I, Zhong Hangu, am just an ordinary businessman. I wonder how many of you are here, are they here for sightseeing? Or are they here for shopping?

If the other party is a beautiful girl, Igarashi will spend a little time dealing with her. Since she is a pretentious man, Igarashi does not have so much patience and time.

Businessman? It's quite new for an artifact user to be a businessman. I am Igarashi, the commander of the Central Court. I am here this time, hoping to solve the black gate in Dongfang Ancient Street.

Igarashi's straight-to-the-point words made Zhong Hangu, who was originally smiling, pause for a moment, then showed a serious look.

Is the commander coming in person this time? I feel the sincerity of the Central Court. Unfortunately, our boss doesn't seem to like the Central Court very much... So, can you please go back? Otherwise, I will be in a difficult position. After all, I am A lover of pacifism.

Tsk, the energy contained in the body is obviously the strongest since Igarashi came to this world, except for the unknown existence. He actually claims to be a pacifist. The blood and vicissitudes contained in Zhong Hangu, but after telling Wu Shilan, the guy in front of me is not as young as he looks.

It's a pity that I believe in strength first.

Although the energy was very strong, it was not enough for Igarashi to take seriously. As he finished speaking, Jia'er and Tesla also assumed fighting postures.

Humph, do you really still want to fight?

It was rare that she didn't encounter many monsters. Jia'er thought she could complete the trip smoothly, but she didn't know that she didn't have to fight monsters, but she had to fight the artifact user.

It's great to be young, it's the age when youth is throbbing.

Zhong Hangu's words made Jia'er's pretty face, who was originally full of vigilance, turn red instantly. She glanced at Igarashi secretly, and then looked away with a guilty conscience.

what are you talking about!

As if trying to cover up something, Jia'er took the lead in rushing towards Zhonghan Valley, and Tesla's heavy cannon also began to charge up.

Chapter 175 Five Elements Formation

Although Zhong Hangu would most likely not use his full strength, Igarashi still used his mental power to oppress him just in case, so that most of his energy would be used to counteract the oppression, and he could only use a small part of his energy to fight. .

It's really a mistake.

Feeling the terrible pressure in the air, Zhong Hangu's eyes skipped Jia'er and Tesla, and finally stopped on Igarashi. He smiled helplessly and raised his hands.

Stop, I surrender.


Jia'er, who rushed to Zhong Hangu, saw the opponent's defenseless look with his hands raised, and couldn't help but froze. He glanced at Igarashi hesitantly, and after getting the signal from his eyes, he dispersed the summoned mythical weapon. .

Is the commander of the Central Court so scary?

Having said that, Zhong Hangu has been looking at Igarashi with a meaning. When Hiro led the artifact users to resist alien monsters, although Zhong Hangu did not join them, he knew that Hiro himself had no fighting power. So, is the Igarashi in front of me an alien?

Igarashi has always been great.

It was clear that Zhong Hangu was talking about Igarashi, but Jia'er looked proud. Tesla scratched her head and couldn't understand the current development. After a while, she gave up thinking and continued. Enjoy your meal.

Can you take us to see Wenzi?

Although Zhong Hangu seemed to have discovered his spiritual power, Igarashi was not uneasy. He did not threaten his own strength, and this guy who had lived for many years seemed to know the way of life.


Zhong Hangu made an invitation and took the lead to lead the way for Igarashi and his party.

Wenzi, I am not hiding this time. There is a monster in the central court. If he takes action, there is no need to wait for the Five Elements Formation to disappear. Now, Dongfang Ancient Street is in danger of being destroyed. However, this may also be God's will.

Recalling Igarashi's previous behavior of protecting his shortcomings, Zhong Hangu understood that he was not a cold person. Although he knew that the opponent's combat power in Dongfang Ancient Street was unstoppable, Zhong Hangu was not too worried about Igarashi's wanton massacre.

Come back? Well, you guy actually brought them here directly.

In the chess court, Wenzi thought that Zhong Hangu had already taken care of it, but who knew that a group of unknown people were following behind him. Although he did not know the identity of the visitors, the energy contained in the two girls' bodies was obvious at a glance. It's a divine weapon user.

I am indeed no match.

Zhong Hangu spread his hands helplessly and looked at Igarashi vaguely.

Wenzi originally thought that Zhong Hangu was taunting the people in the Central Court as usual. This time he brought him here in order to make him give up the Five Elements Formation. Who knows the real situation? It seems that a terrible thing has come to the Central Court. existence.

Wenzi, who originally focused most of her attention on Jia'er and Tesla, now focused all her attention on Igarashi. Although this person's appearance and temperament were quite outstanding, Wenzi had no such ability before. Unexpectedly, he turned out to be a person who could use his fighting power to make Zhong Hangu surrender.

Who are you, cough...

In the middle of her words, Wenzi coughed and vomited out blood. Igarashi used his mental power to check this beauty who looked like a leader, and found that her energy and part of her life force were flowing continuously in one direction. , it is the courtyard where everyone is at this time.

I am Igarashi, the commander of the Central Court. They are Jia'er, Tesla, the commander of the artifact. This time, I hope you will give up the Five Elements Formation and hand over the black core. After that, the Central Court will protect the safety of Dongfang Ancient Street.

Although she understood Igarashi's power from Zhong Hangu's hint, Wenzi, who had blind confidence in the Five Elements Formation, still felt that she could defeat Igarashi with the formation.

My answer will not change. Let me destroy the Five Elements Formation. It's impossible!

As Wenzi finished speaking, the scenery of the entire courtyard began to change, and a huge sense of oppression came. The air around him seemed to become extremely thick, making it extremely difficult to breathe.

Zhong Hangu looked helpless when he saw this. Seeing that Igarashi did not show an angry expression, he was slightly relieved and looked on with an apologetic expression.

The power of the formation is indeed terrifying. Igarashi has never seen an artifact user who can resist the entire Five Elements Formation on his own, not even Zhong Hangu.

While allocating part of his mental power to protect Jia'er and Tesla from being suppressed by the formation, Igarashi still had the energy to use his mental power to cut off the invisible connection between Wenzi and the formation. He thought that this would allow them to This five-element formation dissipated on its own. Unexpectedly, the formation not only did not dissipate, but began to run wild with energy. It was like a substantial illusion appearing in the air and began to wreak havoc in all directions.

not good!

Wenzi felt that she was disconnected from the formation, and looked at the energy riot that started from the chess court and spread to the entire Dongfang Ancient Street with a look of panic on her face. She gritted her silver teeth, intending to resist this energy forcefully, otherwise Dongfang Ancient Street would There will be terrible damage.


Igarashi also knew that his expectation was wrong. Although the Five Elements Formation was indeed terrifying, it was still within his control.

Puff puff

The violent energy in the air had reached the point where it was visible to the naked eye. Suddenly, like a burst bubble, it dissipated with a soft sound, leaving Wen Zi, who was showing his will to die, and Zhong Hangu, who had a solemn expression, stunned. Under the protection of Igarashi, Jia'er and Tesla, who did not know the power of the Five Elements Formation, did not react much.

The Five Elements Formation that originally protected Dongfang Ancient Street almost destroyed it just now. Wenzi, do you still want to persist? Even if your vitality is decreasing day by day, even if Dongfang Ancient Street may be in danger of being destroyed at any time.

It was obviously the first time for Igarashi to meet Wenzi, but Igarashi understood many things through the information and mental exploration obtained by the Central Court, and now he is persuading Wenzi based on the facts he obtained.

Impossible, how could the Five Elements Formation created by grandpa...

How could he almost become the culprit for the destruction of Dongfang Ancient Street? The radiant image of grandpa in his heart and the knowledge that the Five Elements Formation is omnipotent almost collapsed, and Wenzi's face turned gloomy.

grandfather? This Five Elements Formation was originally created by Wenzi's grandfather, so it makes sense. Although the combat power is higher than that of the Five Elements Formation, for this formation that can increase the controller's combat power many times, Igarashi still I admire very much that Wenzi is young but does not have the experience or means to create such a large formation.

Chapter 176 Entrusting the Future

Perhaps your grandfather has had a premonition of this day and hopes that you can give up the formation.

Since Wenzi admired her grandfather so much, Igarashi followed the trend and praised him. He was obviously the culprit who made the formation go berserk, but now he was talking nonsense.

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