Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 433 Distress signal, Su Qi’s judgment

"Sanba people..."

"Three directions, with the only strength we have now, it is best to send a reminder in one direction with all our strength..."

The top extraordinary beings who were mostly buried in the graves fell silent after communicating through their spiritual thoughts, and finally decided to send a distress signal to the group of people in the sky.

Although this group of people is not the strongest in their perception.

But among the other two groups, one of them was being chased by strange creatures one after another. The remaining group arrived from the opposite direction to the Holy City, and their identities were somewhat unclear.

After making a decision.

These people exhausted their last bit of strength, condensed the message for help into a ray of spiritual thought, and sent it towards the sky.

At this time.

In the huge cave high in the sky, the dark wind roared, and the fierce battle resounded throughout the world.

Those weird spirits that invaded are not as easy to deal with as imagined. Although they have no physical body and cannot fully display their strength, these weird spirits are less chaotic than the weird spirits wandering in the mysterious cemetery below. Not only do they look more... The deformities are weird, and the methods are also extremely unpredictable.

Each one is like a ghost, appearing and disappearing, and can even affect Lu Zhan's mind during the battle.

Everyone can feel the call of a very model, as if the physical body does not belong to them and is about to be called away at any time.

This made them miserable in this fight and seemed extremely awkward.


This situation is linked to the strength of the extraordinary. The stronger the spiritual will, the less affected it will be. Some natural disaster-level extraordinarys such as Lu Zhan can at least maintain normal fighting, while the strength of other destruction-level extraordinarys will be directly weakened. Up a level.

Fortunately, these veteran extraordinary beings have rich combat experience, and they can immediately activate the power of various fields to resist the mysterious and mysterious spirits.

Of course there are exceptions, and that is Mr. Jiang and Su Qi.

The two of them have surging mental strength, like a raging river. They not only block the influence of strange forces, but even have enough energy to take care of others.

Coupled with the various buffs given to them by Su Qi, the battle situation can still maintain a balance.

"I go……"

"It seems we made the wrong choice."

"It would be better to enter the mysterious cemetery to hunt down special weird creatures, so that more people can be promoted to the natural disaster level, and then intercept these weird spirits that come over."

Lu Zhan said.

Not only did the movement in his hand not stagnate at all, but he frequently made killing moves. The terrifying sword light, mixed with the momentum of destroying everything, crazily strangled the strange spiritual bodies nearby.

At this time, Su Qi was holding the Hammer of Divine Punishment, and at the same time he summoned five ghosts and gods to sit around and cooperate with each other to freeze a strange spirit body in the ghost god Saya. He immediately rushed over, smashed it to pieces with a hammer, and then said: " That’s not necessarily the case.”

"Just now, I used a little bit of mental energy to sense the battlefield below. Those children from aristocratic families were fleeing."

"If you think about it, not only do they have more natural disaster-level transcendental beings than us, but they are all real natural disaster-level ones who have been promoted through the real way of heaven. Even they are in danger, and the dangers can be imagined."

Hear the words.

The others couldn't help but feel their hearts sink.

At the same time, they were also amazed at Su Qi's tyranny. In such a fierce battle, he could still concentrate on the battlefield below, which was far beyond them.

Is this the terrifying thing about Holy Lord Miaozi?

It is impossible to imagine how powerful this guy is.

Obviously he did not use the power of order like other natural disaster-level extraordinary beings, but his control over energy was terrifying to the extreme.

Not only can he bless everyone with strength, but he can also summon some powerful spirits to fight. He can hunt down weird spirits at a speed that is almost as fast as everyone else combined.


Su Qi was planning to use the Evil God Borasu, or the super-wide killing techniques such as 'Hammer of Divine Punishment - Wrath of Heaven' and 'Praise of Life - Divine Might'.


Somehow, he had a premonition that once he used it, an unpredictable and dangerous outbreak would occur.

This feeling is very strong.

Therefore, he waited patiently.

Waiting for something deeper to emerge, he believed that it would never be that simple here, and that there must be some special power hidden there.


While they were fighting hard.


There was a weak spiritual thought that swept across.

Weak and intermittent.

But everyone heard it very clearly.

Even in this spiritual thought, they could still perceive a vague picture.

"Damn, no."

"There are actually top natural disaster-level extraordinary beings trapped here!?"

Everyone's hearts trembled, and they all clearly sensed the message for help in their spiritual thoughts.

"Are you kidding..."

"Every top natural disaster-level transcendent is a big shot with a big name, and now they are actually asking for help from us?"

this moment.

Everyone showed an expression of disbelief. For a moment, they felt that this was a strange force that affected their perception, resulting in confusing information. It was even more like a trap, luring them into the mysterious cemetery below.

Su Qi was also extremely shocked when he received this divine thought.

This was beyond his expectation.

"How is it possible? The top natural disaster-level extraordinary beings are all trapped here. Then wouldn't we..."

at this time.

Su Qi's expression changed slightly.

For a moment, I couldn't tell the difference between true and false. The most terrifying thing is that if this distress message is true, it means that this place has the power to suppress top natural disaster-level extraordinary beings!

If this is the case, with their strength, it is simply impossible to quell this disaster!

"Su Qi, don't you really want to find out?" Mr. Jiang on the side was shocked when he saw the hesitant look on Su Qi's face.


If the information is false, it must be an extremely dangerous trap for them.

If it were true, they would not be able to rescue the top natural disaster-level extraordinary beings.

Su Qi looked down firmly.

After a long time.

His eyes gradually became firm: "I can't do it if I don't go."

"This information is too bizarre and cannot be left alone. Just imagine, if a top natural disaster-level transcendent is really trapped, then it means that the danger here is far beyond our imagination. It is very likely..."

"The key to victory or defeat is probably whether we can rescue the trapped top natural disaster-level transcendent!"


There was still a word in his heart that he hadn't said yet.

That is, if there are really top natural disaster-level extraordinary beings here, they must know more information.

This may be the best way to break the situation, instead of passively fighting endlessly here!

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