The hospital is a public place. If you take Seham to the hospital like this, you don't know if you will be attacked. Although Igarashi is not afraid, Seham is not. The previous actions of Ronak and Hiro made Igarashi Knowing that everyone in the central court could not be trusted, after a brief pause, Igarashi used all his power to treat Seham.

Seham, who had consumed a large amount of phantom power, ran away with energy and turned into a living corpse, or fell into a weak coma at worst, found that after Igarashi touched himself with his hand, he returned to his peak state at an alarming speed.

This is a very precious thing to me, accept it with gratitude.

Igarashi looked at the 300 experience points that had been reduced on the system list with some heartache.

Yes, you saved my life, and I will obey all your orders.

Seham was obviously mistaken, thinking that Igarashi really paid a heavy price to save him. Sanwu's face showed seriousness, and he knelt down on one knee in a gesture of loyalty.


What the hell? Igarashi took out his tactical terminal and looked at the information of the artifact user named Seham. He found that before she became the artifact user, she was a mercenary who had experienced many life and death tests. Seham pulled up.

I am the commander of the Central Court. You were almost killed by people from the Central Court. Don't you have any grudges in your heart?

I was once a mercenary, fighting for profit, and then I became an artifact user, fighting to purify the darkness. Now, I obey your orders without any grudges.

This is the longest thing Saiham has said since the meeting. The girl has already talked to this point. Naturally, Igarashi can't test her anymore and sighs.

Although as a divine weapon user, you will inevitably fight and kill, but don't be so serious. Come on, smile.

After seeing Seham twitching the corners of his mouth stiffly, Igarashi became more helpless and shook his hand.

Forget it, I'll take you to Aimusa. She is different from Ronak. I can save you this time, and it's also thanks to her artifact.

The central court is not necessarily a safe place for Seham. It was Emusa's tarot cards that guided Igarashi to find Seham. Now the first thing Igarashi thinks of is Emusa.


Seham answered without any pause, as if Igarashi would not hesitate even if he wanted to take her to see Hiro.

Lovely Igarashi, you are here, this is...Seham?

After receiving Igarashi's message through the tactical terminal, Amusa saw Igarashi and Seham who was following him at the agreed hiding place. She was a little surprised, and then she smiled as expected.

You can indeed create a better future.

He obviously said almost nothing, why did Aimusha act like he had expected it, Igarashi asked curiously.

Did you also use tarot cards to predict that Seham would be attacked by Hero?

Although I knew Hiro was not a good person, I never thought he would do this.

Amusa, who had already guessed what happened from Igarashi's few words, sighed and shook her head slightly.

Tarot cards can only predict the general future, but cannot accurately predict a specific event. If I knew that Seham was in danger, how could I do nothing.

So what does the future look like?

Igarashi's words made Amusa pause, look into his eyes, and speak slowly.

I have divined many times. The future will be nothingness after destruction.

Seeing Igarashi's suddenly shrinking pupils, Amusa, who was originally a little serious and sad, curled up the corner of her mouth and her voice became a little brisk.

After you showed up, the future changed.

What has become of it?

I do not know.

Amusa's mysterious smile left Igarashi speechless. This feeling of being aroused but not getting an answer was really annoying. The expression on the girl in front of her was clearly not clueless. Forget it, let's just talk about it. Hamm's thing.

Seham, can I please help you?

Amusa glanced at the expressionless Seham, nodded and then shook her head slightly.

I can indeed provide her with a safe place, but she should want to be with you, right?

Well, at least you can't just show up in the central court for the next two days, okay?

The last sentence was asked by Igarashi to Seham. Two days should be enough for him to find the people on Hiro's side in the central court, right?


Seham nodded, walked from Igarashi to Amusa, and fell into silence again.

Don't worry, it's only two days, I can protect her every step of the way.

The gentle and reassuring smile on Amusa's pretty face, which was supposed to be cute, made Igarashi feel relieved. After leaving some mental energy just in case, Igarashi left.

Hiro was seriously injured by himself, so naturally there was no need to meet again. He was near the shopping street outside the central court. Igarashi said hello, and after being scolded by the girl for a while, he finally returned to the central court.

Chapter 173 Ready to go

Beep beep beep~

The voice of the terminal rang again.

Igarashi, can you hear me?

Antoineva's voice came from the communicator.

Please come to the central court work area. I have a new task. I hope you can help.

Okay, I'll be there right away.

Seeing Igarashi arriving, Antoineva's face showed an apologetic smile.

I'm looking for you this time mainly for the matters concerning the next two occupied areas, that is, Dongfang Ancient Street and Central City. We have been preparing for the liberation of Dongfang Ancient Street for a long time and can start it at any time. However, the aboriginal people over there Very stubborn and the plan was hindered to some extent.

When Igarashi nodded, Antoineva added in her gentle voice.

Originally, we planned to slowly liberate Dongfang Ancient Street and then start working on matters in the central city. However, we recently received intelligence that some unknown situations occurred there, so we must change our plans. In short, we need to carry out two tasks immediately. Investigation and liberation work in each area, so we need your power Igarashi, don’t worry, you only need to choose an area, in the other area, I will go to Hiro and let him pass.

Igarashi recalled Hiro's recent actions, and even suspected that the so-called unknown situation was caused by Hiro. Facing Antoneva who gave him a vague sense of trust in front of him, Igarashi smiled.

Hiro, can't we contact the Central Court?

Igarashi's words made Antoneva move. After a while, Antoneva finally sighed helplessly.


Leave Oriental Ancient Street and Central City to me, I will complete it within a day.

The black gates in the two areas of Dongfang Ancient Street and Central City are related to the safety of the world. Igarashi has to go, not to mention that he can't contact Hiro because the old man was disabled by him and he doesn't know where he is recuperating now. Well, then just take it all on yourself.

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