Traveling across all worlds, this is indeed Igarashi's yearning. The so-called happy world is indeed worthy of the name.

Keeping everything in front of him in his mind, Igarashi's silent mental power began to gradually become active. With a slight shock, everything in front of him disappeared like a dream bubble.

Who are you?

Originally, Ghost Face was in shock after peeking into Igarashi's happy world. The power of raising his hands was something he had never imagined. Even if it was just an illusion, Ghost Face could feel the happiness in this short period of time. The world has consumed a lot of energy and can barely sustain it. Feeling Igarashi's terrifying mental power, it seems like a dragon taking a nap can shatter the happy world with just one breath, and his grimace is full of fear.

Commander of the Central Court, Igarashi, you are also a divine weapon user, right? Why do you want to stay here?

Igarashi could feel the grimace of the suspected monster opposite, which contained energy that was more in line with the characteristics of an artifact user than a monster, and the intelligence it showed, but he did not want to destroy it.

This so-called happy world is very interesting. Igarashi naturally did not indulge in its invincible pleasure. Instead, he felt that if he had time to study, he might be able to use his mental power to simulate similar effects and create illusions for others. It can be considered as one more means.

Commander, artifact user?

After looking at Igarashi, who was absolutely invincible to him, and the three artifact users standing next to him whose energy could not be underestimated, the grimace paused for a moment before drifting away at an extremely fast speed.

Are you planning to escape? Igarashi would not let it go. His mental power turned into a physical barrier, blocking it in front of Ghostface. After seeing it hit the wall, he wanted to change directions and escape. Igarashi simply turned the mental barrier that had only one side into it. The cage, trapping it in place.

Why do you have to fight against each other and destroy my happy world?!

In a cloud of smoke, the grimace mask turned into a cute child wearing ancient clothes, slender and holding a black and red long knife.

I won't give in to you! Since you insist on having your own way, it's up to me to protect this world!

The voice of the cute child was not as violent as it was in the previous state of the Ghost Face Mask. It became more beautiful, and there was a clear look of anger on his face. Igarashi even felt that he was a villain now, forcing a poor child.


The child named Lan kept attacking the invisible barrier with a sharp long knife, but unfortunately it had no effect. Even after he was out of breath, the barrier still didn't move at all.

Alan, right? Stop it. The so-called happy world should consume your energy and even your life force.

Igarashi found that this child with a name similar to his own seemed to be in an extremely weak state in terms of physical strength and energy. Recalling the moment when Igarashi's momentum weakened just after he broke away from the happy world, he thought he was stunned, but it turned out to be It consumes too much.

what are you saying……

As if a secret had been discovered, A-Lan looked unnatural for a moment, and then retorted without confidence.

Seeing that Alan no longer tried to attack and escape, Igarashi quietly removed his mental power and tried to show his friendliness.

Don't be nervous, we don't have any ill intentions. Your so-called happy world is not created out of thin air. False happiness also comes with a price. Just to realize my happiness, I have consumed your energy and even your life.

Only, as long as new artifact users join, the happy world can continue to exist...

At the end of the sentence, A-Lan lowered his head, showing a sad look on the verge of crying.

Gently touching the little head of this cute child who had put down his hostility, Igarashi didn't know what kind of past this child immersed in a happy world had, but Igarashi was sure that the other person was not a villain.

The artifact user is limited. The so-called happy world cannot last forever. You are in the real world, which will not change. Rather than making false things, how about trying to change the reality? The current reality is still there for the time being. Not bad.”

Feeling the inexplicable affinity from Igarashi, Alan did not reject the other person's contact with him, and spoke in a low tone.

Can reality really be changed?

Of course, speaking of it, the character LAN in my name is exactly the same as yours. It's really a fate.

Even if you can do things like travel through time and go back to the past, what can't be changed? Igarashi's answer without hesitation made Alan no longer so pessimistic about real life, and Igarashi's Arashi, It is exactly the same as his own name. This coincidence makes Alan more willing to believe Igarashi.

Really? Oh... that elevator room is the source of this illusion world. If you destroy that, the happy world will disappear.

Okay, leave it to us.

Please be careful, that device will definitely prevent you from destroying it.

Although the device was very strong, Arashi, who had seen how powerful Igarashi was, was not too worried. Naturally, Igarashi heard this cute child's instructions and nodded seriously.

How about you follow us first?


(Please set the gender of A-Lan yourself)

Chapter 210 Owe more favors

Igarashi originally thought that the so-called device was a small thing. However, the elevator room Alashi mentioned was already as big as a small square. The device was actually several times larger than the world-class Warcraft God Slayer and Demon Slayer. Minutes later, the device was lying on the wall of the elevator passage like a spider. Its body was made of an alloy that shone with cold light. After discovering Igarashi and his party, he launched an attack without hesitation.

The sturdy manipulator suddenly fell towards the elevator, which was slightly fragile in comparison. The machine gun barrel was exposed in the other hand, and after a slight rotation, it began to spray bullets.

The energy possessed by the Artifact User can withstand ordinary ammunition, but if it is a protracted battle with sufficient ammunition, the Artifact User will be the first to be unable to withstand it.

Igarashi did not let Amusa and the others fight this mechanical monster alone. After carefully feeling how the monster used energy to create illusions, Igarashi used his mental power to move the robot hand that was about to hit the ground and the one flying in the air. The bullet was intercepted, and then the mental power was manipulated in a specific way.

After Igarashi tried a few times, the mechanical monster stopped attacking and fell into silence. Flora and the others, who were about to attack, were stunned. They looked menacing just now. Why are they not moving now? .

Well, the illusion created by mental power can completely confuse people whose strength is far lower than one's own. Even those whose strength is the same as or even higher than one's own can play a big role, but the consumption is a bit high. Watching you fall into your own weaving The illusion of a mechanical monster that thinks the enemy has been destroyed, Igarashi thought thoughtfully.

Since raising his spirit to 100 points, Igarashi has not felt the consumption of mental power for a long time. He only felt tired when he went back to the past and placed part of his mental power on Antoneva and the others. However, now , it only takes a moment to create the illusion, and you can actually feel the obvious consumption. However, with the current quality of mental power, it can still be sustained for a long time.

As expected, the main thing that provides energy for the happy world is the black core. When the black core that the standing mechanical monster relied on was taken out, its power was greatly reduced in an instant. Olusia and the others, who received Igarashi's signal, easily took it out. wipe out.

Alan, come back to the central court with us.

Igarashi would not let such a cute child stay in this bayside city that had been abandoned due to the rampage of monsters. After putting away the purified core, Igarashi extended an invitation to Alan.

I still want to use the happy world to trap you, aren't you angry?

Although his previous actions were not out of malice, they were not friendly either. Igarashi eliminated the terrifying mechanical monster and showed super combat power, but he was so kind to himself, who was more like an enemy. , which made A Lan feel happy and curious at the same time.

I didn't sense any malice on your part. I forced myself to break through the illusion before, which probably caused a lot of damage to you. Compared to me, you are the one who should be angry. I'm sorry.

Igarashi's words made Arashi blush and lower his head. This feeling of being comforted by the person you attacked was really novel.

I cannot control the happy world. I am just a recipient, bringing the artifact user into the world of illusion. I am the first resident and manager of that world.

Finally having a target to talk to, A Lan continued to tell his story.

That's when I woke up and was terrified of everything around me. I found that place that could make me forget all the fears and worries in reality. But then, my power was gradually swallowed up, and the fantasy world became more and more... The more unstable it will know what happened later, and I am really sorry.

A Lan's face showed obvious apology, and he lowered his head to Igarashi and his group. Thinking of his past, the sadness on his face became stronger.

My destination is long gone. It disappeared hundreds of years ago.

Hundreds of years, how many hundred years have you lived?

Flora made a surprised sound and peeked at Igarashi from time to time. Before, Igarashi said that he had a long life, and Flora still didn't believe it. But now an example was right in front of her. Not only did the names look similar, but the lifespans were also very similar. Long, is this fate?

No, to be more precise, he was killed, so that's it. My family was framed and executed because of conspiracy. My parents, servants, everyone died. In the endless pain and In the darkness, I don’t know how long I slept. When I came back to life because of the artifact Prajna Mask on my head, everything changed...

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