Recalling the heavy feeling he felt when the system stuffed all the power into his mind, Igarashi could only pray that he would not be in such pain when traveling around the world in the future.

Then, list the literary stocks you are interested in, and I will plan the route.

Well, I'm looking forward to it.

Chapter 191 There’s an extra little sister

Igarashi's cell phone received a message from Zero, expressing his hope for Igarashi's help.

Although he didn't know what the so-called help was, Igarashi still came to Zero's door as promised. As always, there was only Zero, a little girl in this big family.

This time, Zero was not as vigilant as before. Instead, he led Igarashi to his home obediently. After asking him to sit down, he also poured a glass of warm water, as sensible as a little adult.


I give you everything I have, can you take care of me?

What he had thought about before suddenly couldn't say it now. Although he didn't quite understand how difficult life was, Zero knew that the cost of taking care of a child was something he couldn't afford with the money he had now.

My words are still the same as before. If you have any difficulties, you can tell me. If you feel lonely, you can come and live with me. My sister will accompany you. My sister has a very good personality. Well, better than me.

The elder sister is naturally Antoneva. Whether it is kindness or gentleness, Igarashi asks himself that he is not as good as Antoneva.

Brother Igarashi, please.

What he wanted to say was said in advance by the other party. Seeing the gentle smile on Igarashi's face, Zero made up his mind.

Well, although we will leave, I will not change your home. You can come back and take a look at it at any time. Let's tidy it up now.

Watching Zero go to his room to clean up, Igarashi took out the tactical terminal and began to tamper with the information, setting himself as Zero's distant cousin. As for Zero's residence, Igarashi had already placed him and Antoineva in the apartment. I bought the two rooms on the left and right of the room where I live in case of emergency. Now I only need to open one wall to connect them. Zero can live there. If she wants to live with Antoineva, of course also.

As for the landlord of the room where he currently lives, the opinion of the old gentleman is that now that the relationship between Igarashi and Antoineva is getting closer, the old gentleman’s attitude towards Igarashi is becoming more and more friendly, and Igarashi plans to buy the room directly. Next, this will be beneficial to both parties.

let's go.

Looking at Zero standing in front of him with a small schoolbag on his back, Igarashi took the girl's hand and walked out of the empty house.

Zero, I know you are very smart. I have used some means to tamper with myself as your distant cousin. I hope you can understand.

Igarashi did not hide these things. In the future, Zero will know about these things when he obtains custody of Zero. To prevent misunderstandings, it is better to explain clearly now.

I see.

Zero was still imagining his future in his mind, and suddenly heard Igarashi's words. The girl did not expect that Igarashi valued her so much, and she felt a little warm in her heart.

After returning home with Zero, Antoineva was taking classes at the university. Igarashi secretly used his mental power to directly break through a wall. He understood some physical principles and architectural structures. A small change can cause the apartment to collapse.

This is my room, this is the room of the other sister, Antoineva, and there are two empty rooms. Where do you want to live?

Igarashi took Zero to get acquainted with the environment, and then asked Zero for his own opinion. After Igarashi opened the wall, the space at home was large enough.

I listen to brother Igarashi.

Igarashi doesn't know if Zero's current well-behaved nature is because of the nature of girls, or because she hopes not to cause trouble and offend others.

There is not much difference between the two rooms. Igarashi chose Zero's room as the one closer to him and Antoineva because there was no extra furniture prepared. Next, Igarashi and Zero came Go to the mall and choose various daily necessities.

This should be the first time you go shopping with the opposite sex since you came to this world, right? Igarashi held Ling's small hand speechlessly. Unexpectedly, it was his first time shopping that he would play a role similar to a guardian.

Although Zero tries to be a sensible girl, when he sees something he likes, his eyes will still change slightly. Igarashi, who caught this, bought it without even asking, looking like he has a lot of money. .

Igarashi's actions were naturally noticed by the smart Zero. She was a little confused at first, but when she found out that Igarashi bought something based on her own preferences, she couldn't help but feel grateful in her heart.

By the time Igarashi and Zero returned home, Antoneva had already arrived. Igarashi had previously used a tactical terminal to send a message to Antoneva's mobile phone, informing him of Zero's arrival and the changes at home in advance. Antoineva was not surprised. She knelt down and looked at the timid girl next to Igarashi with a gentle smile.

Is this Zero? I am Antoineva, my lovely little sister.

At the end of the sentence, Antoineva rolled her eyes at Igarashi. Before, this guy had been calling her his little sister with some bad taste. She was obviously very young, maybe not even older than herself.

Hello, sister Antoineva.

Zero knew that there would be a sister living with him in the future, so he suppressed the little girl's fearful nature when meeting strangers, and plucked up the courage to say hello.

Well, Zero is so good.

Antoneva's voice became softer, and the tenderness in her eyes almost overflowed. Igarashi, who was watching from the side, almost felt jealous.

After decorating Rei's room, Igarashi prepared dinner. The addition of a little girl to the home that originally only had two people added a lively and lively atmosphere.

Igarashi, when did our room become so big?

After Zero returned to his room, Antoineva glanced at the extra passage and looked at Igarashi with deep meaning.

Well, I bought the two rooms next door, and now I just opened up one wall.

Although he knew that Antoneva's character would not really get angry, Igarashi was still a little embarrassed. It was impolite to renovate the place where he lived without telling Antoineva. But if he didn't do this, would he let him Did Zero sleep with Antoineva or even Igarashi himself? Hmm, it seems pretty good.


Antoneva sighed, having a better understanding of Igarashi's willfulness, but this willfulness was already his charm.

Chapter 192 Your name

Zero is very well-behaved, so well-behaved that it makes people feel distressed. Not only does she not cry or act like other children of this age, she also gets up early in the morning and tries to clean and tidy up the room. If she hadn't been unable to make breakfast, Igarashi would even I think Zero will also prepare breakfast for everyone.

Zero, since I offered to take care of you, I won't give up halfway, let alone treat you as a burden.

Igarashi, who noticed Zero's actions, came to Zero, grabbed her, squatted down and looked into Zero's eyes seriously.

The little girl behaved like this, on the one hand, she was a sensible child, but on the other hand, she more or less did not want to annoy Igarashi and Antoineva.


Although Zero is a smart little girl, if someone discovers her little thoughts, she will still look unnatural and feel hesitant for a while.

Well, Igarashi is right. I will also take good care of you. Just treat this as my own home.

Antoneva, who came out a little later, also understood the whole story and gently stroked Zero's hair with distress.

After that, Zero loosened a lot of constraints. Instead of helping Igarashi with some clumsy actions, the girl instead used her smart little head to think about problems and try to solve all kinds of troubles in life. Although due to experience and experience, Sometimes Zero's way of thinking is still naive, but Igarashi, who discovered this, deliberately cultivated her. Under the influence, Igarashi's influence on Zero became more and more powerful, and Zero became dependent on Igarashi. Also deepen.

The days passed and Antoineva's vacation finally began.

Because Flora often came to visit, the relationship between Zero and Flora gradually became closer. Igarashi originally wanted to let Zero stay at Flora's house when he and Antoineva went out to read original literary books, but then he thought about it. I thought that for Zero, this might be the same as being abandoned, so I gave up the idea.

Let's go quickly!

So, why did it become like this? Looking at Antoneva, Zero and Flora who were ready to go, Igarashi fell into deep thought.

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