The elementary school student who rushed towards him was wearing large children's clothes, with two rabbit ears on his hood. His long green hair was slightly messy, and he had red eyes like a rabbit.

Someone! Uh no... a rabbit?

He saw a figure approaching him from a distance. Unlike Igarashi, Jia'er, who was not as perceptive as Igarashi, judged from various characteristics that the thing that seemed to be jumping around was a rabbit.

I didn't expect you to find me here.

Rabbit picked up a small microphone and spoke again. It was the same voice that had been forcibly connected to the Igarashi tactical terminal.

This voice... are you the leader of the White Bird? Hey, but you are a rabbit. How did the rabbit become the leader of the birds? Can the rabbit lead the birds? It seems not possible but it seems possible... Wow, my brain is in chaos... …”

Jia'er's nonsense words made Tesla snicker beside her. Her good friend was first shocked by the countless books and then ran all the way. Now his mind is a little unclear.

Are you stupid...White Bird is just an organization name, and I am not a rabbit.

The primary school student Rabbit looked at Jia'er's stupid look, unable to explain, and then summoned his own magical weapon in frustration.

I thought you would be very reliable, but I didn't expect that there is something wrong with your brain. Then you should be able to fight. Let me give you a try.

Igarashi glanced at the elementary school student Usagi who was clearly bleeding from his back but took out his scissor-like weapon in a fighting stance. Unexpectedly, this childish appearance hid a strong heart.

The opponent was injured and was not an enemy in the true sense. Igarashi would not condone this meaningless battle. He appeared behind the little rabbit in a flash and grabbed the pair of rabbit ears that he had already coveted, even though they were just clothes. There were decorations on it, but Igarashi’s movements still lifted the little rabbit up.

Whoa, let me go!

Mistaken for a rabbit by Jia'er and treated like a rabbit by Igarashi, the elementary school student named Elubi screamed, but he only struggled and did not attack Igarashi with the weapon in his hand.

Chapter 214 Someone did something bad without telling me?

Little Rabbit, you're obviously hurt, so don't show off.

Igarashi grabbed the little girl's clothes and ignored her constant struggle. He only spent 5 experience points to treat her. Looking at the remaining 11,125 experience points, Igarashi said he didn't care at all.

I'm not a rabbit, my name is Elubi! Hey, it doesn't hurt anymore.

Elubi, who was struggling, suddenly felt that the pain that had been tormenting her suddenly healed without her knowing it. Although she didn't quite understand it, Elubi guessed that it had something to do with Igarashi who was grabbing her. After feeling grateful for a moment, he was once again angered by Igarashi's hand that was still holding him up.

Hey, although I'm grateful for your treatment of my injuries, please let me go!

Igarashi enjoyed this special feeling for a while, and then let go of Elubi's clothes. Looking at the girl who was again down-to-earth, she stomped her feet like she was venting. Although Igarashi had seen many girls of this age. , but there are not many as lively as Elbi.

Elubi, I'm Igarashi. Well, you probably already know this. Tell me, what's the purpose of hiding under this library?

Elubi, who knew the glorious deeds of Igarashi, was well aware of the power of the person in front of her. When she heard his words that seemed to be asking for guilt, Elubi couldn't help but become a little nervous. Then the girl noticed the smile in Igarashi's eyes and thought of it. He had given up on encircling and suppressing the traitors because of Hero's threat. Elubi knew that the harem man was deliberately teasing her.

Before I came to see you, I was intercepted by hundreds of dangerous people.

Elubi, who was waiting to see Igarashi show admiration, found that the smile in his eyes was even stronger, as if he were watching a child who used ridiculous actions to prove to adults that he was powerful. This feeling made Elubi was discouraged as if she had given up, and the bunny ears on her clothes hung down as if to express her master's mood.

...I'm lying to you. There is only one person on the other side, but he is very powerful. He can sneak into my computer room and cut off the power, and he can also hurt me in the dark. He is from the Hero camp. The computer I have saved for a long time was destroyed. I can’t do anything with just a small tablet left.”

The enemy of your enemy is your friend, and the Central Court will make up for your losses.

When Igarashi mentioned the central court, Elbi, who was originally smiling due to the influence of Igarashi's affinity, stopped smiling.

Zhongting, do you know what Zhongting has done in the old city?

Seeing the obvious change in Igarashi's expression, Erubi sighed.

Forget it, come with me and I'll take you to see it.

Everything Igarashi did showed that this person was not a bad person, although he was a little greedy and carefree.

A few words in a short period of time convinced Elubi that Igarashi was not the one who ordered the layout of the Central Court in the old city.

What does the Central Court do in the Old Town? If it was something that happened during Hiro's time, it's understandable that Igarashi doesn't know about it, but now that he is the only leader in the central court, why is there still something hidden from him? Igarashi narrowed his eyes. If there were Hiro's insiders or anyone else in the central court, he wouldn't mind cleaning them up.

Seeing Igarashi and the others following him, Elubi's lips curled up.

Aren't you afraid this is a trap?

My strength is my confidence, and if the Central Court is really hiding something from me, I will have to take some measures.

The profound meaning in Igarashi's words made Jia'er and Tesla who followed him a little timid. They tried to comfort Igarashi but didn't know how to speak. It also made Elubi believe even more that Igarashi was not responsible for the current situation in the old city. people in this situation.

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Igarashi already felt regretful. If he said it directly in front of Jia'er, Tesla and the others, wouldn't it cause more trouble to the young girl? So he tried his best to make up for it immediately.

Jia'er, Tesla, of course I trust you with all my heart. I'm just worried that there is someone inside the Central Courtyard who is Hero. Ah, by the way, send a message to Teacher Sybil and tell her that we have something to do and let her finish reading the book. Then go back to the central court directly, don’t think too much, none of your good friends in the central court can be bad people.”

Igarashi looked a little confused now, which made Jia'er and Tesla, who already knew him very well, smile knowingly and eager to explain, was it because of themselves?


Ah haha, Igarashi, you are such a lackluster commander.

Elubi, who previously had hate in her heart because Igarashi held on to her, finally found an opportunity. Igarashi first showed that he did not have a high degree of control over the central court, and finally used a weapon with an iron-blooded aura. After re-establishing his majestic image with words, he explained again because of the artifact user around him. However, Elubi did not dislike Igarashi like this.

Well, at least I can subdue the rabbit easily.

Although the cheerful girl in front of him was very lovable, she was also a bit naughty. Igarashi chose to continue grooming her without hesitation, as if he wanted to grab the rabbit ears on Elubi's clothes again.

I told you I'm not a rabbit!

Elubi, who had just finished her argument, saw Igarashi's actions and hurriedly grabbed the rabbit ears on her head to protect them. This behavior was in sharp contrast to her previous impudent appearance, which made Igarashi While feeling the contrast in cuteness, I wanted to bully Elubi even more.

Yes, little rabbit, got it, little rabbit.


Although he wanted to refute, Igarashi's strength was superior to his own, and the central court he controlled was the management organization of the entire border city. Elubi, who could not vent his inner dissatisfaction, looked very depressed.

Speaking of which, I haven't eaten rabbit meat yet.

Tasla, a snack foodie, couldn't help but imagine the taste of rabbit meat. The chicken legs were delicious. Compared to beef and sheep, rabbits and chickens were closer in size, and the taste was also very good, right?

The rabbit is so cute, don't eat it!

Jia'er knocked on Tesla's head, feeling helpless for this good friend who thought about eating all day long.

Seeing Jia'er's actions, Elubi couldn't help but feel grateful, but then she remembered that she was obviously not a rabbit. Oh no, they had completely led her astray! Shaking her head, Elubi quickened her steps and led these guys towards their destination.

Chapter 215 I will lead the charge!

Compared to the library where Black Core is located, the tunnel is relatively far away, but there are actually many Warcraft.

There are a lot of monsters here...

Jia'er and Tesla couldn't help but sigh after finishing off another monster that rushed up.

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