Weird deep sea game, I can fish unlimitedly

Chapter 321 Island made of gold

You have grown up. Shu

In Wuying County, an abandoned farm was burned by the dragon's flames.

After Li Feng deliberately ran away from his teammates, Xia landed next to him. Looking at the adult black dragon, which was taller than a mountain, Li Feng couldn't help but sigh.

Well~ I am an adult because of you~

In the raging wall of fire, Xia lowered her head and gently rubbed Li Feng:

You look pretty good in disguise.

Li Feng: Ahem...

Come up, I'll take you somewhere. Shu

Shia lowered her neck as she spoke.

High in the sky over the Endless Sea, facing the fierce cold wind, Li Feng looked down at the sea and islands below from Xia.

Suddenly I remembered that there is a saying in an ancient poem that a roc spreads its wings ninety thousand miles a day. Sitting on the back of a giant dragon today, Li Feng actually had this experience.

The howling of the wind in her ears gradually became smaller. Soon, Sia flew close to a seemingly small uninhabited island. She slowed down and finally landed.

After landing, Li Feng found that the island was indeed very small, with no vegetation and only a tall spire in the middle of the island. At first glance, it looked uninhabited.

But what surprised Li Feng was that it was clearly daytime, but the island was actually shrouded in darkness, with only a faint twilight glowing in the surrounding seawater.

But this was not what surprised Li Feng the most. What made him most incredible was that this small island was actually covered with gold. Shu

Looking through the faint twilight, the entire island is covered thickly with gold. It is not an exaggeration to say that this place is made of gold.

Picking up a piece of gold bar randomly from under his feet, Li Feng discovered that among the gold, there were gold coins, gold bars, and some utensils made of gold, such as gold pots and gold cups.

In addition, there are also a large number of precious gems of various colors. In short, just grabbing a few is enough for ordinary people to live a prosperous life.

Are you... robbing the entire Endless Sea?

Holding the gold bar, Li Feng asked Xia. She had transformed from a dragon back into human form, and she was still the same beautiful girl with outstanding appearance.

No~ I should be the one who robbed the Endless Sea, but when I found this place, there was no one on the island.

As she spoke, Shia blinked her big innocent eyes and emphasized: Shu

This gold has no owner!

Li Feng: ...if you robbed the missing robber's treasury, you would really enjoy the profits.


Shia smiled happily and proudly. Gold was indeed very attractive to the dragon:

But there is nothing I can do~ You see there is so much gold without an owner, so I can only make do with it. Oh, what a pitiful gold people~

Shia sighed fakely, her expression was as if she saw the golds were pitiful and was kindhearted enough to take them in.

Li Feng:......Shu

Stepping on the gold and jewelry, Li Feng looked around the island. He found that among these gold objects, there were a lot of seaweeds, corals, and even dried deep-sea fish and shrimps, so he asked Xia:

This gold should have sunk in the sea, right?

Hmm, that seems to be the case. It's probably a treasure from a shipwreck over the years.

After all, there is everything in the unknown sea~

Xia, who was walking beside Li Feng, didn't take it seriously.

Well, then these gold and jewelry must have been artificially fished out of the sea and placed here.

Li Feng made assumptions for Xia: Shu

Then have you ever thought that people who can salvage treasures in the unknown sea are not so easy to snatch?

And look at the sky here...

Li Feng looked up at the abnormal night and continued to say to Xia:

There's clearly something wrong with this island.


Sia pursed her lips and frowned, reluctantly:

I don't care. The location of this island was recorded in the Lost Book by the black dragon ancestors. It is the legacy left to me by my ancestors. Shu

If someone wants to take gold, he must first prove that the gold is his.

Then, he needs to pay me tens of thousands of years of island rent. I will not lend the island to anyone for nothing.

Li Feng: ...Okay, but...there are new words appearing in The Lost Book?

Li Feng remembered clearly that he borrowed Xia's Lost Book some time ago and found that there was no text about unknown islands in it.


Xia nodded. She was actually a little surprised that Li Feng could understand the dragon language.

But there were so many things about this human that surprised her, and Sia had long been used to it. Shu

Well, just a few days ago, there was suddenly an extra page of text in the Book of Lost Things, which mentioned some miscellaneous things, including this island.

What did you say?

Li Feng asked. He knew that Xia's ancestor was a player, and he was also a player who controlled the terrible flames, and this kind of flames was enough to kill the lava lord.

I didn't go into great detail, I just briefly mentioned the location of the island and asked future generations to take good care of it.

Xia said as she took out the Lost Book and handed it to Li Feng, letting him read it for himself.

It was still the old black book, which Li Feng opened in the twilight.

Sure enough, behind the page recording the Theater of Sadness, Li Feng saw a new page of content. Shu

At a rough glance, it is indeed as Shia said, the records are all messy.

The book mentioned the location and basic information of the island, and asked future generations to take good care of it, but the book did not mention that there was gold on the island.

‘It seems that gold only came later. ’

Li Feng analyzed and continued reading. He saw records in the book that said the ancestral dragon was not completely extinct.

The book said that somewhere in the endless sea, there are still hundreds of eggs of the ancestor dragon.

However, the specific location of the dragon egg was not clearly mentioned in the information displayed this time.

'The ancestor dragon's... dragon egg...' Shu

Li Feng thought about this species in his mind. He once heard Chenxing say that the Ancestral Dragon is the ancestor of all giant dragons. No matter what color the dragon is, it all evolved from the Ancestral Dragon.

Moreover, the Mother Goddess of Weaving, one of the seven gods, is the ancestral dragon.

However, in the long history of the Endless Sea, the ancestral dragon has long been extinct, and the Goddess Weaver is probably the only ancestral dragon.

But now, if there are still dragon eggs left in the world, the extinction situation has been reversed.

Li Feng recalled these things casually, and finally focused on this island.

According to the book, the island is forever shrouded in twilight because it was polluted by something.

Why do I suddenly have the feeling that I shouldn't stay here for a long time? Shu

After reading the records in the Lost Book, Li Feng chuckled and said.

Indeed, but I have investigated something that is related to this island.

Slightly changing her relaxed and cheerful tone when she mentioned gold, Sia's tone became serious:

You still remember Mathas, the soul eater who was contaminated with forbidden spells.

Yeah, remember.

Li Feng nodded.

Mathas was originally a hidden person, but he betrayed the Black and White Institute, stole the Lost Book, and then hid for many years. Shu.

Sia talked about her recent investigation:

“But I recently learned through the sea market and other channels that the people who have been supporting Mathas all these years are other dragon clansmen of several colors.

Back then, they conspired to kill my parents and massacred the entire Black Dragon clan.

But the real reason behind it is that they want to get the secrets in the Lost Book.

And now, although Mathas is dead, they have also noticed this island through other channels.

Listening to Xia's story, Li Feng understood. He had speculated before whether Marsas was related to other dragons, but he didn't expect it to be the case.

Then... Shu

Li Feng wanted to ask Xia about her plan, but Xia smiled and said:

It's okay, I can handle it myself.

A few days ago, I caught some people at sea, and I forced them to do a few things for me. Now, I almost have a way to deal with those giant dragons~

Seeing that Xia was determined, Li Feng didn't ask any more questions. He respected and believed in Xia. At the same time, Xia continued:

Now that I've finished talking about you, it's time to talk about you. Let's go meet those people who are inquiring about you in Wind's Breath City.

They all call themselves ‘players’~”

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