Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 423 The source of everything, the power of true God

The other side of the misty river.

Several large ships hurriedly headed towards the depths of the source of the mutation.

As the battle escalated, the surrounding fog had become quite thin. In addition, Su Qi had improved a lot and could easily identify the direction.

At this time, Yang Rihuan trembled unnaturally, feeling the vibration in his own mysterious path, and immediately realized that the statue of the evil god had returned.

But he didn't dare to speak out about it.

An ordinary man is not guilty, but he is guilty of carrying a jade. This principle is a bloody iron law in the world of extraordinary beings.


The development of the extraordinary circle has been completed so far. With the establishment of holy cities one after another, the order of the real world has gradually stabilized.

You must know that in the era when the catastrophe broke out and extraordinary powers were just discovered by humans, it was almost bloody and dark. All kinds of dark and turbulent events were endless. Every extraordinary person would not let go of any improvement. possible.

Even if you are not very sure, as long as you are strong enough, you can grab it and study it.

If you fail, you have to try again at most. Once you succeed, you will have the opportunity to become the protagonist of the new era. Who is not crazy!


Yang Rihuan's little move did not escape Su Qi's eyes.

After he noticed it, he didn't say much.

He has played with the power of the true god more than anyone else, whether it is the Hammer of Punishment or the Shadow of Ozma, the God of Chaos.

However, Yang Rihuan's incident also sounded a warning to Su Qi. As he got closer and closer to the upper level of the extraordinary, there was a risk that the power of the true god would be discovered, and he had to be careful.

If he guessed correctly.

The group of disciples from aristocratic families who came out of the Holy City were probably fighting each other for the power revealed by the Evil God Statue!

This point is basically beyond doubt.

Vaguely, Su Qi even felt that these people's sudden arrival here might have started when he summoned the phantom of Ozma, the God of Chaos, to destroy a heavenly clone in the real world!

"It seems that what they are peeping at should be the power of the true God."

Su Qi thought carefully and came to this bold conclusion.

Until now.

He remembered clearly that in his mental perception, he was sure that among the group of people, only the guy named Lu Ji was the strongest and the greatest threat to him.


The moment he took action, he clearly sensed the powerful auras inadvertently exuded by several people behind him.

Not even weaker than Lu Ji.

This is also one of the most important reasons why Su Qi refused to cooperate. After all, who dares to talk about cooperation with a group of secretive guys who don't know what their purpose is? If they accidentally get stabbed in the back, it will be a big deal. Come.

"Do any of you know those guys just now?" At this time, Su Qi suddenly spoke.

All of a sudden.

In the big ship, everyone fell into silence. You looked at me, and I looked at you.

Obviously, everyone is still quite wary of the group of natural disaster-level people who appeared out of nowhere. Regardless of their strength, just from the fact that almost all of those people were promoted to natural disaster-level through understanding the laws of heaven in reality, we can know that all of them have different backgrounds. Not small.

Seeing no one answered, Su Qi continued: "You can rest assured that I am not trying to cause trouble for them. After all, our strength is quite different compared to theirs."

"Just trying to find out who they are and see if"

Lu Zhan and others had tangled expressions on their faces. After hesitating for a while, they finally spoke out: "I have met one of them several times, that is, the guy who attacked us. His name is Lu Zhonglin, and he was born in Jiuyuan Holy City. The Lu family is a powerful family with a Tianji-level powerhouse..."

Immediately afterwards, Tong Qi and others also stood up.

"There is a man named Yu Yueliang, whom I know a little bit about. He is also from a powerful family in Jiuyuan Holy City. I once served in the expedition team he led to other worlds. Although I have never seen him take action in person, I heard that the survival rate of the team he leads is much higher than other teams."

"Well, there is another one named Kong Yan..."

As the conversation progressed, everyone present couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Although they each have the support of some forces behind them, compared to Zhang's powerful family, they are a bit insignificant.

After all, the Tianji-level transcendent is the top being who controls the movement of heaven and is closest to the Supreme Holy Lord!

Once someone is promoted to that realm, they can establish a truly immortal family and attract the support of a large number of forces.


Su Qi had a rough idea of ​​the identities of that group of people.

Basically, they all come from Jiuyuan Holy City, and some are from holy cities adjacent to Jiuyuan Holy City.

His gaze suddenly became profound.

after all.

Jiuyuan Holy City, this place has special meaning to Su Qi.

Even from a certain perspective, he has been regarded as an imaginary enemy because Principal Pei was born there and is the most noble lineage of Jiuyuan Holy Lord. He knows very well that Principal Pei betrayed Jiuyuan Holy City and turned his back to other people. Cooperation with the Holy City will definitely arouse some resentment.

If Principal Pei could remain sluggish and remain invisible to everyone, maybe it would be okay, but now that Principal Pei is showing signs of recovery, there is a high chance that it will touch some people's nerves.

As Principal Pei's disciple, I must be on Principal Pei's side.

Su Qi thought for a moment, and then quickly put all the chaotic thoughts behind him.

No one can predict what will happen in the future, and it is useless to think too much. The most important thing now is to quell this disaster. Now he has completed the first level of ascending to the gods and mastered the 'Hammer of Divine Punishment: Wrath of God' and 'Life'. "Praise to Divine Power", even if he has not yet been promoted to the natural disaster level, he is not weak at all against those guys!

at the same time.

Yu Yueliang and others, who launched a vigorous search near the foggy river, did not find any trace of Lu Ji, and the expressions on their faces instantly became solemn.

after all.

They chose to expose their strength in order to seize the opportunity from the other party.

Unexpectedly, due to a strange combination of circumstances, the other party was still allowed to run away.

Although the turbulence of time and space is extremely dangerous, they all know that it is not a place of death and no life. There have also been some natural disaster-level extraordinary beings who were cornered and escaped from danger in this way!

However, this method of escape is too risky and depends entirely on luck. Under normal circumstances, such an extreme method will not be chosen, so it is subconsciously ignored by everyone.

"Brother Yu, what should we do now?"

"Lu Ji's immortality will always be a curse for us. If he escapes and recovers, he may come to us and cause trouble." Ji Linglong expressed his worries.

Yu Yueliang was a little unfazed by this and said: "This couldn't be better, I just wanted to take the opportunity to kill him!"

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