Uh...citizen mail.

Can you please help me reply to citizens' emails? These are relatively simple questions. I think you will be able to do it.

Tsk, what are the superficial questions? I am competent. Give me the advanced questions!

Igarashi, who deeply felt that he had been underestimated again, came to the monitor and was about to use his typing speed that had made countless light novelists despair to prove himself. It was clear that he could achieve photographic memory, but An was worried about him. In the future, I will forget about troubles. It is obvious that I have never met anyone who needs attention except that unknown existence with my combat power, but I am considered a rookie. I am obviously a smarter person, but I am treated like a fool. If the other party is not Beautiful girl, Igarashi will let him know how powerful she is in a more direct way.

give it to me.

In front of Igarashi, Antoneva seemed a little relaxed, and her smile never disappeared.

Thank you. I'm in the file area behind the shelf. If you have any questions, you can ask me at any time.


I took a long breath and stopped my busy hands. Even at Igarashi's typing speed, it took a full hour. I didn't reply to readers' questions on my personal website at first, but now I have experienced the feeling of answering questions one by one. , if Igarashi's energy was not already very high, he would inevitably feel dizzy now. Although it didn't take long, it was still quite energy-consuming.

So fast, it seems I underestimated you.

Antoneva noticed Igarashi stopping and thought he had encountered some problem. He flew over and found that all citizens' emails had been answered, and both the wording and content were very appropriate. He was a little surprised.

Ahem, I hope you can learn your lesson next time.

Igarashi pretended to cough lightly. The elder sister who had always had a smile on her face now had her mouth slightly open and looked surprised. It was really interesting.

Well, I'll do it next time. Thank you for your hard work.

Seeing Igarashi's behavior at this time, Antoineva responded seriously, and then she couldn't keep her serious expression and raised the tray in her hand with a smile.

Supper refreshments, please.

Could this be the tea snack made by the eldest sister herself? Igarashi felt very happy when he saw the exquisite snacks on the tray. Although eating was no longer a necessity every day, Igarashi still had an appetite, not to mention the food produced by Antoneva.

Replying to various letters from citizens can give people a clear idea of ​​what is happening in the city. Isn't it interesting?

Although Igarashi has mental power, at present, his mental power can only extend outward for about ten kilometers, and it is impossible to observe it in detail. The border city has an area of ​​tens of thousands of square kilometers, so replying to the email is really difficult for Igarashi. Shilan knew a lot of things.

Oh, that's alright.

Antoineva's face showed a smile as if the conspiracy had succeeded.

You are welcome to come back next time if you are free. I will prepare more complicated content for you.

Igarashi's previous performance made Antoneva realize his outstanding abilities again. Although this is something to be happy about, Igarashi is not interested in the so-called more complicated content at all, but if he can help Seeing the elder sister who was still working late at night in front of me, Igarashi was very willing.


This ark blueprint is given to you. I think you will need it.

Chapter 170 Salted Fish

Noticing Igarashi's confused look, Antoneva smiled meaningfully.

My mythical weapon is Noah's Ark. As long as you ride on it, you can reach any space. That's how it should be.

This should?

The Ark should be able to connect different parallel worlds, but it seems that this world has become the only one from a long time ago.

Although Antoneva said uncertain words, her eyes kept looking at Igarashi, as if all the parallel worlds were unified because of Igarashi.

Now my Ark can only transport people to places within this world, but if it were you, building an Ark building based on this blueprint might have a special effect.

Igarashi looked at Antoneva in front of him. This elder sister who had been very gentle to him since they met seemed to know some of her secrets just like she loved Musa. Antoneva did not say it clearly. Igarashi Lan didn't give in, nodded and took the Ark drawing.


Sure enough, beautiful girls are justice!

After leaving Antoneva's office, Igarashi had no intention of going back to his room to rest. Perhaps it was because the border city was a strategic location and there were always corresponding staff on standby 24 hours a day, including those responsible for combat, those responsible for medical treatment, those responsible for construction, etc. , after Igarashi contacted through the tactical terminal, he came to the open space near the central court and prepared to let people build the ark.

Master Commander, although this drawing is already very detailed, we still need the help of an artifact user who knows how to build it. Otherwise, we still won't be able to build it. I'm sorry.

The people on standby in the open space carefully studied the ark drawings given by Igarashi, and looked confused. Buildings related to special powers were not something that ordinary people could complete independently.

I also know some construction techniques, let's try it first.

In terms of ability, Igarashi is higher than the artifact user, and Igarashi has also checked some of the unique construction techniques in this world through the tactical terminal. As a commander, he has the highest authority. With his reaching 100 points of spirit, he is super powerful. This knowledge can be mastered in a short period of time.

It's a bit baffling to say that he is an outsider and suddenly came to the Central Court. Even if he became the commander, he should not have such great power. However, it is said that he is the seven highest-ranking artifact users in the Central Court, more than half of them. They all agreed to allow themselves such authority. Igarashi could only attribute it to the influence of the prototype of the law.


How the Artifact User completed some specific constructions, these staff members did not know, and they also did not know very well what abilities the Commander had. Faced with Igarashi's request, they respectfully agreed. Sir Hiro has the ability to restore the Artifact User status. His ability, Igarashi-sama’s ability, is in construction.

Even though the technology tree of this world seems to be skewed and the construction speed is extremely fast, a huge project like the Ark cannot be completed in a few hours. Igarashi asked the staff to contact them in time if they had any questions. After standing for a while, he realized He left before he was needed.

Fortunately, this crooked technology tree ensures that the construction will not make too much noise. Otherwise, Igarashi would probably receive a bunch of complaints about an illegal builder building late at night and disturbing residents the next day. Then there will be more complaints. Antoineva's burden.

The border city, as the front line of the war against other worlds, should have been built as a war fortress. However, looking at the city that is still brightly lit now that it has passed in the early morning, Igarashi really cannot feel the so-called atmosphere of war. This group of people People are really big-hearted.

Ordinary people, even soldiers with firearms, have no ability to deal with ordinary monsters. Every time the Black Gate appears, it is a disaster. However, this group of people can live so freely in this city, and they don’t know if it’s because of their hearts. Still optimistic.

There was not much time left before dawn. Just in case, Igarashi sneaked back to the central courtyard. After making sure that no pedestrians or surveillance cameras were paying attention to him, he jumped directly from the outside and returned to his balcony. Tsk, he was obviously shouldering the responsibility. The brave men on a mission to save the world must be so careful.

With such a short time, he couldn't enjoy sleeping for long. Igarashi simply used the tactical terminal to check various information. This technological creation that integrates mobile phones and computers is extremely convenient. It is obvious that there is a signal everywhere, and it can For Igarashi to contact at any time and check at any time.

In this border city, monsters frequently appear in places. In addition to the former high school campus, there are also Oriental Ancient Street, the central city, the research institute, the bay side city, the old city, and the harbor area. There are so many. Igarashi looked at these There are many areas, and I feel that my task is arduous. Even if dealing with monsters is not very difficult for me, going to so many places one by one is not a job that can be completed in a day or two. In many places, it is fifty Even Lan's spiritual power cannot touch it.

People living in border cities have it really hard.

Therefore, the old man named Hiro, after leading the artifact users to resist the monsters and establishing the Central Court, entered a state of being in a state of confusion. There were so many hidden dangers in the border city, but none of them were solved.

Before, Igarashi used his mental power to feel that Hiro seemed to be planning something bad. Now in Igarashi's mind, he has decided that Hiro is not a good person. And for all the things related to it, Igarashi is not afraid to take the maximum responsibility. malicious speculation.

In addition to solving the Black Gate, Hero will probably also become his enemy. The central court was established by Hero and the seven artifact users. Maybe at some important juncture, many artifact users will be hostile to him. Hey, just I hope there won’t be any beautiful girls.

The unknown being when he first came to this world revealed some information in his words. Before the final result was produced, the unknown being would not interfere, so Igarashi would have less worries.

Chapter 171 Rescue

He's back to the state he was in when he first came to this world.

I'm looking forward to what choice you will make.

The black figure in front of me could not see the appearance at all, I only knew that she was a little girl.

This was the unknown existence that he was incapable of defeating. Igarashi suddenly became alert, and his muscles tightened, ready to fight at any time.

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