Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 326 The sun never sets, strange creatures arrive


Nie Bao knew very well that Su Qi's extraordinary ability was very suitable for this battlefield. It was not an exaggeration to say that it was born for war.

But he still felt it.

Such ability should not be wasted on resisting this beast tide.

It might be more effective if they stay with them to deal with the strange invasion that follows.


Su Qi didn't care too much. On the contrary, like the son of a landlord, he didn't feel sad at all for squandering some money.


If possible, he would like to add a layer of 'source of life' BUFF to everyone on the battlefield, so that everyone can have a chance to restart themselves, so as to retain more power for the ninth district to the greatest extent. .

However, the ability of the source of life consumes too much, and he can still do it by blessing more than ten people.

If each of the hundreds of extraordinary beings on the battlefield is to have an extra life, it will really affect his subsequent combat power.


Not only is the consumption of the source of life staggering, but the waste of energy is also staggering.

Within twenty minutes, if you do not suffer a fatal blow, this gain BUFF will also dissipate on its own.

But the Pearl of Apocalypse is different. Its first-stage terrifying healing ability is achieved by extracting the vitality of the earth, and its second-stage killing power is formed by absorbing all negative energy from the battlefield.

The consumption on Su Qi himself was almost negligible.

It can even be said that with Su Qi's current destructive level strength, he can hang the Pearl of Apocalypse infinitely high in the sky.

In the battlefield, the extraordinary person who once again felt the strong vitality went crazy instantly.

The immortality effect is back again, almost seamlessly.

This means that they can continue to maximize their killing power without any restrictions!

Among them, Jiang Dajun seemed to have thought of something, and couldn't help shouting loudly: "It's because your efficiency is too slow, which makes Su Qi have to use destructive power again, you..."

His expression of hatred for steel instantly attracted attacks from other extraordinary beings.

"Damn it, Jiang Dajun, what you're best at is talking, right?"

"Uncle Rizhen, let's compare and see who kills the least ferocious beasts, whoever is the turtle grandson!"

Jiang Dajun was so aroused that he quit on the spot and instantly detonated the electric charges floating around. An earth-shattering thunder ocean was instantly set off, electrifying the vicious beasts that had just gathered so that their skin was charred and their flesh was tender.

"Do you still need to compare?"

"How about you just call Grandpa!"

With the blessing of the scorching sun of life, the extraordinary beings on the battlefield once again transformed into ruthless killing weapons, harvesting the ferocious beasts one after another to their heart's content. The sudden sandstorm that enveloped the tide of beasts blocked the way from the ninth area. Hundreds of miles away.

No progress!

The artillery fire is noisy, the energy is raging, and the fighting spirit is high.

this moment.

The clothes on everyone's body were soaked red with blood. There was not only the blood of the ferocious beasts, but also the blood of themselves and their companions.

That's right.

The vitality overflowing from the scorching sun of life can only repair their injuries, but it does not mean that they will not be injured.

There is even an apostle-level transcendent who has been disemboweled by ferocious beasts dozens of times, so much so that he can roughly tell how many sections of his intestines have been cut out by the pain in his stomach without even looking.


It was this brutal fighting method of exchanging injuries for injuries and risking one's own safety that allowed them to temporarily gain the upper hand in the battle against the beast tide.

Like nails, embedded in the beast tide, firmly nailing Sandstorm here!

This scene.

It touched all the people watching the battle.

Even Su Doudou, who had been shouting to fight on the front line in the past, also fell silent for a rare moment, feeling in awe.


Ask yourself.

The kind of battle in which one is surrounded by ferocious beasts, and faced with countless ferocious beasts coming one after another, one cannot survive without a tenacious will that has been tempered into steel.

Killing one chicken is the same as killing ten thousand chickens rushing over.

There is a qualitative difference!

at the same time.

Those extraordinary beings who were fighting in the sky-high sandstorm suddenly felt an unreasonable panic, as if they were being targeted by some kind of terrifying existence. They were crushed on the level of life, and their breathing began to become a little unsmooth. .

"How is this going?"

"Has a stronger beast appeared?"

"Probably not."

"The ferocious beasts that can be driven away by strange forces are all below the king-level ferocious beasts. The real disaster-level ferocious beasts are not afraid of strange forces at all."


After a short and quick chat.

Jiang Dajun rushed deepest, and through the gaps between the densely packed ferocious beasts, he saw something abnormal.

at the rear.

One by one, towering humanoid creatures walked out. They were white-skinned and beautiful... no, their skin was exposed. They were almost the same as human beings magnified a thousand times. They were like ranchers, driving ferocious beasts towards them.

The moment Jiang Dajun caught a glimpse of them, his mental energy instantly became chaotic, and his head seemed about to explode.

"Weird creatures are coming!"

Even so, he still endured it and shouted a warning to other extraordinary beings!

Hear this.

The other extraordinary beings couldn't help but be stunned.

Among them, Xie Jingwu erupted with an unparalleled sword light, cutting a bloody path and rushing towards the direction of Jiang Dajun.

"Jiang Dajun, don't make fun of me now!"

"The beast tide is formed by being intimidated by strange forces. It stands to reason that the strange creatures will not be too close to the ferocious beasts. Otherwise, the ferocious beasts will be frightened to the point of weakness and will not form a beast tide at all!"

As soon as he came over, Xie Jingwu asked Jiang Dajun very quickly.

On weekdays, it doesn't matter how much you want to brag or talk as much as you want.

But talking nonsense at such a critical moment will affect the morale of the military!

Seeing Xie Jingwu's murderous look, Jiang Dajun's neck subconsciously shrank, and then he threw the thunderbolt in his hand towards the ferocious beast behind him: "If you don't believe it, see for yourself!"


Thunder exploded.

The terrifying force threw away the nearby ferocious beasts.

This also caused a brief gap to appear in the dense beast tide!

Xie Jingwu hurriedly looked towards the gap, and a frightening chill instantly rose from the soles of his feet and surged up to Tianling Gai.

He murmured in disbelief: "How... is this possible?"

Jiang Dajun added: "I also know that it is impossible. Either we are both disturbed by the illusion, or there are changes behind the beast tide that we have not predicted!"

Hear the words.

Xie Jingwu's heart sank, and after a brief silence, he said in a cold tone: "You don't want to say anything for now, wait until I step forward to find out what's going on, and then I can make a conclusion!"


He didn't dare to jump to conclusions just based on what he saw.

I plan to commit suicide alone to find out whether that scene is real or fake!

"Are you crazy?" This time it was Jiang Dajun's turn to be in disbelief.

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