After knowing that Igarashi was going to travel around the world with Antoineva and Zero, Flora suddenly felt abandoned. When getting along with Igarashi, she felt deeply suppressed by Antoineva. Girls, they must not be allowed to go out on their honeymoon, so Flora packed her bags without hesitation and fought for her own happiness.

Igarashi, who knew that he could not change the status quo and didn't really want to change in his heart, took three girls of different ages and temperaments, but all had almost perfect looks, on their grand trip, attracting the jealous eyes of countless people. , some for Igarashi, and some for the three girls.

Antoneva likes literature, and her main purpose of this trip is to read all the original works of literature. But Flora is different from Zero. Flora loves music. The main purpose of the trip, besides staying with Igarashi, is to listen to Listening to distinctive music from other countries, the little girl Ling prefers to see the customs, customs, and natural scenery of different countries compared to literature and music, so the three people's main activities are also in different places.

Igarashi had no physical skills, so he could only place his mental power on the three women to protect their safety. He spent more time with Zero, the youngest.

This trip went smoothly without any danger. Even though the three girls had different personalities, they all had more or less smiles on their faces. Even Flora, who was often uncomfortable in front of Antoineva, now Become natural.

Igarashi thought that the sky had eyes, so this journey was pleasant. However, at the last stop, he finally encountered difficulties.

You have lived with me for a long time, it's time to visit other relatives.

A girl with red hair and red eyes was kicked out of her home. Although her words were cryptic, Igarashi also understood that this girl should be living in a relative's house and was kicked out by her relatives. Zero, who witnessed this scene, felt tight in his heart. The hand held by Igarashi suddenly became cold.

Igarashi naturally noticed Zero's changes. The little girl was worried that one day in the future, the scene in front of her would happen to her. Words of comfort were never as effective as actions. Now Antoneva and Flora were alone in the library. , one is in the concert hall and is not around. The only one who can comfort Zero is Igarashi.

The girl who was kicked out by her relatives did not have much sadness on her face, but a look of indifference. Either she had expected this kind of thing, or it was not the first time she had experienced it. After sorting it out a little, the girl said He was about to leave, but found that a young man who could make people fall in love with him at first impression came to him with a little girl in his hand.

Hello, I am a first time visitor to your place. Can you please introduce us to the customs and customs here? Of course, I will pay you well.

Igarashi did not greet the girl, but let the girl with long red hair, rare blood-red eyes, and clothes with red as the main color, act as his guide, although the girl was just killed She was kicked out, but she didn't show any courtesy. She didn't have much, so she wouldn't be a burden.

Haha, you must have seen what just happened, right? I'm used to it already. You'd better find someone more professional to guide you.

The red girl glanced at Igarashi and Zero without any fluctuation, and did not accept each other's kindness. However, in her already silent heart, a long-standing hunger gradually became stronger. There was an intuition telling the girl that maybe The other party can relieve her of long-standing troubles, and it is this intuition that keeps the girl who has begun to hate the existence called human beings from leaving.

Sister, please.

Zero, who has become smarter under Igarashi's training, now speaks out at the right time. She also hopes to help people who are in a similar situation to herself who was helpless after losing her father. She also knows that Igarashi has the ability. , and also have the intention to help each other.

Although she has gradually become indifferent, the red girl still has not changed her nature of liking beautiful things and the maternal nature deep in her heart. Seeing the pleading look on the cute Lingqiao face, the girl barely managed to squeeze out a smile.

I'm Orusia, little sister, what's your name?

Chapter 193 I like it

Sister Olucia, my name is Zero, hey hey.

Sensing the change in Orusia's attitude, Zero smiled and secretly exerted force on the hand held by Igarashi.

Igarashi knew that the little guy Zero wanted to speak on his own. Igarashi didn't know what the Orusia in front of him had gone through, and he couldn't provide so-called comfort.

Among the seven artifact users who will establish the central court in the future, one of them is named Aulusia. Although there are slight differences, Igarashi knows that the girl in front of him should be the one who met Fu in Antoneva's office in the central court. The person who peered at her with extremely strong emotions just like Laura.

Looking at the indifferent girl in front of him, Igarashi was shocked by the overly strong emotions she would have in the future, but there was no change on her face.

My name is Igarashi, Orusia, have you agreed to be our guide?


Seeing the tacit understanding between Igarashi and Zero in front of her, Orusia's inner hunger became even stronger, and her desire for a certain emotion was ready to come out, partly because of Zero's plea, and partly because of recognizing her own desires. Thea began to take Igarashi and Zero on a tour.

Looking at the direction Orusia was heading, Igarashi knew that that was where Flora was. After a slight pause, Igarashi no longer hesitated, signaling to the worried Zero to relax, and followed Orussia to the concert hall. .

There was thunderous applause in the concert hall. Although the audience members were very polite and refrained from shouting loudly, they expressed their inner admiration for the singer on the stage with their applause. There was obvious yearning on their faces. Aolu witnessed this scene. Thea suddenly felt an urge to replace the person on the stage.

Orusia's parents abandoned her at a young age and ran away with debts. There was no news from her. Orusia moved between distant relatives and never felt loved. Finally she understood that what she longed for deep in her heart turned out to be love. ah.

Igarashi, you're here.

Flora saw Igarashi's figure and quietly left the stage. Singing was just a whim of hers to see what foreign audiences thought of the music. Now that Igarashi appeared, Flora, who had fallen in love, directly left those audiences behind.

Is this the one who enjoys so much love?

Orusia looked at Flora who was smiling sweetly at Igarashi, with fire surging in her eyes. She almost had an impulse in her heart due to envy and jealousy, hoping to seize Flora's most important love object. However, After all, Orusia is still a young girl in her prime. Although she received a lot of cold treatment from distant relatives, it didn't last long. Although the girl's personality is a little abnormal, it has not yet become distorted.

Flora, this is Orusia.

Through his mental power, Igarashi felt Orusia's emotional changes after Flora appeared. After thinking about it carefully, he guessed that it might be because Flora had received attention from everyone before, so he tried his best to wink at Flora.

Humph, Antoineva and I are not enough. Where did you find the people?

However, Flora, who cared about Igarashi, did not notice Igarashi's hint towards her, and looked at the red girl in front of her with some annoyance. Although her face was expressionless, there was no doubt that she was a charming beauty.

Seeing the annoyed look on Flora's face, Orusia felt visibly happy. Although she didn't have the courage and courage to do anything with Igarashi, in words, Orusia could do it.

You sincerely hoped that I could go with you just now. Did you forget it? Igarashi.

She had obviously maintained an indifferent attitude except for smiling slightly at Zero before, but now Orussia's words seemed as if Igarashi had confessed to her and then accepted it.

If he were just a young man who was new to the world, Igarashi would really think that Orusia fell in love with him at first sight. However, not only did the person in front of him speak without any so-called love, but he also looked at Flora's expression vaguely. Waiting to see The anger on Flora's face intensified, and the corners of Orusia's mouth slightly raised without even noticing it.

Do you crave love and attention because you have been treated indifferently by others?

Flora, calm down.

Igarashi gently tapped Flora's smooth forehead and looked into her angry eyes. The eyes are the windows to the soul. Although she didn't know what happened before, Flora, who knew Igarashi's character, looked at it. With his sincere expression, the anger gradually dissipated.

Both she and Antoineva liked Igarashi, and were even prepared to some extent. However, Igarashi, who obviously also liked the two of them, did not take any further action than kissing. Flora often felt annoyed. , this idiot, doesn’t he understand that both he and Antoineva have agreed?

If it was said that Igarashi would pursue someone he had only met once, Flora would never believe it. Thinking back to when she was pestered by someone, this guy actually acted like he was doing good deeds without leaving his name. Flora He strengthened his thoughts, and his previous misunderstanding of Igarashi now turned into anger towards Orusia.

You guy, why do you do this?

However, the fire in Orusia's heart was stronger than that of Flora. The previous intimate behavior between Igarashi and Flora, as well as the trust between the two, made Orusia, who had not experienced any warmth for a long time, Like being stimulated.

Why? Because I like it.

Sister Orusia...

As if it was a demonstration, Orusia moved closer to Igarashi, and Zero made some worried noises. However, Orusia was still a young girl after all, and did not make any other movements.

This is not the place to talk. Let's go out first.

Although the place where the few people were located was somewhat hidden, there was a huge flow of people in a public place like the concert hall. Igarashi motioned for everyone to leave first. Flora snorted and hugged Igarashi's arm, showing contempt for Orusia. Zero acted as a mediator, holding Orusia's hand, causing Orusia, who was about to respond, to pause and fall into silence.

I'm a person who won't arouse resentment when we meet, but I don't think you will fall in love with someone so easily, Olussia. If you can, tell me your story, maybe I can help you.

Igarashi and a group of people sat in a cafe not far from the library where Antoineva was. In a box, Igarashi and Flora sat in a row, and Orussia and Zero sat in a row. One row, and Zero echoed Igarashi's words.

Yes, Sister Orussia, I am very worried about you.

Chapter 194 You will understand when you grow up

Inquiring into other people's secrets can easily arouse the other person's resentment.

However, Igarashi himself is a charming person, and he has the blessing of the prototype of the law. The lovely Zero is helping him, and Flora, who was angry before, now also shows a caring look. Orusia, who is often ignored, faces Seeing the kindness of everyone in front of me, I finally had the urge to talk.

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