Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 333 The Seventh Ghost and God, the Evil God’s Horror

Just as Pei Jing and others were arguing, Su Qi had already made a move.

He slowly stretched out his palm, and a terrifying aura came down. An illusory ghost appeared in an instant, and then transformed into a ball of blazing purple fireworks, which quickly gathered behind him, like a pair of burning wings!

The sixth ghost and god - Carlo of the Underworld Flame!

This ghost god was able to inflict Su Qi's attacks with dark flames from hell.

However, Su Qi did not do it for this little power blessing. These six ghosts and gods were all sacrifices to the evil god Biraxiu!

next moment.

A small blood-colored long knife condensed in Su Qi's hand. This was the second magic weapon phantom that he obtained after using the Real Crystal of Reflection of the Heavens and touching the mysterious path - the Meteoric Meteor Knife!

He looked solemn and stretched out his left hand to touch the blade.

Suddenly, the flaming purple underworld flames burned on the meteor knife. As the underworld flames pulsated, they seemed to reflect a huge and terrifying figure.

this moment.

Whether it was a ferocious beast, a transcendent being, or a group of destructive powerhouses such as Pei Jing, a strong palpitation suddenly emerged in his heart!




Like the tide, everyone is drowned in the boundless deep sea!

At the same time, a huge and terrifying figure appeared in everyone's minds involuntarily!

Its appearance is so unexpected!

But it seems that it has always been deep in everyone's heart, but it is just revealed now.

In an instant.

Everyone seemed to have been drained of strength, dripping with sweat, and the originally fierce fighting seemed to have been pressed on the pause button. They didn't know what happened, and looked at the ferocious beast in front of them in horror as if they were dehydrated.

"what happened?"

"Why do we... and the ferocious beast seem to have been drained of all their strength at the same time?"

"Is disaster coming?"

In the battlefield, Xie Tianchen was terrified, his right hand couldn't stop trembling, and he almost didn't have the strength to hold the sword.

Qu Xiaoyao, who majored in the spiritual path, saw more things, and said with trembling lips: "It's not that our power has been drained, but that we have been suppressed by some kind of terrifying existence, just like ordinary people facing the evil. When he is a beast, his arms and legs are always trembling and his legs are weak.”

Hearing such an explanation, Xie Tianchen was not only not happy, but even more frightened: "Are you kidding? Shock is caused by the completely unequal power gap between two living beings. What can scare all extraordinary beings and ferocious beasts?" ?”

"This means that it... can easily wipe us out along with the ferocious beasts!"


Everyone felt that their bodies had become unusually heavy, and even the sky had become extremely gloomy, as if countless water vapor had been affected and deposited, forming thick, low-hanging black clouds.

Moreover, it seems that because the beast tide has fallen into a stagnant state, the condensed sandstorm connecting the sky and the earth collapsed instantly!

Everything is silent!

Pei Jing and Nie Bao felt this feeling the most!

After all, they were closest to Su Qi.

Even as a top destructive level transcendent, his figure has become extremely stiff at this moment and it is difficult to control himself!

this moment.

Nie Bao couldn't breathe. He stared at Su Qi's uncertain figure and yelled crazily: "He, what is he going to do!?"

"Crazy, crazy!"

"This level of power... I have only experienced it from natural disaster level experts!"

If Su Qi single-handedly resisted this group of strange creatures, he was repeatedly jumping across their lines of cognition.

So, now.

The power Su Qi showed was to trample their knowledge under his feet and trample them back and forth!

So much so that at this moment, they seemed to have lost their ability to think and their eyes became dull.

The strange creatures that were originally standing still in the sky and the earth began to move at this moment. They seemed to feel a fatal threat. They suddenly pulled the red thread in their hands and pulled all the ferocious beasts back.

at the same time.

The countless red lines quickly converged into one.

The beast on the bottom line suddenly howled crazily, turned into balls of flesh and blood, and kept squirming, as if it was about to form a new body!

At this time.

Sue started.

He jumped up and swung the meteor knife forward.

The void trembled and the earth swayed.

The ground with a radius of thousands of miles instantly turned into a pitch-black swamp, cutting off all sight, perception, and power!

Immediately afterwards.

Along with the violent tremors, countless waves splashed around, shooting into the sky!

The six major ghosts and gods around Su Qi sank one by one.


A deep roar echoed throughout the world!

The energy between heaven and earth is boiling, and the terrifying power that cannot be hidden penetrates the sky and the earth.

Nie Bao saw it!

He really saw it!

Where Su Qi was just now, a giant creature with an extremely terrifying aura broke out of the water!


Incomparably bigger!

The shape blocks out the sky and the sun, as if blocking out all light!

No, that's not right!

That's not its body!

Just a head!

Nie Bao has been conquering other worlds for many years. What kind of ferocious beast has he not seen? Such a huge size can only grow to the level of natural disaster level extraordinary ferocious beasts!

this moment.

Not just what they see.

Even the extraordinary beings who were far away on the periphery of the battlefield, and even everyone in District 9, saw hundreds of thousands of mountains rising from the ground!

The suffocation caused by the huge body made everyone tremble so much that they couldn't even close their mouths, let alone speak and communicate!

next moment.

The evil god Borasiu leaped high like an ancient giant whale. There was no emotion in his eyes, but he respected the summoner's revelation and bit into the changed world.

Bang bang bang!

Accompanied by a crisp shattering sound, there was a continuous sound.

Pei Jing and others were horrified to discover that not only were the strange creatures swallowed by a whale, but also the mutated world that was constantly invading seemed to be under an unbearable weight, and the chaotic scene collapsed instantly.


That terrifying power instantly squeezed out the air within a hundred miles radius, carrying terrifying energy and hitting everything.

Not only the ferocious beasts that filled the mountains and plains, but also the mountains, boulders, ships, machines, bodies and even the extraordinary beings were unable to stabilize their bodies and were directly thrown away for dozens of miles!

Then it continued to shoot towards the ninth district city. Even after hundreds of miles of cuts, it still smashed part of the city wall!

Just the aftermath was enough to complete the clearance.

The effect of that terrifying existence's main attack on the strange creature can be imagined!

Nie Bao was thrown out and landed heavily on the ground. Only then did he come to his senses. He stood up in a hurry and looked blankly at the fragmented and mutated world. His throat seemed to be blocked by stones. Same.

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