So just immersed in the so-called happy world?

This is a tragedy that Igarashi was unable to prevent, and it is very difficult to prevent it. Traveling back hundreds of years and changing history, even with the Ark, it is impossible.

Speaking of which, except for that unknown existence, although the combat power of this world is not very high, it has an ark that allows Igarashi to use the power of all things to return to the past. Now there is a Prajna mask that can bring people back to life. Igarashi, who originally looked down upon the so-called mythical weapons, gradually started to take them seriously.

So are you interested in joining the Central Court? Lovely Alan.

Alan's tragic experience aroused the kindness of everyone present. With a gentle smile, Amusa persuaded Igarashi together that the central courtyard where Igarashi exists is a place that can bring people happiness. .

I'm very happy that you can invite me, but I can't forgive myself yet. Please give me some time.

From the moment A-Lan was resurrected and opened his eyes, he stayed in this bay side city full of monsters and violent energy. Unlike ordinary artifact users, A-Lan's main body is only the head, and the other parts are made of Prajna. Derived from the mask, because the artifact is almost never damaged, Alan has a high level of immortality and can tolerate the energy here.

Being treated tenderly by the person he met for the first time after hundreds of years was a kind of happiness for A-Lan. However, A-Lan, who almost destroyed this happiness, could not adapt all of a sudden from being enemies with swords to fighting side by side. Such a huge change in combat partners.

Amusa had the foresight to bring an extra unused tactical terminal, which Igarashi gave to Alashi and taught him how to use it. After the group walked out of the bay side city, they parted ways.

Oriental Ancient Street...

After taking a look at the direction A-Lan was leaving, Igarashi secretly informed the artifact user on Dongfang Ancient Street and Zhong Hangu, who ran a small shop, to take care of A-Lan if they met him.

My lovely Igarashi, you seem to owe me more favors now.

Amusa looked at Igarashi operating the tactical terminal with a smile on her face, and said meaningfully.

Chapter 211 Then I can only pledge myself to you

After returning to the central courtyard, looking at Amusa with a wicked smile in front of him, Igarashi knew what this mysterious girl was planning. However, from the moment they met, Amusa had helped him a lot. After blessing himself with tarot cards and discovering his abilities, he kept quiet and protected Seham for himself. Igarashi was very tolerant of this lovely young lady.

How should I return the favor to you?

Igarashi has just come back. Apart from himself, the only person in the office is Amusa. A man and a woman alone in the same room should have been full of ambiguity. However, because of Amusa's mystery and her attitude that seems to see through the future, Igarashi often has an illusory feeling. Igarashi, who likes to chase beautiful girls, often feels helpless when facing this cute young lady.

Draw a tarot card.

Her own artifact manifested, and Amusa arranged the tarot cards toward Igarashi one by one, indicating for him to choose one.

Amusa's tarot cards are gorgeous and delicate, and they are full of energy. If Igarashi does not forcefully break open them with mental power, he cannot get a glimpse of what kind of tarot cards they are.

Tarot cards are ancient divination props in the West. The Tarot cards of the blond girl Aimusa are even more mythical weapons, representing a special meaning. Igarashi glanced at Aimusa with a smile and seriousness in his red eyes. , instead of using mental power to forcefully read the Tarot cards, he chose one according to his own heart.

The wheel of fate.

There are many Tarot cards, and each card has a different meaning. The meaning of each card can be interpreted in both positive and negative ways. Looking at the Wheel of Fortune he picked up, Igarashi turned his eyes Looking at Amusa.

Wheel of fortune...

The cards Igarashi drew seemed to be what Amusa expected. Different Tarot cards represent different meanings depending on the situation and characters. The Wheel of Fortune represents reincarnation, and the Tarot card is Amusa. At this time, Igarashi's hand caught Amusa's wheel of fortune. She closed her eyes gently. Amusa already knew the meaning of the tarot card lying quietly in Igarashi's hand. .


Seeing Amusa's movements, Igarashi was momentarily surprised. Feeling the girl's lips that were about to leave, Igarashi couldn't help but feel pity in his heart. It's a pity that he didn't feel the beauty of that moment carefully just now.

My fate has been tied to you.

After Amusa became an artifact user, she used her artifact to predict the future. In the near future, there was endless darkness, like reincarnation, with no end. But after Igarashi appeared, the future changed and the darkness dissipated. The light came, and although Amusa could not see the exact scene in the soft light, she could still see a part of it. The future of Igarashi and those who like him was beautiful, and he was among them.

Aimusha once tried to change the endless darkness, but after countless attempts, nothing changed. After despair, there was indifference. Aimusha had a smile on her face that seemed to never fade away, and she was ready to face the darkness. preparation, but Igarashi appeared like a descendant from the sky, aware of his future Amusa, and did not want to change. This is the best ending.

Then I will definitely be careful in the future, but I can't betray your trust, Amusa.

Igarashi had never thought that Aimusha would be like this. Although the girl often had a soft smile on her face, she seemed to always maintain this smile. It was difficult for Igarashi to see through her heart, and he could only be sure that she was interested in him. Be well intentioned.

Now there is no doubt that it is an unexpected surprise. Can the person who divines destiny make a choice that will ensure that there will be no regrets in his future?

Hehe, please.

There is no need for too many words between Igarashi and Amusa. The two have already expressed their feelings to each other. This kind of tacit understanding makes Igarashi very useful.

Now that the black core of Bay Side City has been purified, there is one more safe place in Junction City, and the Central Court has a lot more work to complete, because the entire world has provided other assistance to Junction City besides military , although the border city is at risk of being attacked by monsters, it has still become a place where many people live.

Amusa is responsible for the affairs in the city. Every time Igarashi liberates an area, her work will become heavier. But even so, she has no complaints and even appears in time to help Igarashi when needed.

However, after Igarashi took sole control and assigned various tasks, Amusa was freed. She even had time to liberate the city on the bay side with Igarashi. Remembering that she had competed with herself before, but could not defeat herself, The girls looked annoyed, and Emusa felt helpless.

However, the border city under the full control of the Central Court is naturally a little different from the outside world. As the unparalleled leader of the Central Court now, Igarashi can even make some rules by himself. Even if he opens a harem, he will not be punished. obstruction.

In other words, many people in the outside world hope that Igarashi, an artifact with supernatural powers, can open up the harem and leave a sufficient number of outstanding descendants to continue to shoulder the banner of guarding the front line against other worlds in the border city.

Igarashi does not care about the opinions of the outside world. For ordinary people, artifact users and monsters are unimaginable existences. Even if the army wants to defeat them, it will have to pay a heavy price, and Igarashi is not even stronger than them. Lan has already stood at a height that is difficult for them to reach.

There was no need for Igarashi to speak. Amusa understood and handed over the necessary things to Igarashi. Research reports, collected intelligence, and statistical results of each region. Before that, Igarashi had only been in Jia'er. I feel this kind of ease in my body, even though only Jia'er was responsible for this aspect before.

It seems that there are only the last two areas.

On the territory of Junction City, only two areas were shrouded in black fog, and the goals set by the system seemed to be about to be achieved.

Old Town and Harbor District...

Seeing Igarashi fall into silence, Amusa's face showed a playful smile.

The person who will go on the expedition with you has already been decided. There is nothing to hesitate about.

Well, there’s nothing to hesitate about.

Chapter 212 White Bird

Amusa didn't act as Igarashi's secretary for long. When she saw Jia'er arriving late and pouting because her job was taken away, Amusa handed over the work to Jia'er and left quietly. .

It's obviously an uninteresting job, so why are you fighting for it like a treasure?

Igarashi glanced at Jia'er who smiled again, feeling a little helpless. However, Jia'er was not there before, not to play, but to collect information on the areas that needed to be conquered next. There were no so-called official forces in the old city, only various An underground gang where people follow the orders of a leader named White Bird who has never revealed his true identity.

Shiratiao once cracked the capital account of a black-hearted enterprise and distributed all the funds to the bank accounts of everyone in the old city. He also exposed all the prohibited seeds stored in his hard drive online because someone posted online to criticize Shiratiao.

So, Shiratori is a very powerful hacker.

Listening to Jia'er's report, Igarashi was thoughtful. If possible, he would like to learn hacking techniques from Shiratori. Just like the last time at the research institute, when the self-destruction device was activated, Igarashi could only Using mental power to defuse the bomb instead of being exposed to the self-destruct command is intolerable for a Miyoshi young man like Igarashi who has all-round development of morality, intelligence, body and beauty.

Isn't this White Bird a big man who picks his feet?

Hacking technology requires time and some talent. In Igarashi's mind, the image of an unshaven uncle has been sketched out.

How rude, you guy!

Igarashi's tactical terminal suddenly received a voice call request. Before Igarashi could operate it, he automatically agreed. The central court's technology was defeated.

White Bird?

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