Dong dong dong

Not long after returning to his room, Igarashi heard a knock on the door.

Hey, guest, hello. This is the shopping TV man. The camera you ordered has arrived.

A small TV-like thing floated in mid-air, holding a delicately packaged small box in his hand. This was exactly the camera Igarashi ordered through the tactical terminal during the day according to the contact information in the advertisement. After paying, Igarashi used After mentally scanning it and confirming that the quality of the camera was correct and how to use it, I put it away without opening the package. As a gift, it was better to keep the package intact and give it to An Ba.

Because Igarashi secretly cleaned up the monsters and liberated the high school campus, it did not take much time. There are still a few hours until night. However, if you are an ordinary person, the various battles just now will indeed consume a lot of energy. Antoneva takes a rest. His suggestion was not wrong, but Igarashi was not an ordinary person.

The world is in danger of destruction, and there seems to be not much time left. Naturally, Igarashi will not take unnecessary rest and waste time. If An wants to have an adult ceremony, then contact the principal of the high school. .

As the only artifact user in the central court, Igarashi didn't need to be very cautious when dealing with a principal in the area under his jurisdiction. He directly used the tactical terminal to forcefully connect his mobile phone. After making the request, he naturally got the other party's consent.

The artifact user risked his life in order to protect the safety of Junction City and even the world. Even if he did not die in the battle, there was still the danger of turning into a living corpse. If someone in Junction City was holding back, Igarashi would not have much patience.

Time is precious, and the time for An's coming-of-age ceremony is scheduled for tomorrow. Igarashi contacted the girl through the tactical terminal, which naturally surprised the girl.

Igarashi, if there is another battle later, please tell me.

Jia'er, who was already the artifact user of the Central Court, sent such a message to Igarashi. At this time, the girl had already visited Teacher Sybil and was resting in her room, her thoughts wandering, thinking about everything before.

Then there's Lao Jia'er.

A moment later, Jia'er, who began to feel uneasy for no reason, received a reply. Looking at this brief message, the girl couldn't help but smile.

Now it seems that he can command a lot of artifact users. According to the speed of liberating the high school, Igarashi can probably lead the artifact users to solve two black gate areas in one day. In the dead of night, Igarashi can also quietly leave Go to your own room and continue to solve hidden dangers.

I heard that you have solved the black gate in the high school. It is very powerful. Did my tarot cards help you?

It seemed that he knew that Igarashi was in a state of leisure at this time, and the messages from the tactical terminal almost never stopped. Now, Amusa also sent a message.

It helps a lot, thank you.

Hehe, you don't have to be so polite. My lovely commander, I think you can solve any crisis yourself.

Tsk, Amusa knew that she had abnormal combat power. Igarashi felt that the somewhat naughty girl was difficult to deal with. Although she didn't seem to reveal it to anyone now, her ambiguous attitude towards herself made Igarashi Somewhat elusive.

Don't worry, you can trust me. Next time there is a regional crusade, you can call me.

Igarashi's silence allowed Amusa on the other side to guess his thoughts, and then sent such a message.

There are currently two existences in this world for Igarashi. One is the one that can crush Igarashi - the unknown female voice, the remaining people and monsters, can all be attributed to the remaining one - the one that cannot be crushed. Igarashi poses a huge threat.

Since he can't pose much of a threat, Igarashi doesn't have to fight with the air. What's more, Amusa has never been malicious and is a charming girl.

In the future, please.

Am I being confessed? I am willing~

Amusa's reply was full of ambiguity. If Igarashi was a pure young man, he would definitely be caught up in all kinds of reveries now, but fortunately he was not.

Very good!

Even so, Igarashi believes in taking advantage when there is an advantage. Since Amusa provokes him so much, it would be contrary to Igarashi's character not to fight back. At this time, Igarashi's behavior was like falling into joy after a confession was accepted. Just like the innocent boy in the movie.

Afterwards, Amusa's silence made Igarashi curl up, feeling extremely proud of his final victory.

Now An and Jia'er have just experienced a battle, and it is not suitable for them to continue to attack. After Tesla was assigned a room in the central court, she didn't know where she ran. She probably went to look for food. Sybil was recuperating, and Ai Although Musa expressed her willingness to be Igarashi's help, Igarashi was not so shameless that he made the request as soon as the other party finished speaking.

Now, Igarashi is actually in a situation where no one can help him, even though there are still many artifact users in the central court who have not interacted with him.

The somewhat bored Igarashi released his mental power and continued to expand it. Since the combat power in this world was not as high as imagined, Igarashi didn't have to worry much and used his mental power to detect it to the maximum extent.

Antoneva, who was at work, was looking at An, who was preparing clothes for the coming-of-age ceremony, Tesla, who was enjoying delicious food, and Jia'er, who had a smile on her face. All the familiar people were attracted by Igarashi's The spiritual power was felt, and after a slight pause, it extended further.

Not long after Igarashi's mental power left, a smile appeared on Antoineva's face, who had been concentrating on her work. The woman in a blood-red dress had some kind of crazy emotion in her eyes. She wore a black veil and a The woman with long blond hair and quite mature charm spoke softly in her pleasant voice.

“It’s a feeling I haven’t seen in a long time.”

As for Igarashi himself, because he was concentrating on extending his mental power, he did not notice the abnormal behavior of several people in the central court that he had ignored. Instead, he discovered the scene in a distant place where a masked artifact user met Hiro. .

Follow the plan.


During the mental power detection, Hiro's face was no longer as friendly and easy-going as when they first met, but as ferocious as a beast. His behavior also allowed Igarashi to leave a trace of mental power on him. However, mental power is not a high-level energy, and the world is full of illusory power. It is unknown how long that trace of mental power can last.

Chapter 169 Difficulty

Central Court, Archives Room.

It was already late at night, and Antoneva was still working. Countless monitors were placed in the room, stacked from the floor to the ceiling.

Huh? Is it Igarashi?

The quietness of the night made the sound of tiny footsteps very obvious. After noticing Igarashi's figure, Antoineva spoke with her usual gentle voice and flew down from the ceiling with a light posture.

It's so late. Do you have anything to do with me?

Igarashi appears late at night because under the pressure of the world-ending crisis, he knows that time is running out, so he no longer chooses to rest at night, but looks for people and things that may trigger the crisis, or so-called regrets. Anyway, with him If you don't sleep, it won't have any impact on your physique.

Well, I was just passing by and came over to take a look when I saw this room.

Of course, Igarashi would not look at every room. Under the detection of mental power, he discovered the busy figure of Antoineva. Out of curiosity about this close sister, Igarashi came here with a purpose.

Well...the archives is where I work.

Antoneva did not ask why Igarashi was walking around late at night, but instead introduced to him that although suspicious people should not be allowed to move around in a city center like the Central Court and a military important place, as a commander, Igarashi naturally No longer among them, there are also deeper reasons.

All the information sent to the central court from all over the place will be gathered in this room and displayed on these screens. The system will automatically classify the information, and then I will place the replies separately.

Well, system is such a sensitive word. Igarashi would not think that the function of the system mentioned by Antoineva is the same as what he has. It is late at night at this time, and normal people are sleeping. Although the artifact user has special powers , but his physical fitness is similar to that of ordinary people. Things like eating and sleeping are essential for the artifact user. Looking at the busy Antoneva, Igarashi hopes to know her thoughts.

This huge amount is all your work alone?

Haha... This is exactly what I am good at. By the way, since you are here, can you do me a favor?

Antoneva seemed to see Igarashi's concern for her, and the corners of her mouth slightly raised.

This is exactly what Igarashi wants. There are two things in this world, to earn experience points and to help (guide) beautiful girls. Now there is no clear way to earn experience points, and there is no reason for the destruction of the world. Just execute it That was a relatively important thing in Igarashi's heart.

You said, I will try my best!

Antoineva showed an expected smile and pointed to a monitor nearby.

It's not difficult to say, look here.

Igarashi followed her white hands and saw the content on the monitor.

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