However, after the black shadow's words fell, Igarashi opened his eyes in his room in the central courtyard.

Dong dong dong

Before Igarashi could think carefully about the black shadow just now, there was a knock on the door. Am I asleep? Looking down, Igarashi found that he was still sitting on the seat.

The increasingly loud knocking on the door made Igarashi get up helplessly and open the door.

It's unbelievable that you just got up! The room is in such a mess and you didn't even eat breakfast!

An looked at Igarashi who appeared late, took a look at the balcony door that was not closed in Igarashi's room and the seat that was deviated from the desk, and accused him with pity.

Well, who said I just woke up, I haven't been in bed all night! Is the room considered messy? I'm afraid you have obsessive-compulsive disorder. Breakfast? unnecessary!

Silently complaining about what An said in his heart, Igarashi spread his hands.

It's my fault.

Well... I can't stand it anymore! The master is so slovenly...

The unprecedented title of master made Igarashi feel refreshed. At this time, An suddenly became extremely cute in Igarashi's eyes.

Then you have no choice but to leave it all to me!

After An finished speaking, he directly summoned his mythical weapon and entered combat mode.

Uh, what do you want to do?

Igarashi looked at An in front of him and blinked innocently. He just called his master, wouldn't he want to kill his master now?

The goal is to go out in twenty minutes, so let's have a quick ten-minute breakfast! The remaining ten minutes are to clean the room and let the master wash up.

The phantom power in An's body surged, and Igarashi was even worried that she would go berserk. Fortunately, ten minutes later, An put an incredible breakfast on the table.

Thin slices of toast spread with light golden butter and grilled until the edges are just brown, paired with poached sausages drizzled with herb juice, fresh meat and cherry tomatoes dressed as a salad, and a glass of milk with honey.

It's really amazing...

What Igarashi said about being powerful refers to An's determination to complete breakfast in a short time even if he uses his magic power. Isn't he afraid of becoming a living corpse? Well, Ann is not a human being, so she shouldn't have any worries in this regard.

Time is limited, please finish within five minutes.

Igarashi was a little confused. Although the commander had a lot to do, it was not so urgent. However, he did not move slowly and enjoyed the breakfast made by Qian.

Although the High School Campus area has been liberated, there are still many things to deal with, so Hiro sent you a message saying that we will go to the High School Campus together today to search for clues.


An's words made Igarashi nodded as if he suddenly understood. He picked up the tactical terminal and looked at it carefully. Finally, he found Hiro's information. Well, probably because he was not a beautiful girl, he was ignored by him.

Igarashi, who was about to go to the high school with An, felt that the remaining tarot cards in his mind shone brighter than when he faced Sybil before, and his eyes focused.

An, tell Hiro that I will come over later. I have something to do now.

After finishing speaking, Igarashi disappeared from An's sight at a very fast speed that was consistent with common sense, without waiting for An's reaction.

What a troublesome master.

An sighed, picked up his tactical terminal and explained the situation to Hiro.


Not far from the college campus, violent explosions continued.


A woman wearing clothing designed for combat, holding a very powerful laser gun in her hand, and various firearms floating behind her, looked at the sudden attack on her with an expressionless face. The former Companion, one of the seven people in the central court, Ronak and the commander behind him - Hero.

I need you to be a living skeleton, Seham.

As soon as Hero finished speaking, Ronak, an extremely strong man wearing an animal skin coat and holding a giant shield over two meters, rushed towards Seham, with energy all over his body, ready to carry out the final blow.


There was a dull sound, not as everyone present, including the girl named Seham, had expected. Ronak completely defeated Seham, and a man whose face was shrouded in energy suddenly appeared in front of Seham. , with just one punch, not only did he easily resolve Ronak's heavy blow, but he was also sent flying with his shield.

The person who appeared was naturally Igarashi. After he discovered the anomaly in the Tarot cards, he spread his spiritual power. Finally, he noticed the unique energy fluctuations of the battle here. When Hiro was about to take Ronak to kill a person, although it seemed Seham, who had an expressionless face but was undoubtedly a beautiful girl, arrived in time.

Igarashi had already felt that Hiro was not a good person before, but now it seems that he is indeed not.

Should we just deal with him? After glancing at Ronak, who was holding a giant shield in front of Hiro after getting up, with a solemn look on his face, various bold ideas flashed through Igarashi's mind from time to time.

It seems that the seven artifact envoys and one commander who established the Central Court are not all good people. Therefore, can I understand that the destruction of the world is related to Hero and the Central Court?

Seham stood silently next to Igarashi, raising his gun at Hiro and Ronak. Although the identity of the visitor was unknown, Seham, who had always been responsible for purifying the darkness, was not an ungrateful person. Who is now? She knew the enemy very well.

Even though Seham was pointing a powerful artifact at him, Hiro didn't pay too much attention, but stared at Igarashi closely.

Who are you?

Igarashi glanced at Hiro without saying a word. The mental power he had left before had dissipated unconsciously, so he didn't notice it...


The mental power turned into a powerful force, pressing towards Hero and Ronak. After being blocked by Ronak's radiant giant shield for a moment, he knocked them all away with little loss of strength. , heavily photographed on the cement wall not far away, leaving dense cracks.

Glancing at Hiro, who was seriously injured and unconscious, and Ronak, who was breathing heavily, Igarashi picked up Seham, who was like a candle in the wind, in a princess hug, jumped lightly, and left the place. A place that has almost been reduced to ruins.

Chapter 172 Loyalty

The Central Court was established by Hero and had seven artifact envoys as its main administrators.

They are [Divine Envoy] Antoneva, who is responsible for managing all artifact users and ability users, and is also responsible for paperwork, [Lover] Orusia, who is mainly responsible for frontline battles, [Bronze] Ronak, and [Quiet] Flora. As well as [God's Mind] Yan Hua, who is responsible for the city's internal affairs, and the prophet [Ghost Card] Aimusa.

Just as he did not expect that the artifact users of the Central Court would kill each other, Igarashi is not sure that Hiro is the real villain, but there is no doubt that he tried to kill a three-no beautiful girl. In the following time, I hope Luo should recuperate in the hospital bed.

Thank you, who are you?

Seham was suddenly picked up in an intimate posture, but there was no shy expression on his face. He stared at Igarashi's face that was covered by mental power and could not be seen clearly, and asked in a calm tone. .

The new commander is Igarashi.

Standing on the rooftop of a high-rise building, making sure that there were no people or surveillance equipment around, Igarashi dispersed the mental power used as a cover to reveal his true appearance. He was able to confirm that Seham in his arms was a pure girl. How could he be like this? Calm down, although I don't want you to commit yourself to me, at least give me a look of admiration, okay?


The one who tried to kill him before was Commander Hiro, but now the one who saved him was Commander Igarashi. Even though Seham was a three-no girl who couldn't express her emotions or anger, she fell into silence after whispering softly. .

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