Weird deep sea game, I can fish unlimitedly

Chapter 319: Generosity to Others

The afternoon sun is bright, exuding layers of warmth.

At Yushui Lake Temple, after Li Feng left, a man with a scar on his forehead walked in. He bowed and saluted Li, and then said:

Miss, do you believe him like this?

We have no better way for now. Of course, if he dares to lie to me, he will pay a more painful price than death.

Li said sharply, then she changed the topic and said to the scarred male subordinate with a scar on his face:

The Scarlet Sister told me that the person who smuggled into Area 2 that day and awakened the Serpent of Split was Lai Yin from Wind's End City.

This Lai Yin is obviously also a player, but we already know his identity in the Endless Sea.

What does the Scarlet Sister need from us?

The scarred man asked respectfully, he was obviously very nervous.

Because that Lai Yin not only awakened the Serpent of Division, but also killed the behemoth together with the enemy of the Serpent of Division.

The scarred man remembered clearly that when he arrived at the church in District 2 that day, he saw a very huge two-headed snake corpse.

Compared with the snake corpse, the surrounding broken walls were as small as rubble.

How can someone who can kill such a huge creature be so easy to deal with?

Li saw the scarred man's nervousness. She also had the scarred man's thoughts, but at the moment she showed disdain:

The Scarlet Sister asked us to stop Lai Yin from destroying the Zoroastrian ritual of awakening the night crows.


The scarred man repeated softly and rolled his eyes:

Excuse me, eldest lady, how can we stop it?


Glancing at her subordinates, Li sneered:

I found out that Lai Yin has a special relationship with the current governor of Storm Island, Shia Fell. If we catch the female governor, we will naturally have a way to contain Lai Yin.


The scarred man hesitated to speak, and then said cautiously:

But my subordinates also heard that Shia Fell is a tough woman, and she is also a transcendent.

so what?

Li asked sharply, and then said sarcastically:

We can kill the Governor of Glorious Island, but she is a low-level spellweaver. Even if her guard is the same as the Governor of Glorious Island, how capable can she be?

If you are hesitant here, you might as well send a few capable people to solve the problem.

Is that the farm occupied by ogres?

When returning to Fog Shadow Swamp, Li Feng passed by Jinji Village.

Thinking that he still had five Black and White Iron Coins given by the college administrator, Li Feng hired a villager's carriage.

Yes sir.

Hearing Li Feng's question, the old driver immediately replied:

“This farm was originally a piece of wasteland. Many years ago, the villagers of our village worked together to reclaim this land.

Everyone wants to plant some crops here so that we can have more food every year.

But who knows, as soon as the ground was repaired, these ogres came.

Not only did they occupy the land, they also robbed our livestock to eat. Last year, they even robbed a little baby from the village.

At that time, all the young men in the village went to chase her, but sir, when they chased them to the farm, they saw a small skeleton hanging on the tree.

The poor child had been eaten down to nothing but a skeleton.

When he said this, the old coachman kept sighing, which showed that he was depressed.

And Li Feng gradually remembered that when he was tied to the camp by the ogre, he also saw many human skeletons hanging up there.

Thinking about what happened before, Li Feng put a few red berries into his mouth. These berries were very sweet and were prepared for him by the old coachman.

Because services can be exchanged for Black and White Courtyard tokens, the villagers of Jinji Village will provide particularly attentive services to the hidden people.

Li Feng only wanted to take a carriage ride, but the old coachman took the initiative to prepare the most delicious food for him, the sweetest berries and clear mountain spring water.

Continuing to walk along the road, when approaching the fog shadow swamp, Li Feng asked:

Old sir, how much are you short of one silver coin?

Chenxing said that as long as Jinji Village saves one silver coin, the Black and White Institute will take action to deal with the ogres.

Only 4 iron coins left, sir.

The old coachman replied with a smile, feeling happy that all the hardships had been overcome.

At the same time, the carriage had already stopped at the road sign of Fog Shadow Swamp.

Li Feng nodded, got off the carriage, took out 4 iron coins and handed them to the old coachman:

Here's the fare. Thank you for taking care of me along the way.

Ah, this... Sir, this is too much.

Seeing the four iron coins, the old coachman stuttered in surprise. His calloused hands stopped in mid-air, wanting to pick them up but not daring to pick them up.

Because just pulling a carriage requires 4 iron coins from the Black and White Institute, which is really too much.

The old coachman knew that some hidden people were kind-hearted, like Miss Morning Star.

She once paid 2 iron coins for a carriage ride, but that was already the maximum fare.

But the young man in front of him is really too generous.

Two coins are for transportation, and two coins are for food and spring water.

Being able to guess what the old coachman was thinking, Li Feng smiled and replied.

Then he gave the old coachman the iron coins, and without waiting for the old coachman to say anything else, he said goodbye and left, heading towards the Fog Shadow Swamp.

Soon, the bright light of the tropical island disappeared before his eyes, and Li Feng stepped into the dark and humid fog shadow swamp.

Strange-shaped black trees grew everywhere on both sides of the muddy path, and small pools of water could be seen everywhere on the ground, with bubbles popping up from time to time.

Hmph, it's not a good thing to be too conceited.

Walking in layers of thick fog, Li Feng suddenly heard a voice in his ears, it was the stranger in the shadow.

Have you seen everything?

Li Feng knew that the stranger in the film was referring to the iron coins he had just given to the coachman.

Humph, God is everywhere.

The voice of the stranger in the shadow floated in the mist, and he continued:

“Everything has a price, and if you want to get something, you have to pay for it in exchange.

If you are too generous, it will encourage greed.

God? Aren't you a player?

Li Feng mercilessly poked fun at the stranger in the film, but he actually agreed with the stranger in the film:

Congratulations do encourage greed, but I'm in a good mood today and don't want to care about it.

Hmph! You do know how to tolerate others' generosity.

In the mist, the stranger in the shadow left these words and disappeared.

Continuing walking on the muddy path, Li Feng was speechless:

'So...he has nothing else to do. He just came here to complain about me. How cautious is this...'

October 23, the 15th game cycle, the world of Endless Sea.

Because of the few Iron Coins from the Black and White Institute given by Li Feng, Jinji Village finally saved up one silver coin, enough for the Black and White Institute to help them drive away the group of ogres.

The hidden people of the Black and White Institute adhere to the principle of maximizing the use of all available conditions.

So they prepared to use these ogres to practice their skills on the students in the courtyard.

Let the newly admitted low-level students gather information, and then let the middle-level students clean it up.

And what a coincidence, Li Feng is the newly admitted student.

‘The stranger in the shadow is trying to take revenge on me. After all, he said before that I was trying to offend him. ’

Following the team on this trip, Li Feng left the Fog Shadow Swamp again.

Juniors, our mission this time is just to explore the ogre camp.

The captain of the team, who looked ordinary and didn't have many characteristics, said.

The captain is a second-level and fifth-level concealer. In this operation, he is responsible for commanding and ensuring the safety of the team members.

On the way out of the fog shadow swamp, the captain introduced the contents of the mission to four team members, including Li Feng.

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