Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 434: Alone rescue, weird cheating creature

"You guys hold on for now, I'll go over and see what's going on."

"If an emergency occurs, the priority is to protect yourself."

After Su Qi confessed a few words, he shot downwards.

Even Mr. Jiang didn't have time to stop it. After all, the children of the Holy City's aristocratic families are now fleeing, and top natural disaster-level extraordinary beings are trapped. At this time, unimaginable changes may have occurred in the mysterious cemetery.

To be honest, he really didn't want to see Su Qi acting alone.

It's just that Su Qi moved too quickly and didn't give him a chance to speak.

The blazing beam of light pierced the night sky.

Su Qi led the five ghosts and gods through the layers of fog and swooped in the direction given by the spiritual call for help.


He then saw the changes in the mysterious cemetery.

I saw that those strange spirits that were originally wandering aimlessly were all rioting at this moment, and they were running around like evil spirits and monsters at a crazy speed.

This made Su Qi feel a chill on his scalp, and he had to increase his flying altitude again. Even so, he was sensed by several strange creatures, which jumped up from the ground to surround him.

call out--

A tall and ferocious figure stood directly in front of Su Qi.

It was a strange creature with a fleshy body, as if an ordinary person had been magnified thousands of times. There was a single horn between its eyebrows, two wings on its back, a wide mouth with fangs, and a terrifying red light lingering in its hands. It stopped at Su Qi. In an instant, he launched an attack!

Su Qi didn't panic too much, and in an instant he shrunk the area he deployed to the extreme. This would help the five ghosts and gods stay close to him.


Along with a terrifying sound breaking through the air, the strange creature blocking Su Qi's path quickly attacked.

The terrifying big hand came over like a high wall, and its sharp nails pulled out several long claw marks in the void!

Su Qi snorted lightly and quickly rushed forward instead of dodging.


The moment the two met, all the terrifying ghost and god abilities were instantly applied to the strange creature.

The extreme cold of Saya of Frost.

The destruction of Kazan in Soul Calibur.

Corruption of the Plague Rakshasa.

The eroding chaos.

All explode!

With the blessing of the speed and power of Kaija of the Afterimage, Su Qi simply waved the Hammer of Divine Punishment and blasted the strange creature that was attacking into pieces.


A sudden change occurred!

The moment the strange creature was killed, the words on the tombstone below suddenly lit up.

As if inspired by something.

All the strange spirits nearby suddenly turned into a raging black tide and swarmed up.

Immediately after the dense gnawing sounds came out, more strange creatures emerged!

Su Qi's eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw this scene. At the same time, he finally understood why those children from aristocratic families were fleeing.

Kill one and thousands more will appear.

This...is cheating!

Su Qi sighed inwardly, not daring to stay any longer, and immediately started to escape from here at a high speed.

Fortunately, the speed blessed by Kaija of the Afterimage was so abnormal that he was able to get rid of the strange creatures that were chasing him immediately.

"It seems that we have to change the method."

Su Qi's heart trembled. On the way forward, when he was intercepted by strange creatures, he would hide whenever he could. If he couldn't avoid them, he would just repel them.

Sure enough, in this way, the birth of strange creatures is greatly reduced!

But this also aroused his doubts.

He believes that the birth method of this weird creature is absolutely impossible to split endlessly. It must have its upper limit and even be said to be defective.

"These weird creatures were born because the weird spirits came into contact with flesh and blood. They were probably affected by the deeper power of this mysterious cemetery."

"Maybe there is a way to prevent more weird creatures from being born..."

"Either completely wipe out the flesh and blood of the weird creatures you kill, or find a way to prevent the weird spirits from coming into contact with the broken flesh and blood."

Su Qi did a little analysis, but time was running out right now, and he didn't have more time to explore. After all, what was more important now was to determine whether there was really a top natural disaster-level transcendent trapped here.

However, actually.

These two methods have also been tried by Yu Yueliang and other children from aristocratic families.


By completely wiping out the flesh and blood of the killed weird creatures, it can prevent the birth of more weird creatures. However, in this way, those weird spirits that have lost their targets will completely fall into madness, and even merge into even larger weird creatures. spirit body.


Behind those disciples of aristocratic families, there were already dozens of super spirit beings chasing after them.

These super spirits are all formed by the condensation of strange spirits. Not only are they larger in size and have no fixed shape, they can even stir up an extremely chaotic spiritual power.

Some destruction-level transcendental beings, let alone fighting them, would feel dizzy and their heads swollen even if they looked at each other.

Only natural disaster-level extraordinary beings can struggle to contend.


Although those huge extraordinary spiritual bodies do not have physical bodies, due to the powerful energy they contain, wherever they pass, they also sweep up flying sand and erupt with terrifying loud noises.

At this time, Yu Yueliang's face was very ugly, and he could only fight and retreat, looking embarrassed.

This was a scene he had never expected.

"Damn it!"

"We are not fighting against strange creatures, but against the entire mysterious cemetery!"

"We must find a way to crack it, otherwise, we will be dragged into an endless battle and be consumed to death here alive!"

Yu Yueliang roared, obviously losing some sense of proportion at this time.

The rest of the people were also in a very heavy mood. They never expected that these strange creatures would be so difficult to deal with the strange spirits, would be immortal, and would be born endlessly.

Once they use their killing moves to annihilate people in large numbers, what awaits them will be a larger-scale siege!

"Let me try and see if I can block their perception."

At this moment, Ji Linglong didn't care about Zang Zhuo and decided to use his ability to press the bottom of the box.

This was originally a back-up plan to safely evacuate after seizing the opportunity of God. Now the situation is urgent and it has to be revealed in advance.

I saw her hands quickly forming seals.

The hand speed is extremely fast, and countless afterimages are gradually generated.


A gauze-like aura rippled out, becoming ethereal and covering everyone.

The next second.

Yu Yueliang and others were surprised to find that the countless strange creatures and several huge super spirit bodies behind them suddenly stopped miraculously, as if they had lost their target.

"This ability can last for as long as a cup of tea. Taking advantage of this opportunity, it's best to think of a way to deal with it. If it doesn't work, you can only evacuate here temporarily." Ji Linglong opened his lips lightly and reminded everyone.

"How can we communicate at such a close distance without being noticed?" Yu Yueliang felt a little unbelievable as he looked at the strange creatures that were approaching.

Ji Linglong nodded and said, "Okay."

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