Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 317 Final preparations for war, the power of ghosts and gods reappears

at this time.

in the real world.

Waves of beasts formed one after another, raging in the wilderness.

Fortunately, there are now destruction-level powerhouses stationed in these dozen or so urban areas. Coupled with the successful cases in the ninth area, there has been no critical incident of a large-scale beast tide for the time being.


Even though these destructive-level powerhouses were dispatched one after another, trying their best to change the direction of the attack of the beast tide.

There are still many people who feel deeply uneasy, because behind the formation of these beast tides is the approaching change.


Coming down soon.

This seems to have become an irreversible fact.

Every city is shrouded in gloom and mist, and my heart seems to be weighed down by a huge boulder.

Among them, there are also extraordinary people who meticulously patrol every corner of the city wall, deploy city fire protection equipment, and form teams to clean up the ferocious beasts near the city, striving to minimize the harm of disasters.

Some ordinary workers, on the other hand, are deducing various situations day and night, revising emergency plans again and again. After all, with the previous experience of the 14th District, they at least do not need to be blind, and can formulate some targeted plans to reduce the harm. .

For example, if a strange invasion comes, how to effectively collect strange information, set up a monitoring system, notify the public, and reduce casualties.

Actively communicate various response measures to the people, integrate materials in urban areas, distribute them reasonably, maintain basic survival guarantees for ordinary people, etc.

all in all.

Now, all major urban areas, from top to bottom, are in a state of emergency preparedness.

The same is true for the Ninth District. The monitoring base stations set up in the wilderness were damaged one after another. This not only indicates that the strangeness is approaching, but even the communication between urban areas will be greatly affected. If the strange invasion cannot be resisted, In the end, they can only fight on their own.

"I don't know how many people died in this disaster!"

At this time, everyone's heart was heavy. Only when they thought of the destruction-level transcendent sitting in the city, the heaviness in their hearts was slightly relieved.

Lin Nan and others were also very busy. They had inquired about all the affairs in the city several times, for fear of any oversight.

Troops were stationed on the city walls, large ships were launched into the sky, and powerful mechas were patrolling back and forth. The entire ninth district was like a creeping beast, dormant in a low voice.

The training building is open to the public every day. The Extraordinary Guild Warehouse, the City Lord's Mansion Warehouse, and the Cleaning Company Warehouse distribute various materials like floods. Rare items such as the Heavenly Reflection True Crystal, perfect quality beast meat, ferocious beast crystal cores, etc. are all distributed in extremely high quality. Distributed at low prices.

After all, no matter how precious resources are, they are not as valuable as population.

As long as the population base can be maintained, these materials can be continuously obtained.

"Su Qi, let's hope we can survive this time safely."

Under such an atmosphere, even Su Doudou, who was usually extremely out-of-the-box, showed a worried look.

The current Su Doudou uses extraordinary objects as a medium and is personally protected by Pei Jing, allowing him to achieve extraordinary achievements without using the Heavenly Reflection True Crystal or touching the mysterious path.

In a daze, the skin of his body seemed to be filled with a layer of clear divine glow, which made Su Qi feel strange.

"In the Holy City, some of the core disciples have achieved extraordinary results through this method. Is it because they want to avoid the weird prying eyes in the mysterious way..."

"Awakening using extraordinary items as a medium has never been a mainstream method of awakening. Is it because there are some flaws in this method, or is it because extraordinary items are too rare and cannot be popularized?"

Su Qi thought about it and replied: "As long as you obey me quietly and don't do anything random, then it won't be a big problem."

Hearing this, Su Doudou curled his lips and said, "This matter of fighting against the disaster can also be related to me."

Su Qi said seriously: "Of course, your brother and I are now the top combat power in the ninth district. Think about it, what if I suddenly heard something went wrong on your side when I was fighting Weiyi? Will it cause chaos?"

"It may even trigger serious consequences and cause a large number of casualties."

There was no way, although Su Qi didn't want to put such a high hat on his sister, but in order to prevent her from making some dangerous actions in the future, he could only do this.

as expected.

When Su Doudou heard this, she subconsciously thought that Su Qi was trying to scare her, so she deliberately made the consequences so serious.

But when I think about it carefully, I feel that this is what happened.

after all.

If it were her, she would definitely be distracted when she learned the news about something happening to her family during the battle.

"Okay, I'm obedient. You told me to go east, but I will never go west..." Su Doudou felt the great responsibility and nodded solemnly.

Seeing this, Su Qi smiled and said, "Then come and take a look east."

"Su Qi!"

Between tension and relaxation, Su Doudou's worries instantly eased a lot.

After comforting his sister, Su Qi returned to the room, took the Real Crystal of Reflection of the Heavens, and slowly walked towards the spacious training room.

Now that he has a lot of ways to master, the probability of developing the ultimate ability will also decrease.


This is not entirely impossible.

While Su Qi was pacing, a certain premonition suddenly appeared in his heart, and this premonition came quickly and became stronger and stronger.

So, he subconsciously activated a True Crystal of Reflection of the Heavens.

The long river of history hidden in the endless heights trembles, and the mysterious path is illuminated.

A vast torrent of information fell out of thin air and rushed into his mind violently, like thunder from the sky stirring up fire on the earth, and that corner of confusion was revealed.

"When you untie your shackles and release the Shura of destruction in your heart, I will control your soul!"

Kazan of the Soul of the Blade, LV40, summons the ghosts and gods of destruction, the main killing attack, and our members within the domain are temporarily blessed by the Law of Destruction!

As soon as this ability was revealed, Su Qi's eyes widened and he immediately realized that the kill mechanism had been restarted!

It’s time to increase your strength again!

So, immediately activate the next Heavenly Reflection True Crystal.

"The profound hollow eyes attract enemies and weaken their bodies and minds."

The general ruthlessness of erosion, LV40, summons evil-eyed ghosts and gods, penetrates illusions, peeps into the fear in others' hearts, and makes them lose their ability to resist!

"The ghosts and gods who control all epidemics are also the creators of disasters."

Rakshasa of the Plague, LV40, summons ghosts and gods of plague, spreads the plague, causes the immortals to decline, and there is no eternal life in the world!

As the Heaven Reflection Real Crystals were activated, a big explosion seemed to have occurred in Su Qi's mind. The newly opened land was like Feng Shui and Fire, which actually made him in the Destruction Level realm feel a little overwhelmed.

Su Qi tried hard to restrain the desire in his heart and temporarily put away the Real Crystal of Reflection of the Heavens.


"As a higher-level existence than weird creatures, it has extraordinary abilities that are completely beyond the ordinary!"

"Don't get lost in this heightened pleasure, otherwise if you can't digest it, you may really burst!"

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