Is it really possible?

Please learn your lesson and trust me.

I see.

Antoneva naturally knew that the lesson Igarashi was referring to was that she asked him to reply to the email at night. Although Igarashi said that it was a bit unbelievable to solve the two occupied areas in one day, Antoneva chose believe.

Then I'll set off.

Igarashi turned around and left the office, closed the door gently, walked out of the office area quickly, and used the tactical terminal to contact Jia'er and Tesla. As for Ann, she should be happily looking forward to the coming-of-age ceremony. Igarashi planned to do it in the morning Solve the Oriental Ancient Street, hold an adult ceremony for An in the afternoon, and then deal with the central city in the evening.

Antoneva watched Igarashi leave, turned around and looked behind the cabinet in the office.

I think he should have discovered you.

As Antoneva finished speaking, two figures walked out from behind the cabinet, one wearing a blood-red dress and the other wearing a black veil.

But he didn't react at all. What he said back then was indeed true.

Aren't you going to help? Defeating two areas in one day is a very difficult challenge.

Antoineva looked at the partner in front of him, the second of the seven artifacts that established the central court, with a playful smile on his face.

He didn't like asking help from people he didn't know.

Um? These two guys know me well. How should I react? Igarashi took back the mental power left in Antoneva's office, and was a little confused. When did he interact with the other artifact users among the seven people who established the central court, except Antoneva and Amusa? , Yan Hua, a man, was automatically forgotten by Igarashi.

Now that time was running out, after knowing that the other party had no ill intentions, out of trust and respect for Antoineva, Igarashi did not continue to use his mental power to spy on their conversation. He came to the door of Jia'er's room and knocked lightly. Door.

Jia'er, are you ready? I'm sorry, I need your help.

Although Igarashi has the ability to solve the black gate and various possible incidents in the occupied area by himself, it will cause unnecessary trouble. Igarashi should just bring one or two artifacts to show off, while Jiaer and Tai Silla is his target.

F-Igarashi! I'm ready.

Jia'er was wearing her black student uniform, opened the door, and stood in front of Igarashi in a pretty way. The girl's face was slightly flushed, but she was already prepared for the subsequent battle, and her physical condition remained at To an excellent degree, ever since Igarashi rescued himself and Tesla and calmed down the phantom-powered teacher Sybil, Jia'er has always been a little uncomfortable facing Igarashi.

Hehe, I'm ready too.

Tesla, who lives next door to Jia'er, walked out of her room, holding a bag of snacks. She kept taking out the food with her hands and eating it, while running to Igarashi, looking like she was ready to fight.

Well, this guy who is replenishing energy at any time can indeed ensure the fighting status. Igarashi glanced at the oversized snacks in Tesla's hand and her small belly. Where did all the food go? Could it be that everything turned into an illusion? Then her fighting power is beyond the sky.

After sending a message to An, indicating that he had something to do in the morning, and asking her to take a rest first, and then go to the high school together for the adult ceremony in the afternoon, Igarashi took Jia'er and Tesla to the Oriental Ancient Street.

The aborigines of Dongfang Ancient Street are the descendants of the oldest residents of the border cities. Although as the city expands and modernizes, there are more and more outsiders and their status has become more marginalized, they have always adhered to their traditions and beliefs. Protecting the Oriental Ancient Street.

The leader of this generation of aborigines, named Wenzi, is a powerful artifact user who has a bad attitude towards the Central Court. The black core of Dongfang Ancient Street, in the five elements formation protecting the ancient street, wants to To get the black core, you must destroy the formation.

This is the information Igarashi currently has, so during this trip, what is more difficult to deal with than the monsters are the aborigines and the artifact user named Wenzi. Although he believes in strength first, as the commander of the Central Court Yes, Igarashi still needs to be reasonable.

Chapter 174 Oriental Ancient Street

After crossing the sea-crossing bridge, you will find Dongfang Ancient Street.

However, this traffic thoroughfare is not only devoid of any pedestrians and vehicles, it is also filled with all kinds of abandoned things and monsters.

Just for this cross-sea bridge, Igarashi already had an idea of ​​how conservative the people in Dongfang Ancient Street were.

Perhaps because this is not where the Black Gate is, the strength and number of monsters on the cross-sea bridge are lower than the normal level. With one range attack and one close combat, Jia'er and Tesla, who are getting better and better at cooperating, can easily deal with it. Igarashi didn't have to help secretly, and headed to Oriental Ancient Street at a very fast speed.

In the spacious courtyard, there is a scene full of spring scenery.

It should be the height of summer, but the cherry blossoms are blooming unscrupulously. Is it the influence of Kuromon? Maybe, sometimes, such a world can also give people the illusion of liking it.

In the middle of the hall of the chess hall, a man and a woman were sitting on the floor. On the small wooden table in the middle, a game of black and white was going on. The chess game had come to an end. The man holding the black piece frowned, thinking hard. He kept pulling his hair and holding the white piece. The woman on the other hand was calm and relaxed, not caring about the person in front of her, sipping a cup of tea and looking at the scenery in the courtyard.

Although the outcome has not been decided, the outcome has been decided.

Watching his defeat helplessly, the man named Zhong Hangu was almost used to it.

Yesterday, someone mentioned applying for assistance from the Central Court again... I said, it's not an option for us to continue to stay here. It's better...

Although he is a man, Zhong Hangu is undoubtedly helping Igarashi at this time. If Igarashi is present, he will probably be very pleased.

Stop it! Don't mention the cooperation with the Central Court again! The Five Elements Formation is not only a symbol of the Oriental Ancient Street, it has also been protecting us. I will never allow it to be destroyed!

Wen Zi, the leader of the Oriental Ancient Street, with long bright orange hair and a sleeveless ancient costume full of operation and maintenance, is undoubtedly a beauty. Unfortunately, she has firmly rejected Zhong Hangu's proposal.

However, the barrier of the Five Elements Formation has become increasingly unstable recently, and even you have become very weak... If this continues...

If this continues, the formation will be destroyed, the leaders will lose their fighting power, and Dongfang Ancient Street will also be in danger of extinction.

As long as the Five Elements Formation is still there, we still have hope. Until then, I will protect everyone here even if I use all my strength.

Wenzi's ideals were very noble and firm. Zhong Hangu couldn't persuade him, so he sighed helplessly.

My little devils noticed that someone is coming to the central courtyard again. Let me go and say hello. In addition, some rats have sneaked into the ancient street recently, so be careful.

I just hope that the people coming from the Central Court this time can break the deadlock in Dongfang Ancient Street.

In the huge chess court, there was only one woman left, sitting in front of the wooden table, putting the chess pieces into the chess basket one by one.

Grandpa...I will protect your hard work.

Is this the Oriental Ancient Street? It's such a beautiful place.

Jia'er was fascinated by the leafy trees in the ancient street. Different from the high-rise buildings in the city, the buildings in Dongfang Ancient Street were all made of wood, and the various plants were not specially built. They were full of natural scenery and made people feel relaxed and happy. Although Tesla was also somewhat interested, most of her attention was still on the food in her hands.


Igarashi looked at the scene in front of him in silence. This was a scene that reminded him of some memories. Unfortunately, it was not the same world, just the same style. Igarashi, who was not a sentimental person, allowed himself to think After flying around for a while, it returned to its usual state.

Let's go find Wenzi, the leader of Dongfang Ancient Street.

This was not the first time for Central Court to come into contact with the Oriental Ancient Street. Naturally, he knew the residence of its leader very well. Igarashi knew the location without even using up his mental energy.

Dear guests, that's it for now.

The Oriental Ancient Street has a black gate, but there are no monsters. Igarashi, Jia'er, and Tesla were almost unimpeded along the way. At an intersection, they were finally stopped by a man in ancient costume with black as the main tone.

Who are you?

Jia'er looked at the distinctively dressed guy in front of her. Originally, Jia'er was a little embarrassed when she was wearing a school uniform to fight. But now that she saw this man, the girl felt much more at ease.

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