Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 323 The battle escalates and the momentum of District 9


The positions of the second line of defense and the third line of defense have been reversed.

Xiaoyan, Xia Shengxuan and other top apostle-level warriors charged directly forward, targeting those king-level ferocious beasts with powerful auras, acting like a filter, trapping other ferocious beasts into the second line of defense.

Directly extending the depth of the battlefield, thereby avoiding unnecessary casualties, and at the same time slowing down the momentum of the beast tide.

Especially the disaster-level ferocious beast controlled by Xiaoyan, once it joins the battle, it is like a lurking dragon out of the sea, and like a long whip, it whips towards the 'black wall'.


There was a silent explosion.

The air was suddenly compressed to the extreme, and then exploded!

Forming a kind of fluctuation that can make the world shake crazily, it hits the sandstorm unscrupulously!

For a moment.

The people in the city who were watching the battle nervously gasped subconsciously.


They saw that the advancement of the Black Wall had stalled for the first time!

A large number of ferocious beasts rushing forward were crushed into meat patties under the squeeze of this overwhelming force!

Balls of blood rain exploded one after another, forming a very spectacular scene!

Not only that.

Under Xiaoyan's control, the body of the disaster-level ferocious beast plunged into the sandstorm like a swimming dragon, and was immediately surrounded by densely packed ferocious beasts!

Although it is said that the extraordinary world respects the great power of the individual!

But once the number exceeds the limit that an individual's power can bear, the ants can also kill an elephant!

Just when everyone is worried about it.


In the surging black sandstorm, countless blazing red lights burst out, tearing apart the black wall with devastating force, taking away the lives of hundreds of ferocious beasts in an instant!

This is because after Xiaoyan's realm has been improved, she finally no longer has to directly and brutally confront the enemy with destruction-level power like before. Instead, she can activate some of the original innate magical powers of the disaster-level beast's corpse.


She also carefully implemented the combat plan tailored for her by Su Qi.

The power of the disaster-level ferocious beast will show a crushing attitude when fighting against the beast tide, but it cannot be blinded by this power. After all, it is not a real disaster-level ferocious beast. Its body is too large and it can cause a larger range of damage. , it is also easy to get involved and get stuck in the quagmire.


After killing all the ferocious beasts around her and attracting the attention of other ferocious beasts, she manipulated the corpse of the disaster-level ferocious beast to escape from the sandstorm, and then killed her from another direction!

at the same time.

The third line of defense formed by Xia Shengxuan and others also collided head-on with the top king-level ferocious beast.

A ferocious-looking beast, huge in size, with hair standing straight up all over its body, and a black aura covered by silver scales. It moved with its breath, and its sharp claws were filled with purple electricity. It roared loudly, Like a small mountain, it went straight towards Xia Shengxuan.

Regarding this, there was no trace of fear in Xia Shengxuan's eyes.

He slowly pulled out a long sword made of frost in the void.

In an instant, the speed exploded.

Behind him, there seemed to be a blizzard, vaguely forming the appearance of a vicious frost bird, and the long sword in his hand was the pointed beak of the vicious bird.


The edge of the sword tore open the air, and the high-frequency and slender air flow pulled out a long and sharp roar, reaching straight to the neck!

The top king-level ferocious beast sensed the danger, its pupils shrank suddenly, and it subconsciously turned its head to avoid the blow.


But a piece of its huge shoulders was still shaved off by Xia Shengxuan!

And in that terrifying wound, ice energy exploded and penetrated into the body, like countless knives, twisting in fiercely.

As an ice supernatural being, Xia Shengxuan was naturally thrown into the field of Frost Saya by Su Qi for several days of special training. Although the power of ice of Ghost Saya was formed through the medium of resentment, its origin is actually Extraordinary ice abilities.

After Xia Shengxuan spent several days with Saya, the lethality of his ice-type extraordinary abilities was significantly improved.

"You guys extend the front line a little longer and leave these ferocious beasts to me to deal with!" Xie Jingwu shouted in a cold voice.

As the sandstorm progressed, the number of king-level ferocious beasts that rushed out of it also reached an astonishing number. If the battle line was not long enough, some of the top king-level ferocious beasts might directly bypass them and rush to the second line of defense.

When the other people heard this, they decisively abandoned the ferocious beast that they intercepted and fled towards the distance. It was obvious that they recognized Xie Jingwu's strength very much.

The ferocious beast, which suddenly lost its target, immediately locked onto Xie Jingwu and swarmed forward.

After all, wherever you look, this transcendent person poses the greatest threat to them.

In an instant.

A strong wind swept through.

Sixty-seven top-notch king-level ferocious beasts charged at him with an overwhelming ferocious aura!

The energy in Xie Jingwu's body surged wildly, but on the surface he was calm and composed. He thrust the long sword in his hand into the ground.


Smoke and dust were billowing all around, and a sharp aura quietly climbed up.

The moment the group of king-level ferocious beasts attacked him, Xie Jingwu pinched his sword fingers and pointed at the blade of the long sword in front of him.

Between the lightning and flint.

A ball of brilliance surged!

Countless rays of sword energy surged out from the long sword, either chopping, slashing, stabbing, or teasing...

A big sun composed of countless sword energies exploded!

The top king-level ferocious beast that surrounded them was instantly dismembered into countless pieces, and the scene was extremely tragic.

This is a person who is usually inconspicuous in the Ninth District. Even though the cleaning company is at its peak and is being clung to by various forces, the Xie family does not do much.

The reason is that Xie Jingwu is different from other leaders of the plutocratic forces. He is the only one who wants to step into the destruction level with his own strength, thereby gaining the recognition of his family and returning to the Holy City!

After getting the quota in the training building.

He may not be the one with the most breakthroughs in realms, but his breathing method transformation is definitely far beyond that of ordinary people.

This kindness brought him closer to the destruction level, and his thoughts about returning to the Holy City were much reduced.


District 9 has a training building, which is no worse than some of the big families in the Holy City!

at this time.

Under the black wall.

All the extraordinary beings are showing off their magical powers, and seem to be using their powerful strength to declare to the world that the resources invested in us by the Ninth District have not been wasted!

The sandstorm is advancing and the battle is not escalating!

Everyone was fighting bloody battles, showing their indomitable side, which deeply shocked every pair of eyes paying attention to the battlefield!

Even high up in the sky, Nie Bao's few Destruction Level Extraordinaries who were ready to go were also infected.

this moment.

It actually gave them the illusion of returning to conquer the battlefield in another world.

Although the combat level here is much lower than that of the expedition to another world, the momentum that bursts out is not weaker at all.

"I don't know why, but my hands suddenly feel itchy." Nie Bao turned his wrist and looked dimly at the sandstorm that blocked the sky and the sun.

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