Your father voluntarily participated in the experiment and dedicated his life to science. This is the declaration and the agreed reward. I'm sorry.

The man in a white coat looked at the crying girl in front of him and apologized a little. After leaving a statement and payment, he seemed to run away.

Although the death of the girl's father had nothing to do with Igarashi, Igarashi, who had seen the so-called medical experiment of trading human lives before and did not stop it, looked at the crying face and felt a faint sense of guilt in his heart.

Little sister, where is your mother?

The little girl has been crying at the door of her house for a long time, but no family members came out. Even if her father died, there should still be a mother. After Igarashi used his mental power to secretly explore, he found that in that big house, Except for the little girl, there was no one there.

Mom, like dad, went to a very far away place.

Sensing someone approaching, the gray-haired little girl quickly wiped away her tears. After a closer look, she found that the person seemed to have no ill intentions. She was slightly relieved and answered Igarashi's question with some choking.

The little girl in front of her has a head that has just reached Igarashi's waist. She has big bright eyes and a delicate, doll-like appearance. She is undoubtedly a cute little loli. However, she has lost her family. If nothing happens, she will be in the future. Going to spend time in an orphanage.

Igarashi has the heart and ability to take on the responsibility of raising the cute loli in front of him, but he is not stupid enough to ask for raising her as a stranger. After a slight hesitation, Igarashi left a little spirit in the little girl. Although the security in the city is pretty good, it is still dangerous for the little girl to live alone at home.

Little sister, my name is Igarashi. If you need help in the future, you can come to me. By the way, do you have a mobile phone?

Trying to make his smile look kinder, Igarashi stared at the little girl with a look of caution. Although she was young, the little girl seemed to be very smart, so smart that Igarashi felt that the other party had noticed something abnormal about her. degree. name is Zero. I have a mobile phone.

The little girl named Zero understood what Igarashi meant, and she and Igarashi left contact information with each other, but she did not let Igarashi enter the house. Even though she was in pain and sorrow because of losing her father, Zero did not lose his vigilance.

Igarashi gently touched Zero's little head. After seeing her tense body, he shook his head secretly. Under the blessing of the prototype of the law, Igarashi has great affinity. He is also an excellent person. He comforted Zero when she was most sad, but even so, the little girl was wary of him.

She has such a good nature at such a young age, Igarashi doesn't know whether to feel lucky or sad for her maturity.

At least, with such a mind, even a little girl can avoid many dangers.

Anyway, he has left some mental power, and he can help her if she encounters any danger. Igarashi squatted down, his eyes were level with Zero, and said seriously.

I'm not a bad person. You are very cute. If you encounter difficulties that you can't solve in the future, I will help you.

Since Zero is very smart, Igarashi will not act like a good guy who helps for no reason. Because Zero is cute, Igarashi wants to help her and feels a little guilty in his heart.

Thank you.

Zero nodded slightly to indicate that he understood, took a step back slightly, and put a little distance between himself and Igarashi.

Really wary, Igarashi stood up and waved as a farewell.

Zero just watched Igarashi disappear from sight. Tears appeared in his cute big eyes again. He sniffed and closed the door. He huddled in his bed alone. He didn't feel cold in his body, but his heart was extremely desolate.

The poor and lonely Antoineva, and the lost Zero, this is the tragedy right in front of Igarashi. The fact is close at hand. It is obvious that they all have perfect looks and sufficient wisdom, so why do they encounter all kinds of setbacks? , could it be that God's justice has become that when opening a door, it will destroy the originally warm house beyond recognition?

So, why is there so much tragedy in this world?

If this world is man-made, then the gods who created it must be full of malicious intent.

Chapter 190 African People Protest

Ling, who had lost her family, was full of hesitation about the future. Her father once warned her not to trust the words of strangers. She always obeyed and stayed quietly in the home that had become somewhat dead, looking at the ceiling aimlessly. The reward from the experiment his father participated in was enough for him to live for a long time, but from now on, he had to survive on his own. Unlike before under the protection of his father's wings, Zero had to face the things that he would have to face as an adult.

Everything at home is still the same as before, but after losing his mother, his father also disappeared. Everything familiar in front of him once warmed people's hearts, but now it just makes Zero more and more sad.

Sure enough, it still doesn’t work?

Looking down at his hands, which were still immature and without much strength, Zero knew that he couldn't live alone like this. He couldn't help but take out his phone and looked at the screen in a daze.

Igarashi returned home and told Antoineva about the little girl Zero. After getting along these days, the relationship between Antoineva and Igarashi has become closer and closer. What happened to the two sides does not need to be hide.

As expected by Igarashi, Antoineva was indeed overflowing with maternal instincts, and she looked at Igarashi with slightly moist eyes.

Help her, okay?

Before telling Antoineva about this matter, Igarashi tried to help Zero, but was silently rejected. Although he and Zero were not related and had no legal custody rights, as long as Igarashi used A tactical terminal can tamper with file records and become a distant relative of Zero. In the face of more advanced technology, current network defenses do not have much resistance.

I wanted to help her, but Zero was very wary and refused. However, this can also reassure me a little. If she trusts strangers so easily, it will be dangerous.


Seeing Antoneva's worried look, Igarashi knew that this little Madonna might wrong him to help Zero again in the future.

I'll help her without Zero noticing.

Although Antoneva didn't know Igarashi very well, he also knew that in terms of fighting alone, no one should be able to beat him. This was confirmed when a gangster came to provoke him. In terms of wealth, Fifty Lan seems to have plenty of money and is indeed capable of helping Zero.


She thanked Igarashi apologetically, and then remembered that the other party did not want her to treat her with such a polite but distant attitude, Antoineva smiled softly.

Flora, why haven't you come here these days?

Well, Igarashi really didn't expect Antoneva's change of topic this time. Although Flora and Antoneva already knew each other's existence, Antoneva's direct suggestion made Igarashi full of emotions. Embarrassing, he claimed to like Antoneva before, but Flora often appeared next to him and was vaguely hostile to Antoneva. Her thoughts were too obvious.

She encountered too many twists and turns in singing before, but now she is concentrating on composing and resting.

Flora always liked to hold singing concerts in the evening. She was a beautiful girl with a sweet voice, so she was nicknamed Nightingale. However, it was dark in the evening, and every time the singing concert ended, some fanatical fans tried to follow Flora. Even though Flora was protected by official personnel, she was sometimes very secretive and often needed secret help from Igarashi. After a long time, although she didn't notice Igarashi's help, Flora was tired of being disturbed by others. .

Her songs are meant to praise the world, not to be sung to others. Well, it would be nice if she was sung to Igarashi.


Antoneva nodded clearly. Although before Igarashi appeared, her life had been very difficult, but in school, she was a very popular literary girl, and sometimes she would meet admirers. She had to work part-time while completing her studies, but she was full of worries.

At this thought, Antoneva couldn't help but look at Igarashi deeply. This guy suddenly appeared in front of her, helping her without any scruples so that she didn't have to be busy all day long, but he didn't seem to have many relatives or friends. Although he was kind-hearted, The understanding Antoineva did not take the initiative to ask, but in her heart, she had already made various imaginations about Igarashi's life experience. This mysterious person suddenly appeared like falling from the sky. Will he suddenly disappear again in the future? Antoineva suddenly became afraid.

Igarashi had previously promised to take Antoineva around the world to read all the unique books of literature. Now he needs to protect Flora and pay attention to Zero's life. Instead, Igarashi has more worries. Igarashi is thinking about a solution. Although his spiritual power is now extremely vast, it cannot cross the distance between countries.

What's wrong?

Noticing Igarashi's brooding expression, Antoneva, who had been getting along with each other for a long time, and became more and more familiar with each other, spoke with some worry. It must be a serious problem for Igarashi to show such an expression. The girl's heart just now The fear was also deeply hidden.

What's wrong? nothing.

If such a conversation occurs, the questioner will not feel relieved, but will become even more worried. Such an answer is more like anger, which Igarashi certainly will not be like.

I'm thinking of a route around the world while I wait for your vacation.

There is no need to travel around the world. Although the unique copies of literature I want to see are in museums in different countries, there are not many of them.

At least, not in Africa.

In this way, it won't take long. When the time comes, I will separate part of my mental power and rely on Zero and Flora. Although I can't control it from a distance, I can still defend myself against the enemy. However, this will make me a little sluggish. I need Time is restored.

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