various experiments recently. I thought he had turned into a research madman, but he didn't expect that he was still planning something.

Feeling a small figure approaching him quickly, Igarashi knew that the other party might be injured, and did not feel any hostility. He just informed Jia'er and Tesla, and let Dar, who was in the computer room further away, get rid of the obstacles of the mechanism. Vera quickly retreated.

If it weren't for Hiro's experiment to find out how to solve the problem of turning the artifact into a living corpse without consuming the power of the universe, Igarashi would have destroyed this old man with evil intentions long ago.

Now you have no shortage of test subjects, so don’t let me down.

Although he knew that many of the artifact users who had defected to Hiro's side had died due to the experiment, Igarashi did not lead the people from the central court to rescue them, even if the other party had regrets, and Igarashi did not say anything. With the central court's intelligence system, it was impossible to confirm Hero's movements.

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