Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 421 Disappeared out of thin air, Tuqiong’s dagger appeared

"Evil God Statue..."


This sudden change caught everyone present by surprise.

Even Lu Ji couldn't help but be stunned on the spot. He quietly glanced at the piece of sawdust that still had the burning smell in his hand. He took advantage of the last moment of the Evil God's statue's pause to pull it off from the other person's body. If it weren't for this thing, he really thought it was just a projection of some terrifying existence.

Even so, the piece of wood quickly disintegrated not long after the Evil God statue disappeared.

Upon seeing this, Lu Ji quickly used energy to wrap it up in all aspects, regardless of whether it was definitely a so-called opportunity, and then incorporated it into his body.

after all.

So far, there is no detailed description of God's opportunity. In order to prevent his work from being in vain, he decisively absorbed it.

Under this accidental collision.

He clearly felt a stream of hot air, which quickly circulated through his meridians before settling deep into his body.

This made Lu Ji couldn't help but feel happy, and at the same time he once again fixed his gaze on the children of the aristocratic families. His overwhelming anger turned into a strong murderous intention at this moment!

If it weren't for these waste materials that were obstructing him in every possible way, he might have achieved greater gains.

"very good!"

"You are quite brave. You dare to attack me. I wonder if you are prepared to die!"

The words fell.

Above the sky, ink clouds surged in, and there was no light for an instant. The boundless killing seemed to freeze the soul completely!

The last energy in Lu Ji's body was squeezed out by him, forming a terrifying fire thunderstorm around him, which even prevented the nearby strange creatures from crossing the thunder pool. His whole body was blown up and roared. In addition, although he knew very well Now was not the best time to kill these people, but he just couldn't bear it!

In an instant.

Everyone's scalp was numb and they felt boundless suffocation. In panic, some people couldn't bear it anymore and hurriedly moved out of their ancestors: "Lv Ji, think about it clearly. We all have the crystals given by our ancestors. Fu, if something unexpected happens to us, the ancestor will be able to sense it all based on the power of heaven and come to us instantly!"

"Yes, Lu Ji, don't be too domineering. Everyone has to rely on their own methods to fight for opportunities. There is no need to go to this step!"

While others were all expressing their weakness, Yu Yueliang took the initiative to stand up, stared at Lu Ji closely, and asked without any fear: "What was the thing that you put into your body just now? Is it God’s chance!?”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was in an uproar.

On the one hand, they didn't know about this, but on the other hand, they were amazed that Yue Liang's mental perception was able to penetrate Lu Ji's energy shield!

Lu Ji's face instantly darkened, and he said coldly: "Dead people don't need to know too much!"

Say it.

He quickly swung hundreds of knives at everyone. Each sword intention was wrapped in flames that burned through the void, intertwined into a terrifying torrent of energy, and instantly crossed the kilometer distance, rushing past in a mighty manner, as if he wanted to Kill them all with one move!

Everyone's faces instantly turned extremely pale.


It's too fast.

Before he could even move his steps, he felt the overwhelming hot breath.

Realizing that there was no possibility of evasion, everyone, driven by a strong desire to survive, quickly built an energy barrier in front of them.


Among them, some people are exceptions.

Yu Yueliang's face was expressionless. Not only did he not make any defensive moves, he instead actively extended his palm toward the incoming energy torrent and pressed it.

Puff puff!

The terrifying torrent of energy seemed to hit the most indestructible mountain peak in the world, instantly turning into countless turbulent currents and scattering in all directions.

this moment.

Both the children of the major aristocratic families and Lu Ji were completely confused. They never thought that there were people here who could rival Lu Ji, especially Kong Yan, who couldn't even maintain the expression on his face.

You must know that the relationship between Kong and Yu's family is not bad, and he and Yu Yueliang have had several encounters.

Also, when Lu Ji exerted strong pressure before, he remembered clearly that Yu Yueliang was still at the front and expressed his willingness to obey the other party's instructions.

He really couldn't connect the current Yu Yueliang with his previous image.

At this time, Lu Ji also looked extremely solemn. He gritted his teeth and said: "Yu Yueliang, you are hiding it very deeply."

"I never imagined that you actually have such power."

Yu Yueliang smiled slightly, showing a strong aura that everything was under control: "Yu is not talented, and he has practiced hard for more than fifty years before he can fully master a mysterious path and embark on a long step to ascend to the gods. Although the quantity is not as large as yours, I still want to try..."

"Whether it is more powerful to achieve the first level of ascending to the gods through the top mysterious way, or it is more powerful for you to complete the third level of ascending to the gods through the ordinary mysterious way!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yu Yueliang fired several finger winds and quickly rushed towards Lu Ji's location.

However, the target was not Lu Ji.

But it was the strange creatures surrounding Lu Ji.

I saw those strange creatures that were wreaking havoc in Lu Ji's domain, and they were penetrated in an instant.

When Lu Ji saw Yu Yueliang's move, his expression suddenly became uneasy, especially when Yu Yueliang revealed all his details.

To know.

Even in the Lu family, the confidentiality level of everything he did was extremely high. I never thought that his forbearance for many years would be exposed early on without knowing when.

The frustration in his heart almost swallowed up his sanity completely.

At the same time, he really felt the terrifying background of the Holy City family, and for a moment, he couldn't help but feel like he was riding a tiger.


This is not the most desperate thing for Lu Ji.

The most desperate thing was what Yu Yueliang said next.

"Ji Linglong, Che Xiongjie...you don't need me to name them one by one. If you don't stand up for this, you will be suspected of being ignorant."

Say it.

In the crowd, several people walked out one after another, and a terrifying aura burst out, rising into the sky, and even directly dispersed the celestial phenomenon caused by Lu Ji!

There are even rays of sunlight falling down.

However, not only did Lu Ji not feel any warmth, but he felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar.

Ji Linglong smiled and said: "The Yu family's intelligence capabilities are really good. They are going to dig us all out. Alas, this would be too boring."

After saying that, he focused his attention on Lu Ji again.

"We don't even have the chance to appreciate Brother Lu Ji's arrogance. However, Brother Lu Ji, you can't blame us. A tree as beautiful as a tree will be destroyed by the wind. People who dance more joyfully will die faster. You say Yes or no?"

The voice was very sweet, but it revealed boundless coldness.

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