Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 332 Ghosts and gods go to war, a battle that cannot be seen directly


The war is about to break out.

The extreme chaos completely distorted the void into a ball of colorful and intricate colors!

From Su Qi's perspective, a ferocious beast with a red body and a long crocodile mouth opened its bloody mouth and bit violently towards the ghost Saya. However, at that moment when the terrifying bite force exploded, the blue The frost bloomed, directly freezing the sharp teeth in his mouth, and spread towards other parts at an extremely fast speed.


When the ferocious beast was about to be completely frozen, the black light in the giant pupils suddenly lit up, burning like a black firework, instantly breaking open the frost covering its body.


The ferocious beast roared angrily, pounced on it again and again, and was frozen again and again!

The most eye-catching person at the scene was the ghost god Kazan. He was extremely tall and burly, with long white hair and extremely thick hair. He was wearing pitch black armor and holding a giant broadsword as wide as a door panel. He was just standing there. , the terrifying sword intent that penetrated the body was enough to dismember the vicious beast that came over!


These ferocious beasts only have a body left, and their bodies are full of strange power. They seem to be immortal. Even if they are possessed by ghosts and gods, Rakshasa, and are corroded into a puddle of flesh by the terrifying power of the plague, they can still quickly complete their reorganization!

Among them, the weirdest one is the ghost and god Pulimeng. It is covered with hair. Under its curled giant horns, strange purple fireworks dance in its empty eye sockets. It makes a vague sound from its mouth, like thousands of people shouting. , and like someone was whispering, several ferocious beasts surrounded it, but they did not take a step forward to attack, but stood there strangely.

The ghost god Kaija stood quietly behind Su Qi, exuding a misty aura and covering his whole body, making his figure disappear and appear. No attack from any ferocious beast could fall on him. , passed directly through it.

It was as if Su Qi was just a shadow projected in the real world at this moment, not a real existence.

But all this is not the case from the perspective of Nie Bao and others. What they see is just an extremely distorted picture. Sometimes there are figures of ferocious beasts rushing past, and sometimes they see some strange things. The figure is scattered and scattered, making it difficult to see the specific picture.

"He... actually blocked all these weird creatures with his own strength!" Nie Bao said with a bit of suffocation in his voice, with an expression on his face as if he had seen a ghost.


He couldn't believe that a transcendent who had just stepped into the destruction level could do this!

Even if you are an unprecedented genius, you must be scientific and cannot go against common sense!

The other Destroyers were equally shocked, and even Yang Rihuan rubbed his eyes vigorously. After confirming again and again, he slowly said: "This kind of battle that even we can't look at directly, you said it is the battle of the Destroyer Extraordinary." ?”

"Even if it is said that a natural disaster-level powerhouse is coming, I will believe it!"

After all, before this, they had more or less predicted Su Qi's strength. He had just stepped into the destruction level. With the blessing of that terrifying talent, he should be able to compete with the middle level of destruction level. If coupled with the abnormal extraordinary ability, it would be even more powerful. At most, he would reach the threshold of the top destructive level powerhouses and would never reach their level.

But now, it is no longer as simple as exceeding their expectations.

Even their cognition has been severely refreshed!


You can be a genius, but you can’t be a pervert!

However, perhaps only Su Qi himself knows.

Summoning five ghosts and gods at once to fight, the consumption involved is terrifying. Even in the state of God's Favorite, which can continuously draw energy from the void, it still consumes one-tenth of its own power in a short period of time. !

That's right.

These summoned ghosts and gods are not entities that actually manifest into the real world.

The various abilities they display are all based on the energy in Su Qi's body!

Originally, when he only summoned the ghost god Saya, it was not so obvious, but now he can clearly feel the loss of energy in his body.

"It seems a quick resolution is needed."

Su Qi glanced at the ferocious beasts affected by the strange power one by one, but did not immediately summon Nie Bao and others to besiege them.

This is not because he is too trusting, but because he has his own considerations.

On the one hand, the state of these people is unstable. If they are the main force, once the strange disaster breaks out, they will be unable to control themselves. They will easily be invaded by these strange forces and be kidnapped as new containers. The body of a destruction-level extraordinary person can carry The strange power is obviously more than these ferocious beasts.

On the other hand, he still has a trump card!

That is the seventh ghost and god, the evil god of evil!

The terrifying thing about the evil god Horashi is that he can grow infinitely by devouring other ghosts and gods through sacrifices, and can explode all the power of ghosts and gods in an instant!

at this time.

As if feeling the stalemate in the battle, Nie Bao clenched his sword and said hurriedly: "I think we shouldn't sit back and watch Su Qi fight against these weird creatures alone. We must take this opportunity to suppress the invading weird creatures in one fell swoop, even if we can't completely Eliminating them will at least reduce the impact of the mutation on the city!"

Others are equally eager to give it a try, and some don't want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

After all, in their minds.

No matter how abnormal Su Qi's explosion is, he is still in the primary stage of destruction level. The higher the explosion, the greater the consumption he has to endure!

But their suggestions were quickly rejected by Pei Jing: "Wait and see, I know Su Qi better than you do. He has never been a rash person. On the contrary, he judged the battle situation very well." The level of accuracy is far beyond that of ordinary people. Once you realize that something is impossible, you will ask us for support as soon as possible!"

It has to be said that Pei Jing has a good grasp of Su Qi's temperament.

He believed that the reason why Su Qi chose to rush forward and contend alone must have his own tricks!

But Nie Bao didn't see it that way. He spoke very quickly: "Are we just going to watch him fight alone? Taking a step back, even if he can directly kill these strange creatures, he will probably consume a lot of energy." It has to be almost bottomed out, which will directly affect the subsequent battle."

"This mutation is no joke. The weird creatures we saw are just the tip of the iceberg. Who knows how many terrifying and weird creatures there are in that mutated world."

In Nie Bao's view, the erosion of mutation is unstoppable.

The best way is to use the ninth area as a stronghold to continuously eliminate the strange creatures that come, so as to force the manifestation of the heavenly law from the other world to come out.

Then take the opportunity to seek an opportunity to be promoted to the natural disaster level!

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