Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 329: It’s a perverted supernatural ability that attracts everyone


Xie Jingwu didn't have time to react.

A very deep crack appeared behind him, almost tearing apart his entire spine. In an instant, blood surged out, and even the feeling of the splash was extremely clear!

My brain instantly felt dizzy, and I stumbled and was about to fall down.


Accompanied by a warm feeling.

Blood pours back, and the broken bones, nerves, and skin heal and fill up at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The screen is playing backwards!

It all happened so fast.

"I am..."

Xie Jingwu was confused. At this moment, he seemed to be jumping repeatedly on the line between life and death. The feeling of being suddenly pulled back from death by a force was extremely real.

"Fortunately, I caught up."

After a cold voice sounded, Su Qi's figure appeared in front of Xie Jingwu and the others.

His eyes did not stay on these two people, but directly passed them and looked at those strange creatures.

“It’s a bit unexpected that weird creatures and ferocious beasts coexist.”

Su Qi looked at this scene with interest. Obviously, such a scene exceeded everyone's expectations.

after all.

in people's cognition.

The power of pollution characteristics and the power of weirdness are two completely different directions.

One pursues alienation, the other seeks to shed alienation.

Even though both have caused great harm to the human world, historically these two forces have rarely coexisted.

It can even be said that it is much easier for strange forces to erode human extraordinary beings than to ferocious beasts and non-human beings.

And now.

However, there is a phenomenon of strange power affecting some ferocious beasts.

It means that this strange force is extremely tyrannical, and it can ignore the essential difference in power and exert influence forcefully.

"Nephew Su Xian, this is a big deal. Now the weird creatures and ferocious beasts are mixed together, which is extremely detrimental to our resistance to the beast tide!" Jiang Dajun saw Su Qi's appearance and quickly reported it.

You know, the strength of the strange force is difficult to clearly distinguish.

Even a top apostle-level extraordinary person like Xie Jingwu was almost killed by a blow from a strange creature just now. The consequences for other extraordinary people facing this kind of power can be imagined.


After hearing this, Su Qi seemed to feel more relaxed: "This is better. If these two forces appear at the same time, then I don't have to worry too much and just deal with them together."

The strong confidence revealed in his words made Xie Jingwu and Jiang Dajun feel in a trance, as if they were not in the same world as Su Qi at all.

Su Qi did not explain too much and ordered: "You two have done a great job in discovering the strange power hidden in the beast tide. Now retreat to the rear and leave it to us to deal with it."

As he spoke, he sensed the rush of Principal Pei, Nie Bao and others, and realized that the real decisive battle was about to begin.

have to say.

The current situation is exactly what Su Qi wants.

In his opinion, instead of the ferocious beasts and the strange invasion coming one after another, it would be better to come together.

In this way, as the main force that truly resists this disaster, the Destruction-level Transcendents do not need to worry too much and can directly take action to avoid more casualties!

It wasn't just him who thought so.

Even Pei Jing, Nie Bao and others who had just arrived couldn't help but secretly thought after seeing this scene, it's a good thing.


After a series of previous battles, they had already become itchy and wanted to go out and kill everyone.

I didn't expect the opportunity to come so promptly.

When Xie Jingwu watched the eagerness of the seven destruction-level experts to try, he couldn't help but feel a little bitter in his heart, even though they were separated by a thin line, they looked at things from completely different angles.


With the intervention of destructive power, they also knew that the protagonist of the battlefield had changed, and immediately followed Jiang Dajun to evacuate the place, retreated to the rear, and swept away the ferocious beasts.

"His grandma's is finally here. I'm getting impatient with the wait." Nie Bao pointed his sword at an angle, and a halo of light instantly spread across the blade, triggering a crisp trembling sound, and a streak of light appeared on the sharp blade. The thin blood lines seemed to echo the owner's mood.

Pei Jing carefully sensed the towering humanoid creature and reminded: "Be careful, these guys are a bit strong, they should be the vanguard of the mutated invasion."

"This war will break out sooner or later."

"Let's give them a try. To be honest, we haven't fought with the weird for a long time!" He was talking about an old extraordinary person with green eyes, named Yang Rihuan, a wood extraordinary person.

They have not been in a good mood for some time.

The reason was that Su Qi's performance was so outstanding that veteran Destruction Level Transcendents like them had to bury their sense of superiority in their hearts.

Obviously they were selected to be stationed in the ninth area. According to the script, they should be in the limelight and show off in front of the future Supreme Lord, so as to win the favor and trust of the other party.

But I never expected it.

When Su Qi faced this disaster, not only was he not as immature as they imagined, but he was able to do it with ease, making them seem like foils.


The opportunity has come.

They must put on a good show and let this young Holy Lord know how terrifying the veteran destruction-level powerhouse who once conquered other worlds is!

Therefore, Nie Bao and others looked eagerly at the humanoid creatures clustered among the ferocious beasts in the second half of the beast tide. The powerful aura continued to rise from the old body, as if they were about to kill them in the next second.

"I'm still getting old after all."

"If it were back then, I would have had more than just a little bit of aura." Nie Bao couldn't help but sigh in his heart.


Before they could make any move.

In an instant.

Countless brilliance bloomed, and rays of holy light fell on Nie Bao and others.

At this moment, Nie Bao and others were surprised to find that their physical condition suddenly returned to that of their youth!


A hundred times more powerful than when they were young!

Whether it is blood, mental strength, physical strength, or the clear fighting consciousness...

The transformation in an instant shocked them beyond measure.

Their eyes suddenly looked at Su Qi, and their breathing became extremely rapid: "Lord Su Qi, is this your extraordinary ability?"

Su Qi nodded: "A little amplification ability can last for half an hour. If the battle is too intense, the duration will be much shorter."

"That's enough, that's enough." Nie Bao and others were overjoyed, but at the same time, they were extremely shocked.

Originally, the ability of blessing and recovery that Su Qi showed in front of them had already led them to believe that it was an extraordinary ability tailor-made for war.

However, they never expected it.

The extraordinary power Su Qi is showing now...

How perverted!

They can even imagine that once this person steps into the battlefield of the heavens' conquests, he will be an irreplaceable favorite!

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