Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 435: Accidental collision, capturing special strange creatures

"I will temporarily erase everyone from the mysterious cemetery. You can also think that we are in a special time and space now."

"Conversation and presence are not perceived, nor are they touched."

Ji Linglong explained, then slowly walked up to a strange and confused creature, stretched out his right hand towards the creature, and passed through its huge body in a very strange way.

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards.

He vented all his inner complaints at this moment.

"What the hell, I've never been in such a miserable state in my life. Even if I was attacked by a horde of beasts in another world, I wouldn't be as desperate as I am now!"

"Okay, now is not the time to lament. It's better to think of a countermeasure quickly."

"Well, I think this place is too weird. Instead of looking for special weird creatures here, it's better to leave here and try your luck elsewhere. Although the old group of extraordinary people say that they are special weird creatures outside, they have been I’ve hunted a lot, but there must be some missing.” Someone suggested.

But soon, he was met with a strong rebuttal from others: "Tsk, I don't agree with what you said."

"Doesn't this mean we have to pick up other people's leftover soup to drink? We are genuine natural disaster-level extraordinary beings. Even on the battlefield of another world, we are the ones who influence the direction of a battle. This is just a cemetery."

"Haha, it's just a cemetery. Since we entered here, seven destructive-level extraordinary beings have died. If you were so capable, you wouldn't have been able to run faster than everyone else just now!"

"How about...we stay at the edge of this mysterious cemetery, waiting for the rabbits to come out, looking for those weird creatures that come out of the mysterious cemetery?"

Just as everyone was arguing, Yu Yuehao suddenly seemed to have discovered something, and quickly stopped the others: "Stop."

"Look, you guys, those super spirits seem to be disintegrating..."

When everyone heard this, they looked up and saw those super spirits walking back and forth nearby several times before splitting into countless weird spirits again and falling into a state of confusion again.

Not only the weird spirits were like this, but also the huge weird creatures slowly walked into the darkness, as if they were dormant again.

This scene.

Even Ji Linglong didn't expect it. She didn't expect that the restless strange creatures and strange spirits quickly returned to calm after just hiding for a moment.

At this time, Che Xiongjie said: "It seems that as long as we avoid the perception of those ghosts for a while, we can be safe."

As he spoke, he turned to look at Ji Linglong and asked again: "How is your consumption of this ability? Can you use it continuously in a short period of time?"

When Ji Linglong heard this, she immediately realized that they wanted to use their ability to avoid all dangers here and explore God's opportunities. She subconsciously wanted to hide her clumsiness, but when she thought about it, other than that, it seemed There is no better way to deal with it.

After thinking for a while, she replied: "It is indeed very expensive to cover up the traces of so many people at the same time, but we can still persist for a while. However, it may only be up to you to do it next."

"That's no problem." Yu Yueliang's eyes flickered and he agreed simply.

After all, there are fully five people in their team who have completed the first level of divine ascension, and there are more than ten other natural disaster-level extraordinary people. Without Ji Linglong's combat power, it is nothing.

"It's just that although there is no problem on my side, the weird creatures here cannot be killed at all, nor can they force the manifestation of heavenly ways from other worlds. Even if special weird creatures are found, there is nothing they can do." Ji Linglong reminded everyone.

Che Xiongjie and others didn't pay any attention to this, as if they already had a way to deal with it.

"You can rest assured of this."

"If our guess is correct, it is difficult to completely kill the strange creatures here. In the final analysis, it is due to the influence of the mysterious power here."

"We can try to capture the strange creatures we find and take them away from this area. Maybe we can get rid of this endless division."

Ji Linglong thought for a moment and finally decided to agree.


Under the cover of Ji Linglong's ability, they quickly passed through the tombs as if they were in an uninhabited land, and soon found a place where strange creatures gathered.

Due to the inability to identify special strange creatures.


At Yu Yueliang's signal, Ji Linglong revoked the abilities imposed on everyone, exposing the destruction-level transcendent among them to the gaze of the strange creatures.

With previous experience.

They knew very well that fighting here was the stupidest thing to do.

Therefore, when encountering an attack by a strange creature, everyone only worked together to subdue it without directly killing it.

It didn't take long.

They found a special and strange creature that was swimming around.

"Do it!"

Yu Yueliang gave the order.

Che Xiongjie was the first to bear the brunt and decisively summoned an extremely tall historical virtual image.

The huge figure was almost as big as the strange creature, emitting powerful fluctuations. It stood behind Che Xiongjie, like a puppet on strings, able to make the same movements according to Che Xiongjie's actions.

Bang bang!

Che Xiongjie manipulated the huge historical virtual image, jumped over, and directly grabbed the opponent's waist.

The rest of the natural disaster-level extraordinary people also tried their best to subdue this special and strange creature in the shortest possible time, especially Yu Yueliang. He jumped high into the sky and formed seals with his hands, creating terrifying waves.

A very small long sword was condensed.

Quickly pierce the strange creature's eyebrows, erupting with powerful sealing power.

"Linglong, hurry!"

At this time, a layer of fine beads of sweat appeared on Yu Yueliang's forehead.

For him, sealing a special strange creature is far more difficult than killing it, so he doesn't want to waste a single minute.

When Ji Linglong heard this, he also noticed that there were other strange creatures nearby that seemed to have noticed the movement here and were moving closer. So he quickly used his special ability again to transform into a gauze-like mist, shrouding everyone again.

Almost at the same time.

Che Xiongjie also directly exerted his force, controlled the huge virtual black shadow, picked up the special strange creature by the waist, followed Ji Linglong, and strode outside the mysterious cemetery.

No one expected it.

This time, they went so smoothly.

It seems.

It’s not that they are not strong enough, it’s that they haven’t found the right method.

All of a sudden.

The ambition in everyone's hearts burned again.

While this group of children from aristocratic families were still busy working on special strange creatures, on the other side, Su Qi had already arrived at the place where the spiritual call for help came from.

When he saw those dying extraordinary beings who were buried up to their necks in grave soil, he couldn't help but feel a sense of horror in his heart.

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