Weak support? My praise of life covers the whole world

Chapter 318 A strange outbreak occurs and disaster strikes

The next day.

A large number of huge mechanical bodies converged towards District 9 from the wilderness.

It was Chu Qingfeng's handiwork.

Although he initially thought about leaving after facing the destruction-level inhuman aliens of the Evolutionary God Cult, he finally chose to stay.

This change started when Lin Nan handed the Heavenly Reflection True Crystal that he had obtained through blackmail into his hands.

"I, Mr. Chu, have always regarded money as dirt, but I can't resist such kindness, and my mind is always affected by the disaster area. In this case, I can only join hands with you to go through this disaster together!"

Chu Qingfeng was full of energy, no longer hiding his strength, and directly joined the defense work of the ninth district as a staff officer.

And he did not hesitate to contribute all the mechanical bodies accumulated over the years to contribute to the defense of the 9th District.


After learning that Su Qi had been promoted to the level of destruction, he had been patiently waiting for the other party to pay three visits to the thatched cottage, but he didn't expect that the little guy didn't seem to think of him at all, which made him anxious and angry.

That's right.

Although there are many destructive-level transcendent beings supported by the Holy City, they are all crooked.

You Su Qi didn't come to me immediately, but instead pinned your hopes on them. Isn't this picking up sesame seeds and throwing away watermelons?

Just when he couldn't hold it any longer and was so anxious that he was about to come and introduce himself.


Lin Nan is here.

He immediately burst into tears!


Chu Qingfeng knew very well that no matter how much he searched for the mechanical army in his mind, it would still be extremely difficult to set it up, otherwise the Supreme Court would not have been unwilling to allocate funds for it.

But it's different now.

A young Holy Lord is still alive.

Given that he has been lurking in District 9 for so many years, it is very important to know whether he is the protector of the Young Holy Lord or a speculator in the future!

The former can obtain countless resources for him in the Holy City.

Therefore, after Lin Nan arrived, he secretly activated a large number of surveillance equipment and captured the precious and historic video of 'The young Holy Lord's confidant came to invite me out of the mountain' from 360-degree angles!

It would be okay if Su Qi couldn't reach that realm.

If one day I am truly promoted to the Supreme Holy Lord, I can eat him for ten lifetimes!


After Chu Qingfeng was hired as the city defense staff, he immediately spent all his money to frantically reinforce and strengthen the city defense force!

On the one hand, it is to show one's strength, on the other hand, it is to gain a sense of presence at this critical node!

He is incomparable to Pei Jing, the young Holy Lord's enlightenment mentor, but other crooks dare to compete with him for the status of protector! ?

"Oh, who is the genius who came up with this firepower equipment of yours!?"

"It's because I don't have any brains, or I don't have it."

"With your current firepower, you cannot pose a threat to the strange creatures at all, so all the mechanical forces in the city, except those responsible for transmitting information, have been moved outside the city!"

"Stop the ferocious beast and buy more time for everyone, that's what you have to do!"

In a conference room in the city lord's palace, Chu Qingfeng slapped the table directly, the sound shook the rubble, as if he was afraid that others wouldn't hear.

Qiu Ran and Chen Zhen were so angry that their faces turned red.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party is a destruction-level transcendent, I would...

God is not blind to allow such a fool to be promoted to the destruction level. If he had known about it earlier, he would have been more ruthless when he was hiding his identity.

Don't miss this opportunity again!

Just as major urban areas were in a state of intense preparation for war, which lasted for dozens of days.


All the people in major urban areas could not feel at peace. An inexplicable anxiety came out of nowhere, making them unable to breathe.

"what happens?"

"Damn it, why do I suddenly feel so tight in my chest, and my hands and feet are shaking all the time!"

"Hey, is everyone like this?"

The Internet was buzzing for a while, and countless messages were circulating crazily on major online platforms, trying to use this method to relieve some of the anxiety in my heart.


After learning that almost everyone had the same symptoms, my anxiety not only did not decrease, but actually got worse.

A terrifying thought emerged in everyone's mind.


Could it be that... the disaster has begun! ?

At this moment, Su Qi and others also walked out of their respective residences with solemn expressions, and soared into the sky in unison. Judging from their expressions, it was obvious that this sudden panic had even affected the Destruction Level Extraordinary.

"Something must have gone wrong on the real battlefield. A disaster may be about to break out." At this time, Nie Bao's back was completely soaked in cold sweat.

He is not afraid of disaster, nor is he afraid that strong human beings will lose in the real battlefield.

Instead, there seemed to be some kind of terrifying aura in the air. When he caught some of it, cold sweat broke out uncontrollably.

"What exactly is going on?"

"Could it be that the strange creature we lured into the depths of the wilderness has come back?"

"Or it could be said that a more powerful strange creature is about to arrive."

His eyes flashed with brilliance, and he stared straight into the distance, as if he wanted to see something.

At this time, Pei Jing suddenly spoke up: "It's weird, time seems to have become extremely unstable all of a sudden."

Time refers to a certain node in time.

In his perception, time should have passed very smoothly, forming a stable time. But now, time seemed to be interfered by some powerful force and began to become chaotic, like a lake surface that was originally as smooth as a mirror, suddenly Being thrown into a boulder caused irregular ripples.

"Hold on!"

"there is always a solution to a problem!"

"We will first resist the spreading disaster, and then wait for an opportunity to enter District 13 and go straight to the source." At this time, Su Qi repeated the consensus of the original meeting.

at this point.

It is also recognized by the vast majority of destruction-level extraordinary beings.

after all.

If the strange creatures wandering over cannot be completely wiped out, if they enter the Thirteenth District and cannot find the key to the great fusion of the world immediately and eliminate the source of the mutation, then they will be trapped in a situation where they are attacked from both sides.

Say it.

A bright golden light bloomed from Su Qi's body, like a bright sun, shining on the earth.

This is based on the fact that when I was in District 13, I gave several buffs to the people in the city to achieve a pacifying effect.


It was somewhat different from what he imagined. Even if he temporarily enhanced the vitality of ordinary people, it would be difficult to resist the unreasonable anxiety.

at the same time.

District 13.

In that place that was reduced to ruins, the scope of the mysterious cemetery has spread to a very wide extent and is endless.

High in the sky.

Suddenly a huge hole opened.


The terrifying sound waves swept through everything at extremely fast speeds.

Immediately afterwards.

In that huge hole, a figure fell down, and the position where the figure fell was clearly the center of the cemetery.

A moment.

The huge black shadows in the sky all around started to move. They used their hands and feet together, as if they had broken free from some kind of restraint, and their bodies became more solid.

In a certain dark river, hideous and terrifying black shadows are also climbing up one after another. With every step they take, the details on their bodies become more detailed!

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