Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 324 The Pearl of Apocalypse, the extraordinary ability that can change the situation of the

"I don't need you to take action now, District 9 is not that fragile."

Su Qi said slowly.

Whether they are the aborigines of District 9 or the later joiners of District 13 and District 13, they were originally living in the wilderness. In addition, after experiencing the despair of the city's destruction, their will to fight has long been tempered. Extremely tough.

not to mention.

The power that burst out from this desperate situation was enough to shake the world.


If they, Destruction Level Extraordinaries, attack with all their strength, this beast tide should be dispersed quickly without endangering the city.

However, for people like Nie Bao, their vitality and blood are slipping, and strange disasters can break out at any time. If they are used to deal with the beast tide in advance, it is a bit overkill and overkill.

Seeing the melee in the battlefield escalating, ferocious beasts rushed out from the sandstorm. The advantage in numbers quickly made up for the gap in strength. The extraordinary people fighting clearly felt the pressure, and some even appeared. casualties.

Su Qi immediately took action.

I saw him pointing forward.

The extraordinary beings who were fighting hard in the battlefield suddenly felt a majestic force gathering from all around the earth.

Immediately afterwards.

They saw a scorching sun containing infinite vitality, instantly rushing from the ground to the sky.

"Pearl of Apocalypse!"

Holy light shines.

Those injured extraordinary beings were pleasantly surprised to find that their wounds were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Among them, Jiang Dajun laughed excitedly: "Look, my niece and son-in-law took action as soon as he saw me injured. He is indeed the person I had chosen!"

"Bah, Jiang Dajun, you want to eat your face."

"It was obviously Mr. Su Qi who took action, but you said it was your niece and son-in-law's credit. Isn't it annoying?" Someone directly criticized him.

However, Jiang Dajun was not annoyed at all. These people joined District 9 later, and it was normal for them not to know about the relationship between Su Qi and his niece.

With a proud face on his face, he chuckled and said, "Hey, this guy doesn't know something. You can ask later about Su Qi's relationship with our Jiang family."

The others saw that what he said was true. After a while of suspicion, they continued to rush: "Even if what you said is true, you are too bad."

"If you're not bad, you won't be disemboweled by a ferocious beast."

"If you don't get disemboweled, Master Su Qi won't waste his strength..."

"Oh, think about it this way, if there is a strange invasion and Mr. Su Qi makes any mistakes due to excessive consumption, you will be the one who deserves to die!"

As soon as these words came out.

Jiang Dajun's face turned green instantly.

Why did you brag and let yourself go? When you think about it, it seems that you are really the eternal sinner.


Naturally, he didn't want to admit it, so he immediately held two balls of thunder in his hands and rushed toward the nearby ferocious beast!

And at this time.

In the battlefield, Yun Jin, Qu Xiaoyao, Xie Tianchen and other people who had witnessed Su Qi's unnatural methods, when they saw the scorching sun of life hovering in the sky, they felt as if they had been shot. He was killed in the tide of beasts.


There are also absolutely powerful means of killing!

If you are not crazy now, then you will be crazy!

As a result, a strange scene appeared on the battlefield. One after another, extraordinary beings were mercilessly killing the ferocious beasts. They looked even more ferocious than the ferocious beasts. They abandoned all means of defense and unleashed maximum lethality.

next moment.

The amazing scene was captured by other extraordinary beings.

Those extraordinary beings who seemed to have gone crazy exchanged injuries with the ferocious beasts. However, there were no casualties as they imagined, and the wounds healed dozens of times faster than the ferocious beasts!

"It's the power of the scorching sun!"

Some of the extraordinary beings with keen senses quickly noticed the clues and raised their heads to look high in the sky.

this moment.

These people were extremely shocked. They did not expect that the methods of the Destruction Level Transcendent were so outrageous.

If Nie Bao knew what these people were thinking, he would probably blush and retort: ​​"Don't talk nonsense, this special ability has nothing to do with whether it is a destruction level!"

That's right.

Even Nie Bao, a well-informed and experienced Destruction-level transcendent, was deeply shocked by the methods Su Qi showed!


It is an extraordinary ability that is completely tailor-made for war!

If this ability can only affect the caster himself, maybe they won't be so surprised. After all, if you can advance to the level of destruction, you will have some powerful extraordinary abilities at your side.

But such a perverted ability can not only be exerted on other people, but can also affect so many people at the same time.

At this moment, they could not imagine how popular such a character would be if he were placed on the battlefield to conquer other worlds!


"This is even more perverted than some natural disaster-level experts who have mastered some of the laws of life!"

Nie Bao and others' throats squirmed violently, as if they were little people who had never seen the world. They watched helplessly as a scarlet beast, as thin as dry wood, pressed down on a transcendent on the ground. The terrifying claw arms directly The lower body of the extraordinary person was crushed into bloody foam.

Just like that, the extraordinary person completed the reorganization of his body in the blink of an eye.

Not even more than a minute!

He can jump around lively and howl to kill the ferocious beast!

Moreover, they were surprised to find that under this injection of vitality, the advancement of the Black Wall came to a standstill.

This kind of stagnation is not the momentary stagnation caused by the corpse of the disaster-level ferocious beast just now. It lasts longer, like after being unable to advance, many ferocious beasts huddled together in the sandstorm, forming a trampling situation.


They also realized the reason why Su Qi didn't let them take action.


Even if they take action, it will only consume their own combat power and achieve the effect of improving the situation.

But Su Qi is different. Once he takes action, with this miraculous extraordinary ability, he consumes less energy and can stimulate the potential of other extraordinary beings to the greatest extent. It is really incredible.


Nie Bao looked at the blazing sun of life hovering in mid-air, and seemed to feel something.

His expression tightened.

It seems that in the battlefield, some invisible force is quietly accumulating under the pull of the scorching sun of life.

as expected.

It didn't take long for him to find that the color of the blazing sun of life had changed, and the life energy spilling out was gradually weakening.

"Is it because the murderous spirit in the battlefield is too strong, which affects the vitality?"

"It seems that this miraculous and extraordinary ability also has certain drawbacks."

Thinking of this, Nie Bao couldn't help but let out a long breath. After all, if there were no other restrictions on such an ability, it would be too perverted.

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