Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 327 Behind the beast tide, a strange position

The strange power that can drive a beast tide of this size is something that apostle-level extraordinary beings like them can fight against.

Rushing over now is no different from seeking death.

Xie Jingwu could not be unclear about this, but he still had to choose to fight into the back half of the beast wave to find out what was going on.

after all.

It's really unbelievable that strange creatures are hiding among the beasts.

If this is just a false fantasy, the retreat of the extraordinary ones will inevitably cause the beast tide to advance deeper into the ninth area.

But what if this is true.

Then these are still apostle-level extraordinary beings who are fighting hard, and it is very likely that they will be caught off guard and suffer large-scale casualties.

In this ever-changing battlefield, there is no room for hesitation.

General Xie Jing's breath poured into the long sword in his hand. Suddenly, the long sword erupted with a crisp trembling sound, dividing into countless rays of sword light.

The sword power rises.

It formed a long dragon and blasted out in an instant. The blazing sword light mixed with the terrifying air waves continued to rush forward. Wherever it went, violent explosions were triggered. A large number of ferocious beasts were torn apart in the wild bombing. Split into countless pieces.

The sharp sword light penetrated the void, and the red blood spread all over the earth!

Boom boom boom!

Xie Jingwu's powerful blow temporarily penetrated the beast tide, and his body rushed out in an instant, like a blazing meteor, crossing a distance of thousands of meters in an instant, and resolutely entered the second half of the beast tide!

"Lao Xie, wait for me!" Jiang Dajun on the side saw this and didn't think too much. He gritted his teeth and immediately aroused the power of thunder and followed closely.


When the two entered the second half of the beast wave, they realized that things were more difficult than imagined.

First, after being far away from the scorching sun of life, the vitality passed down began to become extremely thin, and the blessing of the immortal state was directly lost.

Second, the ferocious beasts from all around were coming in a steady stream, and the passage they had come out of was quickly closed.

"Don't be too aggressive. Once you can't support it, you must evacuate as soon as possible, otherwise we will both end up here." Jiang Dajun used his extraordinary ability to condense the thunder in front of him, forming a conical cover, transforming into a thunder chariot, and constantly The ferocious beasts that surrounded him flew away.

This is still under the premise that Xie Jingwu is opening the way ahead.

Otherwise, it would obviously be impossible for him to reach the second half of the beast tide with his own strength.

Even if they are reluctant to admit it, facts have proven that there is still a big gap in strength between the two, who are both top apostle-level extraordinary beings.

He is worthy of being someone who can challenge Pei Jing even before he steps into the training building.


Without saying a word, Xie Jingwu waved his sword with all his strength, bursting out with a dazzling sword light. The ferocious beasts along the way were torn apart by the sword light inspired by him, and their blood exploded!

It looks like God is blocking God and killing God, and the devil is blocking and killing demon!

Xie Jingwu also knew that his actions were risky and might cause him to encounter the greatest crisis on the battlefield, and he might even lose his life as a result.

But he wasn't too afraid.

Ever since he stepped into the training building and completed the transformation of the breathing method, he realized that the foundation of the ninth district was no less than that of the Holy City.

Now, due to his reasons, the Xie family is different from other families and has completed a deep tie with the 9th District Cleanup Company. For this reason, he needs to show enough dazzling value in this disaster in order to improve the Xie family's situation. The situation in District 9.

So, he said calmly to Jiang Dajun behind him: "You don't have to take the risk to follow. Once the situation behind the beast tide is confirmed, I will find ways to inform you."

Even though Jiang Dajun usually had a lack of thoughts in his mind, at this moment, how could he not hear the decisiveness in Xie Jingwu's words.

However, he did not back down.

After all, when Pei Jing built the city in the Ninth District, it attracted the attention of all forces in the Holy City and sent their branches to settle in. After many branches of family forces came to the Ninth District, they either broke things down and just wanted to make money and live a high life. In the days of reveling in wealth, he or she is obsessed with seeking benefits for the family in the Holy City, in an attempt to gain mercy from the family and return to the Holy City.

Only Xie Jingwu was different from the others. He cultivated in stealth and worked hard to reach the destruction level.

He can be regarded as one of the few people whom Jiang Dajun admires.

I saw Jiang Dajun saying angrily: "You have a good idea. I was the first to discover the abnormalities in the second half of the beast wave. How can I let you take the credit alone?"

Hearing this, Xie Jingwu, who had always been taciturn, immediately stopped saying anything and instead worked hard to kill all the ferocious beasts in front of him.


After the two men charged one after another, they finally reached the second half of the beast wave.

And when a chaotic scene came into their eyes, they were instantly horrified and speechless.

The heaven and the earth fell, and the rivers poured in.

Some scenes that do not belong to this world have invaded here without knowing when!

A huge humanoid creature stands tall, but the ferocious beasts around it are extremely abnormal, like domestic dogs, staying quietly near the humanoid creature.

To know.

Under normal circumstances, these two completely different species do not appear to live in harmony.

Non-my family, its heart must be different!

This sentence is equally applicable when it comes to strange creatures and ferocious beasts.

The only explanation for such a scene is that the second half of the beast tide has been eroded by strange forces.

The mutation spread faster than they expected!


When those strange eyes fell on the two of them, they suddenly felt as if their heads were being pressed down by a huge mountain. Whether it was mental power or extraordinary power, it seemed to have stagnated at this moment, and it was very difficult to operate.

"not good!"

"This is not an illusion, but a real weird creature!"

"We're being targeted!" Jiang Dajun had a large amount of cold sweat on his forehead, trying to control his trembling figure.

at the same time.

A voice suddenly appeared in their minds.

The sound was unclear, but the two of them could feel the message contained in the sound.

It seems to be telling that as long as you kneel down, surrender, and sacrifice your soul, you can be reborn.

The sound became louder and louder, and seemed to carry some irresistible magic power, like a tentacle, constantly drilling into the depths of their minds.

Under the severe pain, Jiang Dajun, who possessed top apostle-level strength, instantly held his head and roared. His body seemed unable to support it, as if a rag bag had been drained of his soul and fell down.

Seeing this, Xie Jingwu helped Jiang Dajun up with one hand and said in a trembling voice: "Block perception, turn your head, don't look at them!"

Until then.

Only then did Xie Jingwu realize the gap between himself and the strange creatures. The top apostle-level transcendent couldn't even bear their gaze!

That deep powerlessness almost destroyed his state of mind.

However, he still relied on his tenacious will to pull Jiang Dajun to turn around with difficulty.

And this moment.

One of the huge humanoid creatures suddenly changed its eyes.


A black light burst out from the void, stabbing towards Xie Jingwu's back at an extremely terrifying speed!

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