Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 422 The battle to ascend to the gods, life and death unknown

"But, brother Lu Ji, don't worry too much."

"Those of us have only completed the first level of ascending to the gods. We may not be your opponent if we fight alone, but now..."

"But I still have to advise you, it's best to hand over what you got. Otherwise, I can't guarantee whether you will kill me. As you said, this area has isolated most of the real world from heaven. If you die, If you die, your death will be in vain.”

this moment.

Not only Lu Ji felt his scalp numb, but also the children of other aristocratic families who were allies.

They never imagined that among this group of people, there would be so many people who had taken that step, and they quickly thought about whether they had offended these people in any way along the way.

At this time, Lu Ji's face was extremely dark, and even his back molars were almost broken. He said angrily: "You guys are really cheap, you have forgotten so quickly how you treated me so disrespectfully. What!?"

"Come if you can. If you can't kill me today, you'd better be careful!"

I don't know whether it was because he broke the jar or because he knew there was no hope of escape. Even now, Lu Ji is still provoking everyone unscrupulously.


He was very unconvinced.

If the battle with the Evil God Statue hadn't been too exhausting, it's not certain who would win!

However, Yu Yueliang and others were not angered by Lu Ji's words. Instead, they said with a joking face: "Is this very important? Maybe it is true for a mentally twisted person like you, but for us, I mean, having the last laugh is the most important thing.”


"Stop talking nonsense to him. It's better to capture him now and see what he got?" Among the crowd, a fat man with a raging voice said while raising his big fat hand, and a terrifying black light danced.


The next second.

The fat man stretched out his palm towards Lu Ji's position.

In a daze, everyone looked at the fat man's hand in horror, as if it overlapped with the movements of a terrifying existence from a certain dimension. A strange shadow emerged, like an evil ghost crawling out of the abyss, and headed straight towards Lu Ji. Catch him!

Lu Ji's expression changed slightly, he gritted his teeth, his breath boiled, and there seemed to be a trembling sound coming from a mysterious path.

Reflecting the red surroundings.

He kept waving his sword to resist, and the terrifying fireworks, sword intent, and wind gathered together, as if they had been given life, and were extremely blazing, as if they were carrying some strong emotions, madly blocking the attack of the strange phantom.

Dang Dang Dang!

Sparks splashed and surged, and the terrifying fluctuations seemed to flood the world.

However, during this process, Lu Ji had already felt the sharp pain in his head, which was the backlash of his force to shake the mysterious path at the end of the road. He knew very well that if he continued to fight like this, his life or death would be uncertain. .

to this end.

He continued to accumulate his final strength under the cover of fierce fighting.

Now, for him, the only way to avoid the edge is to temporarily avoid the edge. No matter how much he is dissatisfied, he has to knock out his teeth and swallow it in his stomach. As long as he regains his strength and regroups, he will definitely be able to recover the interest!

Thinking like this, Lu Ji's style of moves also changed, becoming more open and closed.

Like incompetent rage!

But in fact, secretly, the heart, lungs, and liver in his body were like a bellows furnace with full power, suddenly running.

At this time, Yu Yueliang seemed to have noticed something was wrong, and said to everyone: "Let's all take action. Naturally, we cannot let Che Xiongjie do this kind of thing alone."

Everyone nodded slightly, and seemed to have no interest in playing anymore. They immediately unleashed terrifying extraordinary power, giving people the illusion that they wanted to overturn the sky at this moment.


Just at this moment.

Lu Ji completed his final savings, and all the energy in his body exploded in an instant.

Like a white rainbow penetrating the sun, flying birds threw themselves into the forest, breaking out directly from Che Xiongjie's continuous offensive, like a lasing bullet, piercing the void.

This is his secret escape technique!

You can temporarily use other time and space to escape!

As he shuttled through the silent space, Lu Ji's whole body ached terribly, as if his whole body was about to break apart. However, he believed that as long as he escaped from the mist-shrouded place, crushed the crystal talisman, and attracted the attention of his ancestor, his ancestor would be able to escape. A clone of heaven will come to help him out of danger!

Thinking of this, Lu Ji's smile became more and more ferocious.

However, he still underestimated other people's methods.

In the misty river, when everyone saw that Lu Ji was about to escape, Ji Linglong took action decisively, his voice as cold as frost: "It's not that easy to escape."

Say it.

The brilliance flashed between her hands, and radioactive energy overflowed from her five fingers, filled with death energy. Then she quickly intertwined twelve fierce lotus flowers, which turned into streams of light and penetrated into the void, as if chasing Lu Ji directly. .

At this moment, not only her, but also Yu Yueliang and others knew that they had messed up. They immediately snorted, used various extraordinary means, and relied on Ji Linglong's prompts to escape crazily into the distance.

"No, Lu Ji wants to escape from this fog. He may want to directly summon the heavenly clone of the ancestor of the Lu family. This will be a big trouble." Because of this fog, after experiencing a series of natural disaster-level battles, it has become abnormal. Thin, Ji Linglong quickly discerned Lu Ji's intentions.

So, she groaned, and in her perception, the twelve lotus flowers accelerated instantly.

He caught up with Lu Ji in the blink of an eye.

This scene almost shocked Lu Ji.

He is very aware of the current situation. Let alone continuing to fight, it is not yet known whether he can persist until he escapes from this area.

Therefore, the moment he saw these twelve lotuses chasing after him, he couldn't help but yell: "Ji Linglong, I will fight you until death!"

After a mournful roar, Lu Ji immediately changed his escape direction in desperation and plunged into a nearby space-time turbulence.

That is a place where time and space are extremely unstable. If you enter, you will not only have to withstand the strangulation of the power of time and space, but the corpse may even be separated, and the various parts of the body will be thrown out of different locations in the real world.

But Lu Ji had no choice.

Only by fighting to the death can we have a chance to escape!

at the same time.

In the real world, Ji Linglong's face turned cold, he couldn't help but snorted, and then stopped.

Seeing this, the others stopped and asked, "What's going on? Can't you track Lu Ji?"

Ji Linglong sighed and said, "Yes, I kept chasing him away, but in order to escape our pursuit, he jumped into a space-time turbulence without hesitation."

As soon as they heard the term "time and space turbulence", Yu Yueliang and others immediately cursed unwillingly. Apparently they also knew a lot about time and space turbulence.

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