Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 328: Sudden changes occur, strangeness dances with ferocious beasts

at this time.

In other urban areas, almost at the same time, they were attacked by the beast tide.

However, those urban areas did not have the strength of the Ninth District. Either the destruction-level transcendental ones blocked it or allowed it to rush into the urban area. The situations varied, but the same scene soon evolved.

The sound of gunfire, roars, and cries were intertwined at this moment, forming a cry of despair.

Although, before that, Su Qi made the final choice based on the effect of counteracting the disaster, driving these destruction-level extraordinary beings to fight against the disaster without sparing any effort.


When they collided with the endless tide of beasts, those destruction-level transcendental beings realized that things were not as simple as they imagined.

Even if they wave their hands, they can easily harvest a large number of ferocious beasts.

But facing the ferocious beasts all over the mountains and plains, they still feel that they are powerless and powerless. With their strength, it is not a big problem to disperse this beast tide. However, the problem is, who is the strange creature that follows closely behind? to resist.


Many destructive level extraordinary beings immediately realized the seriousness of the problem after the first round of attacks and immediately returned to the city, leaving the task of resisting the beast tide to the urban area extraordinarys.

This move instantly caused many extraordinary people to complain.

"They can obviously easily deal with the impact of the beast tide, so why do they all suddenly stop and let us people go up?"

"Yes, we have a hundred extraordinary people fighting with all our strength, but we can't achieve the effect of their casual blow. If I had their strength, I would definitely fight on the front line!"

However, there are also some extraordinary people who have a more overall perspective and come out to explain.

"I can't blame them for this wave. If these destructive-level experts spend too much power in this wave of beasts, who can the coming strange creatures rely on?"

"Now is not the time to blame each other. We must do our best and cooperate closely to accomplish the feat of resisting this disaster!"

Until then.

Those extraordinary beings who were slightly dissatisfied finally realized that destructive level extraordinary beings were not omnipotent.

Their strength may be able to withstand this disaster.

But in this process, a large number of people's lives still have to be paid.

Some Destruction-level Transcendents who felt troubled could not help but worry at this moment: "In this case, in this competition to resist the disaster, won't our team be left behind?"

"There is nothing we can do about it."

One of the companions replied with a firm expression: "The number of these ferocious beasts is too great. Moreover, during the contact just now, I clearly noticed that there is a strange aura behind the beast tide. The offensive between them is likely to be seamless." Connection, if we spend too much power to deal with these ferocious beasts, we may be taken advantage of by strange creatures!"

"This is also something that can't be helped."

"I believe that the situation in other cities will not be much better than ours. As long as we preserve our strength and defeat the strange creatures, the remaining ferocious beasts will naturally not pose much of a threat to us."

"On the other hand, it's different. In the face of strange creatures, if we can't guarantee the best condition, there is a possibility of falling!"

And this person's guess was correct. This situation was not just encountered in their city. Destruction-level extraordinary beings in other cities also chose to stop after feeling the strange aura in the beast tide. Now, the strange creatures and vicious creatures The beasts unite and the situation suddenly becomes very complicated.

They couldn't waste too much power before the strange creatures were revealed.

at the same time.

In the twelfth area, several destruction-level non-human aliens stood in the sky like god kings, staring at the incoming tide of beasts.

The leader among them has a very high degree of alienation, and can hardly see many human characteristics.

However, if Su Qi were here, he would definitely be able to recognize this person.


When Su Qi was promoted to the Destruction Level, he found the Evolution Cult in the Ninth District to spy on him, and he killed one of his clones.

At this time, several archbishops of the Evolution Cult were standing next to Gui Jia. Each of these people lowered their eyes and did not dare to look directly at him.

"Lord Guijia, when you come in your true form this time, those destructive-level transcendent beings will definitely not be your opponents. We only need to wait quietly for them to fall in this disaster, and then we can easily take action to deal with them, so as to bring prosperity to the world. The power of my divine religion.”

Among them, the archbishop of the Evolutionary Cult seemed to have thought of a certain scene, and his voice had a hint of cruelty.

However, Gui Jia was not touched at all. Instead, he warned coldly: "It is indeed a good method to add insult to injury, but at a time when the divine religion is showing its power, it is better to use such methods sparingly, so as not to offend others."

As soon as these words came out, the other archbishops were stunned. They waited for the disaster to end and took action to kill these destructive powerhouses from the Holy City.

Isn't this the best deterrent to the Holy City?

Gui Jia took a look and saw that the tide of beasts that covered the sky and the sun, and the terrifying aura condensed into a sandstorm and penetrated into the sky. He slowly said: "You... underestimate the divine religion too much."

"Let's not talk about anything else, it's time to get busy."

"Later, we will try to capture as many strange creatures as possible. This thing will be of great use to our next actions."

at this time.

ninth District.

Outside the city, high in the sky.

The moment the strange creature took action, Su Qi and the other Destruction Level Extraordinaries instantly captured the terrifying energy fluctuations.

"Damn it!"

"Why does the weird aura appear at this time?"

Nie Bao and others didn't understand why the strange creature appeared at the same time as the ferocious beast.


Su Qi moved extremely fast, and almost at the moment when the breath appeared, it turned into a startling rainbow, carrying an astonishing momentum, and instantly plunged into the sandstorm towering into the sky.

At this time, Xie Jingwu and his two men, who were targeted by the strange creature, felt a cold air rushing through the sky.

Goosebumps suddenly appeared on his back.

A clear and distinct line between life and death seemed to suddenly appear at their feet.

Cross over and live.

If you can't cross it, you'll die!


Almost at the same time that Xie Jingwu yelled this sentence, he carried Jiang Dajun and stepped out quickly. It seemed that he had forgotten to take the long sword in his hand and was left behind.


This was his intention!

I saw that the long sword left behind had two lives, two lives, three lives, and three lives endlessly. In an instant, it transformed into countless long swords, forming a huge sword wheel, protecting the two of them tightly behind them. live!


Still not enough.

The black light shot over like a poisonous snake, crushing the sword wheel with a devastating force, and plunged into the backs of the two of them with incomparable violence!

The steps stopped instantly!

While he was dying, Xie Jingwu seemed to feel a trace of misunderstanding in his confusion.

There seemed to be a gentle force flowing through him.

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