Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 325 If it’s not enough, then do it again

"Everyone, please take control. There is not much vitality left in the blazing sun of life!"

In the battlefield, extraordinary beings shouted loudly to remind their nearby companions not to go up.

Only then did those extraordinary beings who were addicted to killing distance themselves with regret and change their fighting styles.


A steady stream of vitality.

That kind of state where you don't have to worry about it and exert your extraordinary power with all your strength is so delicious!

The battle was cruel, but this time, they experienced the beauty of the battle.

"Oh, what a pity. If it could last another half hour, we would definitely be able to kill the beast tide!" Someone said with a look of regret.

However, his companions soon laughed and scolded him: "You think too much. Keeping thousands of extraordinary people alive for half an hour will drain the life of Lord Su Qi."

"That's right, we are satisfied, at least we are happy!" An apostle-level transcendent looked at the long knife that had been cut into the curling blade. The excitement on his face could not be calmed for a long time. With his own strength, in just ten minutes, He killed six king-level ferocious beasts in a row. Such a feat was something that would have been unthinkable before.

Such a powerful record is enough to show off to future generations.

You must know that aside from the top apostle-level extraordinary beings, the average apostle-level requires the strength of several people to defeat the king-level ferocious beasts of the same level.


With the continuous blessing of vitality, abandoning defense and putting all efforts on offense, the results achieved are amazing!


At this time, Nie Bao frowned, as if he was aware of the changes in the blazing sun of life.

The vitality dimmed and was replaced by endless will to die!

A kind of monstrous death intention that gathers all the evil spirits, blood energy, fear, despair and other negative energies in the battlefield!

Even before he had time to react, he saw the scorching sun turning extremely dark and instantly emitting dense death rays, as if the God of Death opened his eyes and wanted to drag everything he saw into hell!


The huge purple-black beam was like thunder, cutting back and forth across the battlefield.

Everywhere it went, every ferocious beast exploded into a ball of blood mist under the astonishing energy impact!

Among them, the most terrifying one is.

When the sandstorm advanced and touched the purple-black beam of light, it seemed as if a hole was cut instantly, and countless shrill beast roars rang out!

this moment.

Nie Bao and several other Destruction Level Transcendents couldn't help but look at each other, and were speechless for a moment.

They know deep down.

In the Holy City, the largest resources in the world are gathered, and almost every extraordinary person is developed to the maximum extent, so that in the future, the gap between extraordinary people of the same level will be reduced to a very small range.

Therefore, some extraordinary people with special extraordinary abilities will stand out.

And what Su Qi showed now gave them the feeling that there was an insurmountable gap between ordinary geniuses and legendary figures!

Originally, they thought that Su Qi's ability to advance to the destruction level in such a short period of time might be a little lacking in combat power. After all, realm can be compensated for by talent, but real combat experience and the exploration of extraordinary abilities. Although it can be obtained quickly through the Real Crystal of Reflection of the Heavens, obtaining it and using it skillfully are two different things. This requires precipitation in constant battles to form.

However, after they saw Su Qi's miraculous abilities, they knew that they had completely gone astray.

This kind of extraordinary power is simply born for war. There is no need to think about how to use it skillfully and it can be released without thinking.

at the same time.

They couldn't help but feel a little worried.

Su Qi reached such a height just by relying on himself.


What kind of price does the Holy City need to offer to satisfy the other party...

Just when these people were so shocked that they couldn't open their mouths from ear to ear, the sandstorm was torn into countless pieces by the power of the Pearl of Apocalypse, and became much thinner in an instant, which immediately relieved a lot of pressure on the extraordinary people on the battlefield.

This scene.

In an instant, many extraordinary people were extremely excited.

Among them, Jiang Dajun was even more unable to extricate himself. There was a ball of thunder jumping between his palms, gray mist filled the air around his body, and there seemed to be some kind of induction in the sky, and thunder kept falling.

He shouted: "His grandma, if you don't counterattack now, how will you wait!"

"This was originally our battle, but we unexpectedly used destructive power. Aren't you ashamed?"

Say it.

Jiang Dajun rushed into the sandstorm with Wanjun Thunder in his arms.

When Yun Ruhai who was near him saw this, he couldn't help but cursed: "What a reckless man. He just said not to go up to me, and then he rushed up on his own, even if he didn't die!"

At this time, Xie Jingwu, who was withdrawing his sword from the chest of a ferocious beast, glanced at Jiang Dajun, who was roaring, and said in a cold voice: "It's a bit reckless, but this is indeed a good counterattack." At the right time, the beast tide was cut into several parts, and a large number of ferocious beasts died instantly. Before they could react, now is the weakest moment of the beast tide!"

Saying this, he also raised his sword and rushed in along the short gap left by the terrifying ray that cut through the sandstorm just now.

When Qiu Ran and Chen Zhen saw this, they were naturally not willing to lag behind. They stirred up unparalleled strength and also killed them bravely.

In terms of recklessness, the two of them are experienced beings.

What dare we not do what you, Jiang Dajun, dare to do! ?

Not only them, but many people seized the fleeting opportunity and rushed decisively towards the broken black wall.

Among them, Xiaoyan's reaction was the fastest. The power of the disaster-level ferocious beast exerted its greatest effect when the beast tide was cut into pieces. It was like entering a deserted land, constantly destroying each and every one of them. The beast stood stunned.

For a moment.

The sandstorm that towered into the sky was shattered to pieces by the impact, and a large layer was thinned!

For the first time, there was a pushback situation, which made countless people happy.

At this time, high in the sky, Nie Bao couldn't help but frown again when he saw this: "Surge in morale is certainly a good thing, but such a desperate attack is likely to cause some unnecessary casualties, not to mention the beast tide. The temporary stagnation was due to being shocked by Su Qi's power."

"Once they react, the subsequent ferocious beasts will still pose a considerable threat to their lives."

In response, Su Qi smiled slightly and said, "This is easy to handle."

"One Pearl of Apocalypse is not enough, then try again."

The words just fell.

In Nie Bao's horrified eyes, Su Qi held his right hand empty, and once again drew the majestic and powerful life from the earth, condensed it into a Pearl of Apocalypse, and slowly rose.

So far.

Nie Bao couldn't help it anymore and said with regret on his face: "Master Su Qi, is it really okay for you to consume destructive power like this?"

"Why don't you stop and leave it to the weird creatures behind..."

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