Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 334: The collapse of heaven and earth, unfathomable power

a long time.

I don't know which of the ferocious beasts let out a cry of terror, and those ferocious beasts that were beaten to pieces woke up from a dream, trembling and began to run wildly around.

In an instant, the mighty beast tide was reduced to pieces.

The fragmented and mutated world gradually disintegrated, turning into turbulent streams and overflowing.

Perhaps it was because this force exploded so powerfully that it cast several extremely cold gazes in the depths of the mutation.

Just a glimpse of it was enough to make Nie Bao and other destructive level extraordinary beings tremble with fear.

Nie Bao stared blankly at Su Qi, who was gradually revealing his figure. His eyes suddenly changed, and his whole posture seemed to have lowered a lot: "Su, Master Su Qi, are you okay now?"

Even he himself didn't notice it.

His posture will only be revealed when facing a natural disaster level powerhouse.

Until now, Nie Bao and others are still very conflicted.

They believed that if the power like that just now had not fallen into the strange creatures and the changed world, it would have been enough to wipe out a city!


But they couldn't convince themselves that this level of power would appear in Su Qi.

At least……

It shouldn't be now.

After all, logically speaking, a young man who has never set foot in the Holy City and has contact with the true extraordinary heritage should not have such terrifying power.


This person's mysterious path is at a very high level, far beyond what they can understand!

At this time, after Su Qi slowly came to his senses, he also noticed the gazes cast on the changing world that was overflowing, and knew that the disaster had not been completely resolved.


He just dispersed part of the strange power that invaded.

As time goes by and the world integration process proceeds, more strange forces will surely come to the real world again.

However, now he no longer has the energy to pursue the victory and directly enter that world.

The continuous use of the seven ghosts and gods consumed him greatly, and the terrifying blow released by the evil god Horatiu directly drained the power from his body!

Although it failed to completely end the invasion of disaster, it at least succeeded in delaying the mysterious invasion of District 9!

"I'm okay for the time being, but I need to take a break. What do you think of the eager eyes inside?"

At this moment, Su Qi's body was upright, like a spear, nailing the invading mutated world. Countless turbulent currents carrying strange power flowed past him, making him look like a god or a demon.

Hearing Su Qi's question, Nie Bao and others were stunned for a moment, then said in a respectful tone: "Now that the strange power has been dispersed and the mutation invasion has come to a standstill, the safety of District 9 is not a problem for the time being. Naturally, it is best to pursue the victory. , rush into that mutated world, kill as many weird creatures as possible wandering there, and reduce the subsequent pressure."

"If the impact is large enough, it can even attract the peek of the manifestation of Heavenly Dao from another world, then..."

Having said this, Nie Bao couldn't help but start to get excited, and his cloudy eyes burst out with a terrifying light.


It seems to be the best time to take a peek at the otherworldly heaven.

Su Qi swept away a considerable amount of strange power for them, and their power has not been really used yet, so it is in excellent condition!

Therefore, Nie Bao was eager and suggested very quickly: "Sir Su Qi, why don't you return to the ninth district for a while and rest for a while? We brothers will be the vanguard and take the lead in entering the changed world. Come, we can prevent District 9 from being hit by more weird forces!"

Su Qi nodded, now is indeed the best time.

Placing the battlefield outside District 9 can indeed minimize losses. After all, the number of ordinary people in District 9 is too large and too fragile.

If he hadn't reached the bottom of his consumption now, he would probably have fought decisively!

"Okay, then let Principal Pei go with you. If you encounter defeat, remember to stay away from the enemy for a while. I will be able to support you later!" Su Qi glanced at Principal Pei who was eager to try, knowing that he didn't want to miss this now. An excellent opportunity. I couldn't help myself and made such a decision immediately.

However, he was quickly denied by Nie Bao: "It doesn't have to be like this. A few of our brothers are enough. Principal Pei, it's best to stay with you first in case... something unexpected happens."

This is not because Nie Bao is worried that Pei Jing will compete with them for the opportunity to be promoted to the natural disaster level.

Pei Jing has just stepped into the destruction level, and it is still too early to be promoted to the natural disaster level. Moreover, as a direct descendant of the holy family, such a character should disdain to complete the promotion through the otherworldly way of heaven.

Therefore, their concern for Su Qi's safety came from the bottom of their hearts.

And, very strong!

I'm afraid if it weren't for Pei Jing's presence, one of them would have been left as Su Qi's 'temporary bodyguard'!

Although the strange power is now dispersed and the mutation will not be able to erode it for a while, what if something happens?

If such a holy seedling, who has now shown a power that even they can't fathom, is weak and is taken advantage of by other forces, their buried ancestors will probably jump out and scold them!

This is no joke!

The solemnity shown by Nie Bao and others made Pei Jing hesitate for a moment, and then cast a questioning look at Su Qi.


When comparing the expansion of his victory with his beloved disciple, Pei Jing chose the latter!

However, feeling the energy trickling in the air, Su Qi shook his head and said with a smile: "You don't have to worry about me. Although the consumption just now is a bit excessive, it does not mean that you are incapable of restraining the chicken..."

"At least, if you risk your life, it shouldn't be difficult to kill one of you, right?"

Tied chicken?

Fighting to kill one of us?

Co-author...Are you equating us with chickens?

Nie Bao and others were stunned. Just as they were about to retort, they suddenly remembered the power Su Qi had just demonstrated.

Under that power...

I don't seem to be much different from a chicken. I can at most struggle a little.

They have not forgotten that those strange creatures that were equally comparable to Nie Bao just now were swallowed alive by the giant beast without even making a move to resist!

Suddenly, the faces of Nie Bao and others were filled with expressions of loneliness.


It turns out that in the mind of the future Holy Lord, there is no difference between himself and a chicken.

Pei Jing still believed in Su Qi's decision as before.

After experiencing this together, even if Su Qi said to him, Principal Pei, I think you should be able to rush directly to the origin of the mutation.

He didn't hesitate at all and rushed over!


If I were to say that I was the spiritual pillar of District 9.

So, now Su Qi is his spiritual support...

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