Weird deep sea game, I can fish unlimitedly

Chapter 320 The Black Dragon’s Flame

Wuying County, outside Jinji Village.湜

Li Feng's small team of hidden people is heading to a farm occupied by ogres.

There is plenty of sunshine on the tropical island, and it is mid-morning. The bright sunshine shines down, and there are no shadows in the open fields.

The ordinary-looking captain looked up at the sky and couldn't help but frown and worry. The sunlight was too abundant and there were no shadows, which was not conducive to the actions of the hidden person.

So he said to his four junior students, including Li Feng:

My fellow students, most of you have just been promoted to Invisibility, so your strength is not high, and the ogres are ferocious, so you must first ensure safety.

As the Hidden Ones, we are not reckless men who trade lives for lives. We can only complete the mission while alive.

This time, our main task is just to collect intelligence.湜

This information includes the number and strength of the ogres, the distribution of camp buildings, surrounding barriers, the best conditions for sneak attacks and assassinations, as well as attack and retreat routes, etc...'s morning now, the sunshine is too good...

One team member said nervously that Li Feng remembered that this young man attended the admission ceremony with him that day.

Obviously, although this young man has only just been promoted to the first level of concealment, he also understands that sunlight is not conducive to their actions.

It doesn't matter, we can wait until evening or night.

For this new student, the captain was not impatient, but calmly comforted and taught:

As a hidden person, patience is very important. When necessary, we must wait for the opportunity. Shi

Although it was his first time dealing with him, Li Feng felt that the captain was a good person.

He is a bit of a teacher, but he is also very patient with people and things. In the future, he should become an excellent hider.

Oh, alright.

Hearing the captain's arrangement, the young team member nodded quickly. He felt a little relieved, but then asked Li Feng:

Klaus, are you a second-level concealer?

Because they attended the admission ceremony together, this young team member knew Li Feng's rank.

Well, although it lacks inheritance and skills, it is indeed the second level. Shi

There was no need to hide it. Li Feng nodded. He could see that the young team member was really nervous, so he said:

As long as we follow the plan and cooperate with each other, there will be no problem.

oh oh.

The young team member nodded and replied, seeming to feel a little more at ease.

When Li Feng said these words, the captain also looked over silently.

He was very pleased and satisfied when he saw that Li Feng was not complacent or taking over all the tasks because of his higher rank.

Everyone, let's take a rest here and wait for the evening.

Walking into a sparse forest next to the farm, the captain said to the team members.

Here, through the sparse tree trunks and branches, the ogre's camp can already be seen faintly.

There is no check and balance on them, so there are a lot of ogres here, and the tents set up in the camp are even more densely packed.

Li Feng was naturally not worried about this mission. He just found an open space to sit down and just wanted to deal with official duties until the evening.

However, not long after he sat down, Li Feng suddenly received news from Xia.

She used the contract to say to Li Feng:

I caught a few strange people, they call themselves players, and... they are inquiring about you. Shi

Li Feng:......

‘Player? Inquire about me? ’

Li Feng thought about it in his mind and just when he had no clue, he heard Xia say again:

Would you like to come and take a look?


Li Feng agreed, but he immediately realized that it seemed inconvenient for him to leave now:

What about that? I'm on a mission to investigate the ogre camp. You asked me to find a reason to get out first. Shi

Sia: ...Okay, by the way, are you still on Shining Island?

That's right, Wuying County, Glory Island.

What a coincidence. I just have something to show you. Just wait for me.

Xia quickly replied, making Li Feng a little confused.

‘Is she coming to find me? And you still have something to show me? ’

With his back leaning against a tree, Li Feng became a little curious, curious about what the thing Xia was talking about was, and even more curious about how Xia was going to find him.

Inexplicably, Li Feng thought of the scene in Journey to the West where the female fairies infiltrate the Buddhist scripture-seeking team.湜

It's ridiculous for an orphan girl to ask for help when she's suffering.

But then again, Shia is not a human being. She is transformed from a dragon, and she seems to be somewhat similar to those female fairies.

'Will she pretend she was in trouble at the hands of the ogres and then join the team to seek revenge? ’

Li Feng was thinking wildly and absurdly, but not long after, he suddenly heard the young team member yelling in a panic:

what is that?

Li Feng turned his head when he heard this and saw the young team member pointing in the direction of the sky and shouting in fear:

Look, everyone, what is that in the sky?!

Because of his shout, everyone looked to the sky and saw a fast-moving black spot in the distance.

And everyone could see clearly that the black spot had wings, but it was definitely not an eagle, because the black spot had a huge head with graceful and sharp horns.

Li Feng: It turned out to be Xia... Moreover, she has grown up.

Different from Shia's previous baby dragon form, this time it was a real giant dragon.

With extremely long and extremely wide dragon wings, a huge and graceful body and horns, she has grown up.

And just like what is recorded in the book, when the dragon spreads its wings, there is no distance between the endless sea.

Calculating the distance from Storm Island to Glory Island, it takes four or five days by boat, but it only takes half an hour for the dragon to fly over.湜

That's... that's a... dragon?

Looking at the increasingly clear silhouette of the giant dragon on the horizon, the captain, who had always been calm and patient, exclaimed:

And...and it's black, that's a black dragon! It's a black dragon! How is that possible?!

While everyone was exclaiming, Sia had already flown high into the sky above the farm.

Is the Black and White Institute investigating the ogre camp to eliminate them?

Through the contract, Xia asked Li Feng.

Li Feng: Well, we do have this plan.


Shia replied.

High in the sky, the black dragon hovered and stayed, then opened its mouth, and a stream of flames fell from the sky, aiming at the ogre camp.

This...the black dragon is attacking the ogre camp?

how so?

In the sparse woods, the Hidden Team was shocked when they saw this scene. it our mission?

The captain, who looked ordinary but had a patient and steady personality, muttered to himself.

Captain, I think our mission... seems to have been completed...

Looking at the falling pillar of fire, the young team member trembled and analyzed.

And just as he finished speaking, the pillar of fire had already drooped to the ground, instantly spreading into a blazing sea of ​​fire.

Without any resistance, the ogre camp was instantly reduced to ashes. In the woods not far away, the four team members except Li Feng were all dumbfounded.

Li Feng sighed in his heart, compared with the little goblins pretending to be pitiful, this kind of appearance that destroys the world at every turn is indeed more suitable for the dragon.

Oops! No, run!

Someone in the team suddenly shouted.

Because the fire stirred by the dragon was too strong, the flames in the farm had become a real sea of ​​​​fire.

After destroying the ogre camp, the flames were roaring in all directions without any hindrance, including of course the woods where the Hidden Team was.

Seeing that the sea of ​​​​fire was about to come, the captain immediately called on his team members to run away.

The three students who had just been admitted to the hospital hurriedly ran away, but Li Feng did not move. The captain thought he was shocked and quickly pulled him hard.

After coming back to his senses, Li Feng suddenly understood Xia's intention. He pretended to be panicked and ran in the opposite direction of the other team members.

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